
Vimalakirti Qingx (jap-1)

Derr Jap Pinw: Jikju Pangbi Vut

Hitt sijun, Sariputra simlai sniu qongxx, “Beh daur :ar. Jiaxee posad beh jiac sniaw lehh?”

Hitt sii, Vimalakirti jai’ngiaw ix soxx sniu, dyrr qra qongw, “Vuddyy enxsuad quer veh jiongw qaixtuad. Zinjiaw u siongsinr qycc u hongrhingg, nacc tangx dirr tniax Hxuad ee sii qycc decc sniu jiac? Narr beh jiac, siyxdanw lehh. E hro liw jiac diyc m bad jiac .quer .ee.”

Hitt sii, Vimalakirti dyrr zip samadhi, ixx sintongx-lat dirr dairjiongr binrjingg henrcud dirr sewqair dingxbin quer sir-jap-zi diauu Ganges Hyy suax sowliong ee vudtow, u jit xee qog qiyr jyr Sarvagandhasugandha (Qokk Jiongw Pangbi), vut hy jyr Sugandhakuta(Jikju Pangbi), jitmaw iaxx dilehh. Hitt qog ee pangkir vixqaur sibhongx jiongww vut ee sewqair ixqip zinqanx qapp tenzinn ee pangkir longxx kacc ngiaa. Hitt xee qoktow byy sniabunn iacc pratyekabuddha, dna’ u cingjing ee dua posad. Vut uirr inx enxsuad Hxuad. Hitt xee sewqair itcer longxx ixx pangbi jyr lauqyh, qniaa .quer ee soxjai, huehngg qapp uanlimm longxx u pangbi. Hiax ee jiahsit pangx cingwcingr, tangx tuann qaur sibhongx buliong sewqair. Hitt sii, hitt xui vut qapp jiongww posad jre lecc dauwdin jiac. U jerje xui tenjuw longxx hy jyr Gandhavyuhahara(Pangbi Jonggiamm), longxx huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, qiong’iongw hitt xui vut qapp jiongww posad. Jiaxee dairjiongr byy jit xee byy knuar .diyc.

Hitt sii, Vimalakirti mng jiongww posad qongxx, “Jiongww zinjiaw! Si’angw tangx kir hitt xui vut hiax jah quaw vng .dngw .laii?”

In’ui Manjusri u uisinn-lat, soxiw dag’ee longxx diam diam.

Vimalakirti qongw, “Linw jiaxee zinjiaw, qamxx be qamxqag qenwsiaur?”

Manjusri qongw, “Vuddyy u qongw .quer, qongxx m tangx knuawkinx byy yc :ee.”

Hitt sijun, Vimalakirti byy an’ jyrui vreh kiw, dirr huathue ee jingwlangg binrjingg venr cud jit xee posad .cud .laii. Huawsinx-posad hyw siongwmau, qongbingg, uidig buviw, sringr quer huathue lairdew ee jingwlangg. Vimalakirti qra ix qongw, "Liw kir sewqair dingxbin quer cincniu sir-jap-zi diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee vudtow, u jit xee qog qiyr jyr Qokk Jiongw Pangbi. Vut hy jyr Jikju Pangbi, ham’ jiongww posad dauwdin jre lecc jiac. Liw kir hiax jiauww guaw ee ue qongw, 'Vimalakirti hiongr Sewjunx ee kax qui lecc vair, hiongr liw dua dua mngranx, mng qongxx kixqux si m si hranw did puawvni, hranw did huanlyw, si m si u anlok. Hibang Sewjunx qra jiac cunx :ee sisiar hro syvyy sewqair tangx jyr vudsu, hro jiaxee hingr siyxsingg :ee tangx suan'iongg Dairsing ee Dy, iarr hro Zulaii ee miasniax dirr siwqer virr tniax .diyc.'"

Hitt sii, huawsinx-posad dyrr dirr huathue sringx qaur dingxbin. Jingwlangg longxx knuar diyc ix kir qaur Qokk Jiongw Pangbi ee sewqair hiongr  hitt xui vut ee kax vair, qycc tniax diyc ix qongw, “Vimalakirti hiongr sewjunx ee kax qui lecc vair, hiongr liw dua dua mngranx, mng qongxx kixqux si m si hranw did puawvni, hranw did huanlyw, si m si u anlok. Hibang Sewjunx qra jiac cunx :ee sisiar hro syvyy sewqair tangx jyr vudsu, hro jiaxee hingr siyxsingg :ee tangx suan'iongg Dairsing ee Dy, iarr hro Zulaii ee miasniax dirr siwqer virr tniax .diyc.

Hiaxee jiongww dairsu knuar diyc huawsinx-posad, janwtanr qongxx ixjaw m bad duw  .quer.  Inx mng Vuddyy qongxx, “Jitt xui siongrzinn an’ dyhh laii? Syvyy Sewqair dirr dyc'ui? Simxmic qiyr jyr hingr siyxsingg :ee?”

