"Ananda, dyrr cincniu liw soxx bingvik :ee, bagjiux qapp sikdinn juewjniaa inenn snix cud ganxsig. Jitt xee ganxsig si knikib bagjiux ee qinkir soxx snix :ee, ixx bagjiux jyr hanrqair? Iacc knikib sikdinn soxx snix :ee, ixx sikdinn jyr hanrqair? Ananda,narr knikib bagjiux soxx snix :ee, qacc byy sikdinn qapp kanghux, dyrr byy sniaw tangx hunvet :ee. Dyrr junw u liw ee ganxsig, u sniaw loring lehh? Liw ee qenwsingr iarr m si cnix :ee, ngg :ee, angg :ee, iacc vec :ee. Byy sniaw soxx viauxsi :ee beh an' dyhh qenwlip hanrqair? Narr knikib sikdinn soxx snix :ee, kanghux byy sikdinn ee sii, liw ee ganxsig ingdongx bet .kir. Anwjnuaw ganxsig jaix jitt xee hukongsingr? Narr siksiong quexvnir ee sii, liw iarr jaix hitt xee siksiong venwcenx. Mrqycc liw ee ganxsig byy venwcenx, hanrqair an' dyhh qenwlip? Duer quexvnir laii quewvnir, vitdnia byy hanrqair ee siongwtew. Byy quexvnir dyrr si vutsii ciangjai. Qacc an' sikdinn soxx snix :ee, ingqaix m jaix hukongx ee soxjai. Narr liongw qiamx, ganxsig si bagjiux ee qinkir qapp sikdinn snaqab snisingg :ee. Hap jywhuew dyrr ganxsig diongx:a u lirpang; hunlii dyrr ganxsig nng jiongw longxx u camcab. Texsingr capjap, hanrqair anwjnuaw singlip? Soxiw qongxx qaidongx jaix bagjiux qapp sikdinn juewjniaa inenn snix ganxsig ee hanrqair, jitt snax xui longxx byy junjai. Dyrr si bagjiux qapp sikdinn, ixqip sikdinn ee hanrqair jitt snax xee vunxguann m si inenn camcab, iarr m si jurhuad tenzenn :ee."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 3 --15)
"Ánanda, as you understand it, the eyes and forms create the conditions that produce the eye-consciousness. Is this consciousness produced because of the eyes, such that the eyes are its realm? Or is it produced because of forms, such that forms are its realm? Ánanda, if it were produced because of the eyes, then in the absence of emptiness and form it would not be able to make distinctions; and so, even if you had a consciousness, of what use would it be? Moreover, your seeing is neither green, yellow, red, nor white. There is virtually nothing in which it is represented. Therefore, from what would the realm be established? If it were produced because of form, then when no forms were present in emptiness, your consciousness would cease to be. Then, why is it that the consciousness recognizes emptiness? If a form changes, you are also conscious of the form’s changing appearance, but your eye-consciousness does not change. Where is the boundary established? If the eye-consciousness did change when form changed, then such a realm would have no attributes. If it did not change, it would be constant, and given that it was produced from form, it should have no conscious knowledge of where emptiness was. If they were combined, then there would be a crack in-between. If they were separate, then half of your eye-consciousness would possess awareness and half of it would lack awareness. With such chaotic and disordered substances and natures, how could they comprise a realm? From this you should understand that as to the eyes and form being the conditions that produce the realm of eye-consciousness, none of the three places exists. Fundamentally the natures of the eyes, forms, and the form realm, these three, cannot be attributed to either causes and conditions or spontaneity."
阿難。如汝所明。眼色為緣。生於眼識。此識為復因眼所生。以眼為界。因色所生。以色為界。 阿難。若因眼生。既無色空。無可分別。縱有汝識。欲將何用。汝見又非青黃赤白。無所表示。從何立界。若因色生。空無色時。汝識應滅。云何識知是虛空性。若色變時。汝亦識其色相遷變。汝識不遷。界從何立。從變則變。界相自無。不變則恒。既從色生。應不識知虛空所在。若兼二種。眼色共生。合則中離。離則兩合。 體性雜亂。云何成界。是故當知眼色為緣。生眼識界。三處都無。則眼與色。及色界三。本非因緣。非自然性。