Vuddyy qra sir xee tenongg qongw, "Derjong
Posad quxdngg qiab ixlaii decc dortuad jiongwsingx, itdit qaur dnaxx iauxx bue muaw guan. Ix kyxlenn jitt xee sewqair uirr jue siurkow ee jiongwsingx, qycc
knuar diyc birlaii buliong qiab lairdew, inqyw naxx dincauw be dng. Uirdiyhh jitt xee
enqor, ix qycjaiww huad diongrdai ee guan. Mrjiacc dirr Saha Sewqair ee
Jambudvipa lairdew, posad sed vaccingbanrig ee hongven hxuad uirdiyhh beh qra inx qauwhuar.
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Karmic Retributions of Beings of Jambudvipa -18)
The Buddha told the Four Heavenly Kings, "From distant eons onward to
the present. Earth Store Bodhisattva has been taking across and liberating
beings. Since his vows are still not finished, he continues with compassion and
sympathy to help beings suffering for their offenses in this world. Moreover,
he sees the ceaseless tangle of their causes extending on through infinite,
future eons. Because of that he renews his vows. Thus, in this Saha world on
the continent of Jambudvipa, this Bodhisattva teaches and transforms beings by
means of billions of expedient means.
(閻浮眾生業感品 - 18)