
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-6-15)

15. Lorbuew ee Nibbana
Hitt jun, Sewjunx diamr dirr Kurinara, Malla Jok ee Upavattana, dirr nng jangg sala-ciu diongx:a zip liappuann.

Hitt sii, Sewjunx hoqiyr jiongww bikiu qongxx, “Jiongww bikiu! Guaw dnaxx qra linw qongw. Diyhh qutlat jingjinr byy hongwdong. Soxu ee hing’uii longxx si snix-bet ee hxuad.” Jex si Zulaii juewau ee qawsi.

Hitt sii, Sewjunx zip derr id senn, iu’ derr id senn kiw, zip derr zi senn. Iu’ derr zi senn kiw, zip derr snax senn. Iu’ derr snax senn kiw, zip derr sir senn. Iu’ derr sir senn kiw, zip hukongx byy vnix dinwding. Iu’ hukongx byy vnix dinwding kiw, zip iwsig byy vnix dinwding. Iu’ iwsig byy vnix kiw, zip benw soxjai dinwding. Iu’ benw soxjai dinwding kiw, zip be-sniu iacc be-be-sniu ee soxjai dinwding.

Iu’ be-sniu iacc be-be-sniu ee dinwding kiw, zip benw soxjai dinwding. Iu’ benw soxjai dinwding kiw, zip iwsig byy vnix dinwding. Iu’ iwsig byy vnix dinwding kiw, zip hukongx byy vnix dinwding. Iu’ hukongx byy vnix dinwding kiw, zip derr sir senn. Iu’ derr sir senn kiw, zip derr snax senn. Iu’ derr snax senn kiw, zip derr zi senn. Iu’ derr zi senn kiw, zip derr id sxenn.

Iu’ derr id senn kiw, zip derr zi senn. Iu’ derr zi senn kiw, zip derr snax senn. Iu’ derr snax senn kiw, zip derr sir senn. Derr sir senn jid'err cuthen, Sewjunx jiksii zip liappuann.

Sewjunx zip liappuann ar. Dirr ix zip liappuann ee sii, Huantenx Sahampati cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Sewqanx itcer u jxingg :ee,
Jaxban diyhh siar jitt srinx.
Dirr sewqanx buviw :ee,
Did lat ee Zulaii,
U jniawqag ee dairsux,
Ixx zip liappuann.”

Sewjunx zip liappuann ar. Dirr ix zip liappuann ee sii, tnider cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Soxu hing’uii sidjai busiongg,
Dy' si snix-bet ee singwjid.
U snix vitding u bet,
Liac jigbet juer hingrhog.”

Sewjunx zip liappuann ar. Dirr ix zip liappuann ee sii, junjiaw Onanda cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Hitt sii guaw jin’ qniahniaa,
Guaw ee xmngg jiauu kia .kiw .laii.
Itcer busiong ee sxiongr jiauvi,
Qakjiaw zip liappuann.”

Sewjunx zip liappuann ar. Dirr ix zip liappuann ee sii, junjiaw Anuruddha cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Byy suh kuir iacc trow kuir,
Simx kakkag dirr dinwding.
Byy iogbong laii uwuer jigjing,
U bagjiux :ee liappuann.
Byy jipdiok simx kuankuah,
E kamx did siw ee koxnauw.
Kyxviw dinghuew siausid,
Hex si simx ee qaixtuad.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-6-15)  
15. Final Nibbana
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Kusinara in Upavattana, the sala tree grove of the Mallans, between the twin sala trees, on the occasion of his final Nibbana.

Then the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Now I address you, bhikkhus: Constructions are bound to perish. Strive to attain the goal by diligence.” This was the last utterance of the Tathagata.

Then the Blessed One attained the first jhana. Having emerged from the first jhana, he attained the second jhana. Having emerged from the second jhana, he attained the third jhana. Having emerged from the third jhana, he attained the fourth jhana. Having emerged from the fourth jhana, he attained the base of the infinity of space. Having emerged from the base of the infinity of space, he attained the base of the infinity of consciousness. Having emerged from the base of the infinity of consciousness, he attained the base of nothingness. Having emerged from the base of nothingness, he attained the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception. 

Having emerged from the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, he attained the cessation of perception and feeling. Having emerged from the cessation of perception and feeling, he attained the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception. Having emerged from the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, he attained the base of nothingness. Having emerged from the base of nothingness, he attained the base of the infinity of consciousness. Having emerged from the base of the infinity of consciousness, he attained the base of the infinity of space. Having emerged from the base of the infinity of space, he attained the fourth jhana. Having emerged from the fourth jhana, he attained the third jhana. Having emerged from the third jhana, he attained the second jhana. Having emerged from the second jhana, he attained the first jhana.

Having emerged from the first jhana, he attained the second jhana. Having emerged from the second jhana, he attained the third jhana. Having emerged from the third jhana, he attained the fourth jhana. Having emerged from the fourth jhana, immediately after this the Blessed One attained final Nibbana.

When the Blessed One attained final Nibbana, simultaneously with his final Nibbana Brahma Sahampati recited this verse:
“All beings in the world
Will finally lay the body down,
Since such a one as the Teacher,
The peerless person in the world,
The Tathagata endowed with the powers,
The Buddha, has attained final Nibbana.”

When the Blessed One attained final Nibbana, simultaneously with his final Nibbana
Sakka, lord of the devas, recited this verse:
“Impermanent indeed are constructions,
Subject to arising and vanishing.
Having arisen, they cease:
Their appeasement is blissful”

When the Blessed One attained final Nibbana, simultaneously with his final Nibbana
the Venerable Onanda recited this verse:
“Then there was terror,
Then there was trepidation,
When the one perfect in all excellent qualities,
The Buddha, attained final Nibbana.” 

When the Blessed One attained final Nibbana, simultaneously with his final Nibbana
the Venerable Anuruddha recited these verses: 
“There was no more in-and-out breathing
In the Stable One of steady mind
When unstirred, bent on peace,
The One with Vision attained final Nibbana.
With unshrinking mind
He endured the pain;
Like the quenching of a lamp
Was the deliverance of the mind.”

(相應部 1-6-15)
世間諸有情   遲早捨身此
世間無比者   如來得力者
正覺者大師   已入於涅槃
諸行實無常   是為生滅性
生者必有滅   以寂滅為樂
其時我恐怖   我毛髮豎立
一切勝相具   覺者入涅槃
出息入息無   心確立於定
無欲污寂靜   有眼者涅槃
無著心寬廣   堪於死苦惱
如燈之消逝   是心之辭脫

