Ix zip sniaa qiukid jiahsit, did diyc ziauzu ee qiongsen, hro
sijuw jxig qongdig, henrcud hog-cann. Ix beh suanxqangw Hxuad, lorcud hnuahiw ee ciywiongg, iong jiongxjiongw Hxuad ee
iyhhngx laii qiuwjo qapp idi snax jiongw kow. Ix henxbingg vuddy ee iwhamm,
qongdig buliong. Ix qycc qra posad jyr qiwzin, hro inx tangx singjiu vnivnii jniawsiong
qakgo. Ix beddo sirjiongr, jinxjer qapp qiuwjer byy qigkamw. Ix siauduu jiongwsingx
soxu ee huanlyw, jaijingr qokk jiongw qongdig ee qinx, hro inx u qauwgiac
ee qongdig. Jitt kuanw bibiau yh did cikliong.
Posad iulik quer jerje Vut ee qoktow,
poxpenwdig duwhen vuddy ee qauwhuar. Soxx siuhing :ee cingjing byy uwuer, tangx vixlun
venr qisut :ee, henrcud jiongxjiongw byy qangg ee siongr, liammix javox, liammix
jabow, busoxvud venr. Qivunw ee hagbun longxx bingvik liauxted, soxx jyr :ee
tangx suii qaqi ee iwsur. Jiaxee jiongww posad iarr si zucuw, hagsip itcer Hxuad, quanwcuanr, hiongtongx, lenrsik, anzenn dirr jinliw diamr lehh.
Jiongwsingx byy jit xee byy sriu diyc qamxhuar, dirr
busor ee vut ee qoktow lairdew longxx poxpenr henxiongg. M bad dairban iacc
cinwcaiw, kyxlenn siurkow ee jiongwsingx. Cincniu dingw:a jiaxee huatmngg, ix itcer longxx uanbuanw did .diyc.
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 3)
He enters the town to beg alms; he accepts even rich food to enable the donors to accumulate merit and also to show that he is a field of virtue. Wishing to expound the Dharma, he smiles and so cures the three pains with various Dharma-medicines. He teaches that the aspiration for Enlightenment has immeasurable merit and, by giving predictions to bodhisattvas, he enables them to attain Buddhahood. He demonstrates that he passes into Nirvana, but endlessly brings sentient beings to emancipation. In removing their defilements, planting various roots of virtue and attaining excellent merit, he displays wonderful and inconceivable works.
He enters the town to beg alms; he accepts even rich food to enable the donors to accumulate merit and also to show that he is a field of virtue. Wishing to expound the Dharma, he smiles and so cures the three pains with various Dharma-medicines. He teaches that the aspiration for Enlightenment has immeasurable merit and, by giving predictions to bodhisattvas, he enables them to attain Buddhahood. He demonstrates that he passes into Nirvana, but endlessly brings sentient beings to emancipation. In removing their defilements, planting various roots of virtue and attaining excellent merit, he displays wonderful and inconceivable works.
Furthermore, each of the bodhisattvas in the assembly is able to visit various Buddha-lands and expound teachings of the Way. His manner of practice is pure and undefiled. Just as a magician with his perfect skill can create at will various illusions, including images of man or woman, at will, so the bodhisattva, having thoroughly learned all the methods of emancipation and attained serene awareness of reality, can freely teach and transform beings. He manifests himself everywhere in innumerable Buddha-lands, performing acts of compassion for sentient beings tirelessly and with diligence. He has thus obtained complete mastery of such methods of emancipation.
(佛說無量壽經 - 3)