
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (68)

Tnide jiqanx, go dy hunbingg, kuacdua, cim'uanw, byy qaiwjiw. Senrog vywingr, jaihy qapp hokkir siysuar laii, jursinx singdamx, byy vadd langg tangx hyw dairter. Jex si jurzenn ee dyrliw, jiauww ix soxx jyr :ee, jaiiongx duer mia qniaa, byy huatdo qra vangr danwsag. Senrzinn jyr senrsu, an' kuaiwlok jinwzip kuaiwlok, an' bingqngx jinwzip bingqngx. Pnaiw langg jyr pnaiw, an' kow jinwzip kow, an' oamr jinwzip oamr. Si'angw tangx jaix inqyw? Dogdok Vut jaix narnia. Qauwhuer qapp kaisi, sinr qapp sidhingg :ee jiyw, snex-siw lunhuee byy tingjiw, og dy iarr byy dngrjuat. Jitt hy kuanw sewzinn, je qaxx qongw be liauwU jurzenn snax jiongw kiwlo ee enqor, u buliong ee koxnauw. Dirr hitt lairdew decc dngxgyy, jit sxer quer jit sxer jikju ee qiab(kalpa), lirkuix hitt xui byy duiwqii, lann did qaixtuad, tniar qaxx be qongw .did. Jex si derr go kuanw og, derr go hxang tniar, qapp derr go jiongw siyx, vutsii u jitt kuanw ee tongwkow. Piwlun dua huew siyx langg ee sinkux, langg tangx juansimx-diwjir jewab iwliam, duanjniar srinx qapp simx, qongw :ee qapp jyr :ee huhap, soxx jyr :ee iong jiww singsimx, soxx qongw :ee dyrr si sidjairue, simx qapp cuir be ciavnuavingwjyr jiongxjiongw senrsu, jiongxjiongw pnaiw dai longxx byy jyr, sinkux dortuad, did diyc hokdig, dorser, jnriu tnix, qapp drat qaur liappuann (Nirvana) ee qingxqair, jex dyrr si derr gor dua sxen." 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 68) 
Between heaven and earth, the five realms are clearly distinguishable. They are vast and deep, extending boundlessly. In return for good or evil deeds, bliss or misery ensues. The result of one's karma must be borne by oneself alone and no one else can take one's place. This is the natural law. Misfortune follows evil deeds as their retribution, which is impossible to avoid. Good people do good deeds, and so enjoy pleasure after pleasure and proceed from light to greater light. Evildoers commit crimes, and so suffer pain after pain and wander from darkness to deeper darkness. No one, except the Buddha, knows this completely. Even though someone admonishes and teaches them, very few believe; and so the cycles of birth-and-death never cease and the evil paths continue endlessly. The karmic consequences for such worldly people are beyond description in detail. Thus, because of the natural working of karma, there are innumerable kinds of suffering in the three evil realms through which evil beings must pass, life after life, for many kalpas, with no end in sight. It is indeed difficult for them to gain release, and the pain they must undergo is indescribable. This is called the fifth great evil, the fifth suffering, and the fifth burning. The afflictions are such that they are comparable to a huge fire burning people alive. If in the midst of this, one controls one's thoughts with single-mindedness, does worthy deeds with proper demeanor, mindfully recollects, harmonizes words and deeds, acts with sincerity, utters true words, speaks from the heart, commits no evil, and performs only good, then with the merit and virtue acquired one reaches emancipation and is able to escape from this world, be reborn in heavenly realms, and finally reach Nirvana. This is the fifth great good."  

(佛說無量壽經 - 68) 