Vuddyy qra inx qongw, “Erbin qingquer cincniu sir-jap-zi diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee vudtow, u jit xee sewqair qiyr jyr Syvyy, vut hy jyr Sakyamuni, jitmaw dirr gnow-lyy og sxer uirr hingr siyxsingg ee jiongwsingx enxsuad qauwgi. Hiax u jit xee posad qiyr jyr Vimalakirti, diamr dirr vutkyw-sugi ee qaixtuad qingxqair, uirr jiongww posad suathuad, soxiw kenxpair huawsinx-posad laii cing’iongg guaw ee miaa, vingwcniaw janwtanr jitt xee qoktow, hro hiaxee posad jingqax qongdig.”

Hiaxee posad qongw, “Jitt xee langg tangx jyr jitt hy venwhuar, uidig ee ligliong qapp byy qnia’uir ee sintongx-lat si m si jiokk dua?”

Vuddyy qongw, “Jiokk dua. Itcer sibhongx, ix longxx tangx paiwkenw huawsinx sihingg vudsu laii lirig jiongwsingx.”

Dyrr anxnex, Jikju Pangbi Zulaii iong jerje pangx vxuah drew muaw pangx vng hro huawsinx-posad. Hitt sii, hiaxee qauw-vah-bxan xee posad longxx huad sniax qongw, “Guaw beh vaiwhongw Syvyy Sewqair kir qiong’iongw Sakyamuni Vut, qycc beh qnir Vimalakirti dringw jerje posad.”

Vuddyy qongw, “Linw tangx kir. Diyhh qra linw sinkux ee pangbi siux .kiw .laii, m tangx hro hiaxee jiongwsingx kiw gihik iacc jipdiok ee simx. Qycc diyhh kiwsag linw ee guanvunw ee hxingg, m tangx hro hitt qog beh qriuu jyr posad :ee jurvix snix kiw qenwsiaur. Qycc linw dirr hiax m tangx u kingsi qapp iamwor ee sniurhuad. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Sibhongx qoktow longxx cincniu hukongx. Qycc hiaxee vut uirr beh qauwhuar jerje hingr siyxsingg :ee, be juanvo henrcud cingjing ee qoktow ne.”

Hitt sii, huanwsinx-posad qacc u jiapsiu vxuah ee vng, dyrr ham’ hitt qauw-vah-bxan xui posad dauwdin, singsiu vut ee uisinn qapp Vimalakirti ee lat, dirr hitt xee sewqair hutzenn byy .kir, bak nih quw jiqanx dyrr qaur Vimalakirti ee cur. Hitt sii, Vimalakirti dyrr venr cud qauw-vah-bxan jiah sraix-jyrui, cincniu jinwjingg :ee hiacc bixhyw qapp jonggiamm. Jiongww posad longxx jre .kiw .kir. Jitt xee huawsinx-posad qra drew muaw pangx vng ee vxuah qaux hro Vimalakirti. Vng ee pangbi tuann qaur Vaisali Sniaa qapp samcenx daircenx sewqair. Hitt sii, Vaisali ee brahman qapp qusu dringw pnri diyc jitt xee pangx bi, srinx qapp simx longxx kuaiwir, janwtanr qongxx m bad u :ee. 

Diongxjiaw ee tauu Candracchattra cua veh-bxan sir-cingx langg zip laii Vimalakirti ee cur-lai, knuar diyc cur-lai u jiokk je posad, soxu sraix-jyrui iurr quann iurr kuah iurr jonggiamm, longxx dua hnuahiw, hiongr posad qapp dua derjuw qingwlew liauxau dyrr dirr vnix:a kia. Jiongww toxde-sinn, hukongx-sinn, ixqip iogqair qapp sikqair jiongww tnisinn pnri diyc jitt xee pangx bi, iarr longxx zip laii Vimalakirti ee cur-lai. 

Hitt sii, Vimalakirti qra Sariputra dringw jerje dua sniabunn qongw, “Zinjiaw! Tangx jiac Zualii qamlo-bi ee vng, ixx dairvix soxx venwhuar :ee. M tangx ixx iuxhan ee iwliam laii jiac, e be siauhuar.”

U byy qang sniurhuad ee sniabunn simlai sniu qongxx, "Jiaxee vng jiacc jiyw, beh nacc u qraur hro dairjiongr muixx jit xee jiac?"

Huawsinx-posad qongw, “M tangx ixx sniabunn ee siyw dxig qapp siyw diwhui laii cunxdok Zulaii buliong ee hog qapp diwhui. Suwhaiw e dax, jitt xee vng buqiongjin. Qaxsuw soxu langg longxx cincniu Sumera Snuax hiacc dua jiac, jiaxee vng simrjiww jiac jit qiab iaxx jiac be uann. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Buqiongjin ee siuw qaiwlut, sendnia, diwhui, qaixtuad, qapp qaixtuad diqenr jitt go hxang ee qongdig uanvi, soxx jiac :ee e cunx, quibuew be jin.”

