"Ananda, liw siulen potee, narr byy jimjiog quancad huanlyw ee qinvunw, dyrr byy huatdo jai'ngiaw hukongx bongrsiongw ee qindinn si dyc'ui dendywvingw. Soxjai dy' iauxx m jaix, beh anwjnuaw hanghok laii cruw diyc Zulaii qongqyw ee uircur? Ananda, liw quanknuar sewqanx beh qra qad tauw .kuix ee langg byy knuar diyc qad, beh tacc jaix anwjnuaw qra tauw .kuix? M bad tniax qongxx hukongx tangx hro liw huixhuai tiaclic. Sniaxmih enqor? Kangx byy hingsiong, byy qad tangx tauw ee enqor. Anxnex liw bogjingg henxhen ee bagjiux, hni-aw, pni-aw, cuiwjic, ixqip sintew qapp simliam, jitt lak xui si cadtaux ee dionglangg, qaqi tautec cur-lai ee vyxbut. Uirdiyhh anxnex, an' byy ixlaii jiongwsingx ee sewqair snix cud dakdnii qapp sokvak, drir qaur dirr jitt xee sewqanx kiqu lairdew berdangr ciauuat."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --22)
"Ánanda, if in your cultivation of Bodhi you do not carefully consider the origin of affliction, you cannot realize where the location of the upside-down ness of the empty and false sense organs and sense-objects is. If you don’t even know their location, how can you subdue them and reach the level of the Thus Come One? Ánanda, consider someone who wants to untie a knot. If he can’t see where the knot is, how can he untie it? But I have never heard of anyone unbinding empty space. Why not? Because emptiness has no form of appearance; and so there are no knots to untie. But now your visible eyes, ears, nose, and tongue, as well as your body and mind are like six thieving matchmakers who plunder the jewels of your own household. And, thus, from beginning-less time, because beings and the temporal and spatial world, have been bound up together, beings are unable to transcend the material world."
阿難。汝修菩提。若不審觀煩惱根本。則不能知虛妄根塵何處顛倒。處尚不知。云何降伏取如來位。 阿難。汝觀世間解結之人。不見所結。云何知解。不聞虛空被汝隳裂。何以故。空無形相。無結解故。則汝現前眼耳鼻舌。及與身心。六為賊媒。自劫家寶。由此無始眾生世界。生纏縛故。於器世間不能超越。