"Purna, bongrsiongw ee vunxsingx iarr cincniu jitt kuanw, beh tacc u sniaw junjai ee in'iuu? Liw narsaiw byy duer lecc siy' lensuar byy tingg kir hunvet sewqanx, qiabjer-qongqyw, qapp jiongwsingx jitt snax jiongw, snax jiongw knikib ee en'iuu dng .kir, snax jiongw kixinx dyrr be snix .cud .laii. Anxnex liw simdiongx cniurr Yajnadatta ee qongluan singwjingg dyrr qaqi hiycdiam. Hiycdiam dyrr si potee, cingjing buviw, vunxsimx bingqngx, vunxdew dirr huatqair siwqer dyrr longxx u, m si an' langg hiax did .diyc .ee. Tacc diyhh jiyh lydong qinqud qutlat decc siulen qriuu did bingjingr lehh? Piwlun qongxx u jit xee langg dirr qaqi ee snxax lairdew qad zuir jux, mrqycc qaqi byy diwqag. Ix dirr tahiongx sanr qaxx diyhh hiyh tnilo, diyhh jyr kitjiac siwqer jauxjongg. Sidjer-siong sanwciah laii qongw, vyxjux m bad prangw .qnir. Hutzenqanx u jit xee u diwhuiw :ee qra ix jixsi qongxx u hitt liap jux, simx soxx guan longxx e jniaa. Diwsuw jitt xee langg au .laii vnir dua huwongx, ix jiacc liauxgno vyxjux m si an' guarkauw did .diyc .ee"
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --13)
"Purna, falseness is the same way. How can it exist? You only need not follow discriminations about the three kinds of continuity of the world, beings, and karmic retributions. By cutting off those three conditions, the causes will not arise. Then the madness, like Yajnadatta’s, will cease by itself. Once it ceases, Bodhi appears. The supreme, pure, bright mind originally pervades the Dharma Realm. It is not something obtained from anyone else. Why, then, toil at cultivation making yourself bone-tired trying to gain certification? Consider a person who has a wish fulfilling pearl sewn into his clothing but does not know it. Poverty-stricken and ragged, he roams around begging for food and always on the move. Although he is indeed destitute, the pearl is never lost. Suddenly a wise person points out the pearl: then all his wishes are fulfilled, he obtains great wealth, and he realizes that the pearl did not come from somewhere outside."
富樓那。妄性如是。因何為在。汝但不隨分別世間業果眾生三種相續。三緣斷故。三因不生。則汝心中演若達多狂性自歇。歇即菩提。勝淨明心。本周法界。不從人得。何藉劬勞肯綮修證。譬如有人於自衣中繫如意珠。不自覺知。窮露他方。乞食馳走。雖實貧窮。珠不曾失。忽有智者指示其珠。所願從心。致大饒富。方悟神珠 非從外得。