Dyrr anxnex, vxuah ee vng longxx hro jingwlangg jiac vaw iauxx jiac be liauw. Jiongww posad, sniabunn, tenzinn, qapp langg u jiac jitt xee vng :ee, srinx an'unw qapp kuaiwlok, kyxviw Sarvasukhamandita(Itcer Kuaiwlok Jonggiamm) Qog ee jiongww posad. Qycc inx qui' srinx ee mngqngxkangx longxx huad cud pangx bi, iarr cincniu Qokk Jiongw Pangbi qoktow ee qokk jiongw ciu ee pangbi.

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter X The Feast Brought by the Emanated Incarnation 1)

Thereupon, the venerable Sariputra thought to himself, "If these great bodhisattvas do not adjourn before noontime, when are they going to eat?"

The Licchavi Vimalakirti, knowing telepathically the thought of the venerable Sariputra, spoke to him: "Reverend Sariputra, the Tathagata has taught the eight liberations. You should concentrate on those liberations, listening to the Dharma with a mind free of preoccupations with material things. Just wait a minute, reverend Sariputra, and you will eat such food as you have never before tasted."

Then, the Licchavi Vimalakirti set himself in such a concentration and performed such a miraculous feat that those bodhisattvas and those great disciples were enabled to see the universe called Sarvagandhasugandha, which is located in the direction of the zenith, beyond as many buddha-fields as there are sands in forty-two Ganges rivers. There the Tathagata named Sugandhakuta resides, lives, and is manifest. In that universe, the trees emit a fragrance that far surpasses all the fragrances, human and divine, of all the buddha-fields of the ten directions. In that universe, even the names "disciple" and "solitary sage" do not exist, and the Tathagata Sugandhakuta teaches the Dharma to a gathering of bodhisattvas only. In that universe, all the houses, the avenues, the parks, and the palaces are made of various perfumes, and the fragrance of the food eaten by those bodhisattvas pervades immeasurable universes.

At this time, the Tathagata Sugandhakuta sat down with his bodhisattvas to take his meal, and the deities called Gandhavyuhahara, who were all devoted to the Mahayana, served and attended upon the Buddha and his bodhisattvas. Everyone in the gathering at the house of Vimalakirti was able to see distinctly this universe wherein the Tathagata Sugandhakuta and his bodhisattvas were taking their meal.

The Licchavi Vimalakirti addressed the whole gathering of bodhisattvas: "Good sirs, is there any among you who would like to go to that buddha-field to bring back some food?"

But, restrained by the supernatural power of Manjusri, none of them volunteered to go.

The Licchavi Vimalakirti said to crown prince Manjusri, "Manjusri, are you not ashamed of such a gathering?"

Manjusri replied, "Noble sir, did not the Tathagata declare, 'Those who are unlearned should not be despised'?"

Then, the Licchavi Vimalakirti, without rising from his couch, magically emanated an incarnation-bodhisattva, whose body was of golden color, adorned with the auspicious signs and marks, and of such an appearance that he outshone the whole assembly. The Licchavi Vimalakirti addressed that incarnated bodhisattva: "Noble son, go in the direction of the zenith and when you have crossed as many buddha-fields as there are sands in forty-two Ganges rivers, you will reach a universe called Sarvagandhasugandha, where you will find the Tathagata Sugandhakuta taking his meal. Go to him and, having bowed down at his feet, make the following request of him:

"'The Licchavi Vimalakirti bows down one hundred thousand times at your feet, O Lord, and asks after your health - if you have but little trouble, little discomfort, little unrest; if you are strong, well, without complaint, and living in touch with supreme happiness.'

"Having thus asked after his health, you should request of him 'Vimalakirti asks the Lord to give me the remains of your meal, with which he will accomplish the buddha-work in the universe called Saha. Thus, those living beings with inferior aspirations will be inspired with lofty aspirations, and the good name of the Tathagata will be celebrated far and wide."

At that, the incarnated bodhisattva said, "Very good!" to the Licchavi Vimalakirti and obeyed his instructions. In sight of all the bodhisattvas, he turned his face upward and was gone, and they saw him no more. When he reached the universe Sarvagandhasugandha, he bowed down at the feet of the Tathagata Sugandhakuta and said, "Lord, the bodhisattva Vimalakirti, bowing down at the feet of the Lord, greets the Lord, saying: 'Do you have little trouble, little discomfort, and little unrest? Are you strong, well, without complaint, and living in touch with the supreme happiness?' He then requests, having bowed down one hundred thousand times at the feet of the Lord: 'May the Lord be gracious and give to me the remains of his meal in order to accomplish the buddha-work in the universe called Saha. Then, those living beings who aspire to inferior ways may gain the intelligence to aspire to the great Dharma of the Buddha, and the name of the Buddha will be celebrated far and wide.'"

