Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-25)
25. Snuax ee vixzu
Savathhi Sniaa ee inenn. Sewjunx mng jre dirr vinx:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qongxx, "Dairongg, liw an' dyc'ui laii lehh?"
"Sewjunx! Dimjuir dirr jiangxquann ee qiaugno, duiww iogbong tamluann, qokqax did vyxjuann, jinghok qongxdai lingxtow, Kattiia ee quanwdingw ongg u jiaxee surbu, guaw decc byy ingg jiaxee dairjir."
"Dairongg, liw ee iwsur zuhyy lehh? U jit xee kyxkyr tangx sinwnai :ee an' danghongx laii, ix jenongw ongg hiax vaiwhongw ee sii qongw jiaxee ue, qongxx, 'Dairongg! Cniaw liw diyhh jaix guaw an' Danghongx laii. Dirr hiax knuar diyc tnix hiacc quann ee snuax tangx qra itcer singbut deh cruir. Dairongg! Cniaw liw diyhh jyr ingqaix jyr ee dairjir.'
Hitt sii, derr zi xee kyxkyr tangx sinwnai :ee an' sehongx... simrjiww... Derr snax xee an' vakhongx... simrjiww... Derr sir xee an' lamhongx laii, jenongw ongg hiax vaiwongw ee sii qongw jiaxee ue, qongxx, 'Dairongg! Cniaw liw diyhh jaix guaw an' lamhongx laii. Dirr hiax knuar diyc tnix hiacc quann ee snuax tangx qra itcer singbut deh cruir. Dairongg! Cniaw liw diyhh jyr ingqaix jyr ee dairjir.' Dairongg! Jitt hy dua kiongxvor, ixx qaur zinlui bedjin ee kyxpnar, langg byy jaidiau qycc singsiu. Ongg ingqaix jyr sniaw dairjir lehh?"
"Sewjunx! Jitt hy dua kiongxvor, ixx qaur zinlui bedjin ee kyxpnar, langg byy jaidiau qycc singsiu. Dogdok diyhh jiauww jniawhuad qniaa, juer senrhing, juer senrgiap, qapp juer qongdig, ixgua byy sniaw qitax tangx jyr :ee."
"Dairongg! Guaw qra ongg qongw, guaw qongw hro ongg jaix: Lau qapp siw deh dirr ongg ee dingxquann. Narr lau qapp siw deh dirr ongg ee taukakdingw, ingqaix jyr sniaw dairjir lehh?"
"Sewjunx! Narr lau qapp siw deh dirr guaw dingxquann, diyhh jiauww jniawhuad qniaa, juer senrhing, juer senrgiap, qapp juer qongdig, ixgua byy sniaw qitax tangx jyr :ee.
Dimjuir dirr jiangxquann ee qiaugno, duiww iogbong tamluann, qokqax did vyxjuann, jinghok qongxdai lingxtow, Kattiia ee quanwdingw ongg u cnxiu ee qundui. Mrqycc, Sewjunx! Jitt hy cnxiu ee qundui dirr lau qapp siw deh .lyc .laii ee sii, iarr byy hongjiw lau qapp siw ee honghuad qapp qihue. Dimjuir dirr jiangxquann ee qiaugno... simrjiww... Kattiia ee quanwdingw ongg u bew ee qundui... ciax ee qundui... vorvingx ee qundui. Mrqycc, jitt hy vorvingx ee qundui dirr lau qapp siw deh .lyc .laii ee sii, iarr byy hongjiw (lau qapp siw) ee honghuad qapp qihue.
Sewjunx! Ongqiongx u gauu qewboo ee dairsinn. Inx e tangx iong jiawsii puar laii qongdnaw ee digzinn. Mrqycc, Sewjunx! Iong jiawsuu, iarr byy hongjiw lau qapp siw ee honghuad qapp qihue.
Qycc, Sewjunx! Dirr jitt qingx ongqiongx, derbin qapp derha u ngqimx jit siwqer muaw muaw si. Guanw iong jiaxee jaivyw tangx suechok laii qongdnaw ee digzinn. Mrqycc iong jaivyw, lau qapp siw deh .lyc .laii ee sii, iarr byy hongjiw ee honghuad qapp qihue.
