
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (4)

Posad ee qingdenw ee iauwjiw qapp ywbiau longxx kingqiur tettyr, miasniax jit siwqer tuan'iongg, dirr sibhongx decc jixdy qapp inxcua. Buliong jiongww vut longxx u qra vyxho, daiwliam. Vut soxx diamr lehh ee qingxqair, longxx u did .diyc. Dua singwjiaw soxx qenwlip :ee, iarr longxx u qenwlip. Zulaii ee qauwhuar, tangx suanqangw qapp vowiongg. Uirr jiongww posad laii jyr dairsux. Iong sendnia cim'yr ee diwhui laii kaiqaiw qapp inxcua jiongwsingx. Tonghiauw soxu henrsiong ee vunxsingr, tongdat jiongwsingx ee siongr. Bingvik qycc liauxted soxu ee qog, qiong'iongw jiongww vut. Huawsinx bersux denrbuw ee qngx hiacc qinw. Gauu hagsip qokk jiongw hagbun longxx byy qniahniaa, hiauxgno huanwqingw venwhuar ee henrsiong. Tiacli Mara Moongg ee bxang, qra soxu ee sokvak tauw .kuix. Ciauuat sniabunn qapp enqag ji' de, did diyc kongbuu, byy siongr, qapp byy guan ee samadhiGauu qenwlip hongvenrhuad, henxbingg samsingg. Qauwhuar qaur jiongdiamw, dyrr henrcud beddo. Byy jyr sniaw, iarr byy did diyc sniaw. Byy kiw iarr byy bet, did diyc vingdingsimx. U uanbuanw singjiu buliong ee dharani(jongxcii), u cingvah xee samadhi.

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 4) 
He is thoroughly conversant with the essentials of the sutras for bodhisattvas and, as his fame spreads everywhere, he guides sentient beings throughout the ten quarters. All Buddhas remember him and give him their protection. He has already dwelt in all the Buddha's abodes and performed all the deeds of the Great Sage. He proclaims the Tathagata's teachings, acts as a great master for other bodhisattvas and, with profound samadhi and wisdom, guides multitudes of beings. With penetrating insight into the essential nature of dharmas, he discerns different aspects of living beings and closely watches over all the worlds. In making offerings to the Buddhas, he manifests transformed bodies like flashes of lightning. Having well learned the extensive wisdom of fearless and having realized the illusory nature of dharmas, he destroys Mara's nets and unties all the bonds of passion. He rises above the stages of shravakas and pratyekabuddhas and attains the samadhis of emptiness, non-form, and non-desire. He skillfully provides expedient means and thus reveals three distinct teachings. Then for those of the middle and lower stages, he demonstrates his passing into Nirvana. But, in reality, he is non-active and non-acquisitive, and, being aware that dharmas in themselves neither arise nor perish, he realizes that they are of absolute equality. He has attained innumerable dharanis, a hundred thousand samadhis.

(佛說無量壽經 - 4)    

