
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-11-1)

Derr Jap-id Qngw: Sakka Siong'ingr
(Id) Suvira
1. Suvira
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnix. Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw. Sewjunx dirr jiax duiww jiongww bikiu qongw, “Jiongww bikiu!”
Hiaxee jiongww bikiu hongrdab Sewjunx qongxx, “Si, Sewjunx!”

Sewjunx suansuad qongxx, “Jiongww bikiu! Ingxzit asura qongqig jiongww tnisinn. Jiongww bikiu! Hitt si tender Sakka hoqiyr tenjuw Suvira qongxx, ‘Guaw tniawtangr ee qniaw Suvira! Dnaxx jiaxee asura qongqig jiongww tnisinn. Guaw tniawtangr ee qniaw Suvira, liw kir jenr asura.’ Jiongww bikiu! Tenjuw Savira hongrdab tender Sakka qongxx, ‘Hyw, junjiaw’, mrqycc hongwdong.

Jiongww bikiu! Tender Sakka derr zi vaiw… 

Jiongww bikiu! Tender Sakka derr snax vaiw hoqiyr tenjuw Suvira qongxx,  ‘Guaw tniawtangr ee qniaw Suvira! Dnaxx jiaxee asura qongqig jiongww tnisinn. Guaw tniawtangr ee qniaw Suvira, liw kir jenr asura.’ Jiongww bikiu! Tenjuw Savira hongrdab tender Sakka qongxx, ‘Hyw, junjiaw’, mrqycc hongwdong.

Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii tender Sakka iong jimgensix duiww tenjuw Savira qongw:
‘Byy jingjinr byy qutlat,
Iarr tangx drat qaur anlok :ee,
Savira jenongw kir hiax,
Guaw iarr beh dirr hitt xui druar.’

‘Vinrdnua byy qutlat,
Qaix jyr :ee byy jyr,
Itcer iogbong iarr tangx buanxjiog,
Cniaw jixsi jitt hy siongrr hyw ee soxjai.’

‘Vinrdnua byy qutlat,
Iarr tangx did diyc buhan kuaiwlok :ee,
Savira kir hiax,
Guaw iarr beh dirr hitt xui druar.’

‘Guaw ee jruw Sakka,
Benw jyh, qycc byy visiongx qapp juadbong,
Iarr tangx did diyc anlok ee dy,
Cniaw jixsi jitt hy siongrr hyw ee dy.’

‘Narr sniaw longxx byy jyr,
Iarr tangx be sueter :ee,
Jex kaksit si liappuann ee dy.
Savira kir hiax,
Guaw iarr beh dirr hitt xui druar.’

Jiongww bikiu! Tender Sakka kyr qaqi ee qongdig qapp qyxvyr, laii tongxdi Tavatimsa Tnix, ingqaix e ylyw qutlat qapp jingjinr :ee. Jiongww bikiu! Linw jiaxee dirr jiax, dirr gauu qangxsuad hxuad qapp ludle ee soxjai cutqex. Uirr beh dadsingg iauxx bue dadsingg :ee, uirr beh qniaa qaur iauxx bue qniaa qaur :ee, uirr beh sidhen iauxx bue sidhen :ee, u decc kinbenw, hunwhuad qapp jingjinr :ee, linw jiaxee jiacc tangx henxhiau jiaxee su.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-11-1)  
Chapter 11 Connected Discourses with Sakka 
I. The First Chapter (Suvira)
1. Suvira 
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Savatthi in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapindika’s Park. There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thu s: “Bhikkhus!” 
“Venerable sir!” those bhikkhus replied. 

The Blessed One said this: “Bhikkhus, once in the past the asuras marched against the devas. Then Sakka, lord of the devas, addressed Suvira, a son of the devas, thus: ‘Dear Suvira, these asuras are marching against the devas. Go, dear Suvira, launch a counter-march against the asuras. ’ – ‘Yes, your lordship,’ Suvira replied, but he became negligent.

A second time Sakka addressed Suvira … but a second time Suvira became negligent. 

A third time Sakka addressed Suvira … but a third time Suvira became negligent. Then, bhikkhus, Sakk a addressed Suvira in verse: 

‘Where one need not toil and strive 
Yet still may attain to bliss: 
Go there, Suvira, And take me along with you.’ 


‘That a lazy man who does not toil 
Nor attend to his duties 
Might still have all desires fulfilled: 
Grant me that, Sakka, as a boon.’


‘Where a lazy man who does not toil 
Might achieve unending bliss: 
Go there, Suvira, 
And take me along with you.’ 


‘The bliss, supreme deva, we might find 
Without doing work, O Sakka, 
Sorrowless, without despair: 
Grant me that, Sakka, as a boon.’ 


‘If there exists any place anywhere 
Where without work one won’t decline, 
That is indeed Nibbana’s path: 
Go there, Suvira, 
And take me along with you.’

“So, bhikkhus, if Sakka, lord of the devas, subsisting on the fruit of his own merit, exercising supreme sovereignty and rulership over the Tavatimsa devas, will be one who speaks in praise of initiative and energy, then how much more would it be fitting here for you, who have gone forth in such a well-expounded Dhamma and Discipline, to toil, struggle, and strive for the attainment of the as-yet-unattained, for the achievement of the as-yet-unachieved, for the realization of the as-yet-unrealized.” 

(相應部 1-11-1)
第十一 帝釋相應
第一 帝釋品
無勵無勤勉   達安樂處者
須毘羅前往   我亦往其處
懶惰無勤勉   不為所應為
一切愛欲繁   示其最勝處
懶惰無勤勵   得無限樂者
須毘羅去往   我亦往其處
我天主帝釋   無作悲絕望
得安樂道者   示其最勝道
若是無所作   決無有老者
此實涅槃道   須毘羅去往