At that the bodhisattvas of the buddha-field of the Tathagata Sugandhakuta were astonished and asked the Tathagata Sugandhakuta, "Lord, where is there such a great being as this? Where is the universe Saha? What does he mean by 'those who aspire to inferior ways'?"

Having thus been questioned by those bodhisattvas, the Tathagata Sugandhakuta said, "Noble sons, the universe Saha exists beyond as many buddha-fields in the direction of the nadir as there are sands in forty-two Ganges rivers. There the Tathagata Sakyamuni teaches the Dharma to living beings who aspire to the inferior ways, in that buddha-field tainted with five corruptions. There the bodhisattva Vimalakirti, who lives in the inconceivable liberation, teaches the Dharma to the bodhisattvas. He sends this incarnation-bodhisattva here in order to celebrate my name, in order to show the advantages of this universe, and in order to increase the roots of virtue of those bodhisattvas."

The bodhisattvas exclaimed, "How great must that bodhisattva be himself if his magical incarnation is thus endowed with supernatural power, strength, and fearlessness!"

The Tathagata said, "The greatness of that bodhisattva is such that he sends magical incarnations to all the buddha-fields of the ten directions, and all these incarnations accomplish the buddha-work for all the living beings in all those buddha-fields."

Then, the Tathagata Sugandhakuta poured some of his food, impregnated with all perfumes, into a fragrant vessel and gave it to the incarnation-bodhisattva. And the ninety million bodhisattvas of that universe volunteered to go along with him: "Lord, we also would like to go to that universe Saha, to see, honor, and serve the Buddha Sakyamuni and to see Vimalakirti and those bodhisattvas."

The Tathagata declared, "Noble sons, go ahead if you think it is the right time. But, lest those living beings become mad and intoxicated, go without your perfumes. And, lest those living beings of the Saha world become jealous of you, change your bodies to hide your beauty. And do not conceive ideas of contempt and aversion for that universe. Why? Noble sons, a buddha-field is a field of pure space, but the Lord Buddhas, in order to develop living beings, do not reveal all at once the pure realm of the Buddha."

Then the incarnation-bodhisattva took the food and departed with the ninety million bodhisattvas and by the power of the Buddha and the supernatural operation of Vimalakirti, disappeared from that universe Sarvagandhasugandha and stood again in the house of Vimalakirti in a fraction of a second. The Licchavi Vimalakirti created ninety million lion-thrones exactly like those already there, and the bodhisattvas were seated.

Then, the incarnation-bodhisattva gave the vessel full of food to Vimalakirti, and the fragrance of that food permeated the entire great city of Vaisali and its sweet perfume spread throughout one hundred universes. Within the city of Vaisali, the brahmans, householders, and even the Licchavi chieftain Candracchattra, having noticed this fragrance, were amazed and filled with wonder. They were so cleansed in body and mind that they came at once to the house of Vimalakirti, along with all eighty-four thousand of the Licchavis.

Seeing there the bodhisattvas seated on the high, wide, and beautiful lion-thrones, they were filled with admiration and great joy. They all bowed down to those great disciples and bodhisattvas and then sat down to one side. And the gods of the earth, the gods of the desire-world, and the gods of the material world, attracted by the perfume, also came to the house of Vimalakirti.

Then, the Licchavi Vimalakirti spoke to the elder Sariputra and the great disciples: "Reverends, eat of the food of the Tathagata! It is ambrosia perfumed by the great compassion. But do not fix your minds in narrow-minded attitudes, lest you be unable to receive its gift."

But some of the disciples had already had the thought: "How can such a huge multitude eat such a small amount of food?"

Then the incarnation-bodhisattva said to those disciples, "Do not compare, venerable ones, your own wisdom and merits with the wisdom and the merits of the Tathagata! Why? For example, the four great oceans might dry up, but this food would never be exhausted. If all living beings were to eat for an aeon an amount of this food equal to Mount Sumeru in size, it would not be depleted. Why? Issued from inexhaustible morality, concentration, and wisdom, the remains of the food of the Tathagata contained in this vessel cannot be exhausted."

Indeed, the entire gathering was satisfied by that food, and the food was not at all depleted. Having eaten that food, there arose in the bodies of those bodhisattvas, disciples, Sakras, Brahmas, Lokapalas, and other living beings, a bliss just like the bliss of the bodhisattvas of the universe Sarvasukhamandita. And from all the pores of their skin arose a perfume like that of the trees that grow in the universe Sarvagandhasugandha.

(維摩詰所說經第十品 香積佛之1)


