
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-20)

20. Byy qniaw (2)
Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg dirr ziddiongx jenongw Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer, lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Sewjunx mng jre dirr vnix:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qongxx, "Dairongg! Ongg dirr ziddiongx an' dyc'ui laii lehh?"

"Sewjunx! Savatthi Sniaa jit xee dionxjiaw qajuw quewsinx. Ix byy qniaw, guaw laii jiapsiux ix ee jaisanw. Sewjunx! Ix u ngqimx veh-vah-bxan, ginn qyckacc benw qongw. Sewjunx! [jitt kuanw huwongx] diongxjiaw qajuw ee jiahsit si anxnex: camx cokngx ee sngx muee; cingrcah si anxnex: snax pnir dua muaa tni ee cox vor; jre ee ciax si anxnex: qu qycc aur ciax iong hiyc-aw juer kamwho :ee."

"Dairongg! Diyrr si anxnex. Dairongg! Diyrr si anxnex. Dairongg! Ongxsig hitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw qiyr langg' teqiongx sidbut hro jit xee laii qiukid miaa qiyr Tagarasikhi ee paccekabuddh. Ix qiyr qongxx 'Teqiongx sidbut hro sabunn' liauw dyrr an' jyrui vreh kiw lirkuix. Au .laii ix huanxhuew, sniu qongxx 'jitt xee sidbut vutzuu hro harvok kacc ngiaa.' Ix qycc uirr jaisanw laii duadcuw hniadi jit xee qniaw ee sniwmia.

Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw qiyr langg' vowsix hro laii qiukid ee Tagarasikhi paccekabuddh jitt xee giabqyw, hro ix tangx cid vaiw sringx tenqair, dngw laii cid vaiw soxx cunx ee giap, hro ix cid vaiw dngw laii Savatthi Sniaa juer diongxjiaw.

Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw vowsix liauxau huanxhuew qongxx 'jiaxee sidbut vutzuu hro harvok kacc ngiaa' ee giabqyw, ix ee simx byy kinghiongr jiahsit u sxen ee loriong, byy kinghiongr snxax u sxen ee loriong, byy kinghiongr ciax u sxen ee loriong, byy kinhiongr go jiongw iogbong u sxen ee loriong.

Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw uirr jaisanw laii sathai hniadi ee qniaw jitt xee giabvyr, hro ix e quixnarr nii, quixnarr vah nii, quixnarr cingx nii, quixnarr vacvingx nii dirr dergak siurkow. Jiauww soxx cunx ee giap, qaidongx e cid vaiw dngw .laii byy qniaw, ix ee jaihur virr buadsiux zip ongg ee qokkor. Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw, ix qu qongdig ixx jin, byy jxig sinx qongdig. Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qimzit dirr Dua Qiywhuah Dergak virr siyx."

"Sewjunx! Diongxjiaw qajuw ixx ongxsingx kir dirr Dua Qiywhuah Dergak ar?"
"Dairongg! Diongxjiaw qajuw ixx ongxsingx kir dirr Dua Qiywhuah Dergak.

Gnoxqog, jaihur, qimginn,
Iacc vadd hxang ix soxx u :ee.
Lole, harvok, suxiongrlangg,
Qapp soxx sriok ix :ee,
Longxx be duer ix kir,
Itcer longxx e qapp ix lirkuix.
Jiauww ix srinx soxx juer,
Ixqip cuir qapp iwliam soxx juer,
Dogdok jiaxee si ix ee mic,
Dyrr e duer ix kir.
Itcer longxx jiauww giap,
Naxx ngiaw decc duer hxingg.
Mrjiacc diyhh juer senrsu,
Jxig sxen uirr birlaii,
Qongdig dirr au sxer,
Jiongwlangg dro quer hnua."


(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-20)
20. Childless (2)
(As above, except that the amount is a hundred lakhs of gold:)

“So it is, great king! So it is, great king! Once in the past, great king, that financier householder provided a paccekabuddha named Tagarasikhi with alms food. Having said, ‘Give alms to the recluse,’ he rose from his seat and departed. But after giving, he later felt regret and thought: ‘It would have been better if the slaves or workers had eaten that alms food!’ Moreover, he murdered his brother’s only son for the sake of his fortune.

“Because that financier householder provided the paccekabuddha Tagarasikhi with alms food, as a result of that kamma he was reborn seven times in a good destination, in the heavenly world. As a residual result of that same kamma, he obtained the position of financier seven times in this same city of Savatthi. But because that financier householder later felt regret about giving, as a result of that kamma his mind did not incline to the enjoyment of excellent food, excellent clothing, and excellent vehicles, nor to the enjoyment of excellent items among the five cords of sensual pleasure. And because that financier householder murdered his brother’s only son for the sake of his fortune, as a result of that kamma he was tormented in hell for many years, for many hundreds of years, for many thousands of years, for many hundreds of thousands of years. As a residual result of that same kamma, he has furnished the royal treasury with this seventh heirless fortune.

“The old merit of that financier householder has been utterly exhausted, and he had not accumulated any fresh merit. But today, great king, the financier householder is being roasted in the Great Roruva Hell.”

“So, venerable sir, that financier householder has been reborn in the Great Roruva Hell?”
“Yes, great king, that financier householder has been reborn in the Great Roruva Hell.

“Grain, wealth, silver, gold,
Or whatever other possessions there are,
Slaves, workers, messengers,
And those who live as one’s dependents:
Without taking anything one must go,
Everything must be left behind.
But what one has done with the body,
Done by speech, and done by mind:
This is what is truly one’s own,
This one takes when one goes;
This is what follows one along
Like a shadow that never departs.
Therefore one should do what is good
As a collection for the future life.
Merits are the support for living beings
(When they arise) in the other world.”

(相應部 1-3-20)
穀物富金銀   如何為所有
奴下男傭人   及他從屬者
悉皆不隨行   一切皆離去
依於身之行   以及口意行
唯此彼身物   即隨之而行
一切皆依業   如影之隨形
然則行善事   積善為未來
功德是後世   眾人渡津場