Sewjunx! Lau qapp siw deh dirr taukakdingw ee sii, dogdok diyhh jiauww jniawhuad qniaa, juer senrhing, juer senrgiap, qapp juer qongdig, ixgua byy sniaw qitax tangx jyr :ee."
"Dairongg! Kaksit si anxnex. Dairongg! Kaksit si anxnex. Lau qapp siw deh dirr taukakdingw ee sii, dogdok diyhh jiauww jniawhuad qniaa, juer senrhing, juer senrgiap, qapp juer qongdig, ixgua byy sniaw qitax tangx jyr :ee."
Sewjunx suansuad jiaxee... simrjiww... hitt sii cniur jimgensix:
Dyrr kyxviw dua giamjiyc ee snuax,
An' siwhngx vig .laii,
Lau qapp siw vikqin,
Limqaur jingwlangg taukakdingw.
Kattiia, Brahmin,
Vessa, Sudda,
Simrjiww Kandala,
___ vniawsaur :ee,
Zimrhyy langg longxx benw vutliauw,
Itcer longxx sriu apvig.
Cnxiu ee qundui byy qihue,
Ciax ee qundui qapp vorvingx ee qundui,
Iarr qangrkuanw byy qihue.
Qewboo iarr byy kacjuac,
Jaihu iarr byy hxuad sringr .quer.
Mrjiacc henjiaw uirr qaqi setsiongw,
Qorr Vut, Jniawhuad qapp jingqax,
Laii jaijingr sinwgiongw,
Srinx, kauw, qapp simx,
Jiauww jniawhuad qniaa ee langg,
Jitt sxer sriu ylyw,
Birlaii dirr tenqair cutsir."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-25)
25. The Simile of the Mountain
Setting at Savatthi. The Blessed One said to King Pasenadi of Kosala as he was sitting to one side: “Now where are you coming from, great king, in the middle of the day?”
“Just now, venerable sir, I have been engaged in those affairs of kingship typical for head-anointed khattiya kings, who are intoxicated with the intoxication of sovereignty, who are obsessed by greed for sensual pleasures, who have attained stable control in their country, and who rule having conquered a great sphere of territory on earth.”
“What do you think, great king? Here, a man would come to you from the east, one who is trustworthy and reliable; having approached, he would tell you: ‘For sure, great king, you should know this: I am coming from the east, and there I saw a great mountain high as the clouds coming this way, crushing all living beings. Do whatever you think should be done, great king.’ Then a second man would come to you from the west ... Then a third man would come to you from the north ... Then a fourth man would come to you from the south, one who is trustworthy and reliable; having approached, he would tell you: ‘For sure, great king, you should know this: I am coming from the south, and there I saw a great mountain high as the clouds coming this way, crushing all living beings. Do whatever you think should be done, great king.’ If, great king, such a great peril should arise, such a terrible destruction of human life, the human state being so difficult to obtain, what should be done?”
“If, venerable sir, such a great peril should arise, such a terrible destruction of human life, the human state being so difficult to obtain, what else should be done but to live by the Dhamma, to live righteously, and to do wholesome and meritorious deeds?”
“I inform you, great king, I announce to you, great king: aging and death are rolling in on you. When aging and death are rolling in on you, great king, what should be done?”
“As aging and death are rolling in on me, venerable sir, what else should be done but to live by the Dhamma, to live righteously, and to do wholesome and meritorious deeds?
“There are, venerable sir, elephant battles (fought by) head-anointed khattiya kings, who are intoxicated with the intoxication of sovereignty, who are obsessed by greed for sensual pleasures, who have attained stable control in their country, and who rule having conquered a great sphere of territory on earth; but there is no place for those elephant battles, no scope for them, when aging and death are rolling in. There are, venerable sir, cavalry battles (fought by) head-anointed khattiya kings ... There are chariot battles ... infantry battles ... but there is no place for those infantry battles, no scope for them, when aging and death are rolling in. In this royal court, venerable sir, there are counsellors who, when the enemies arrive, are capable of dividing them by subterfuge; but there is no place for those battles of subterfuge, no scope for them, when aging and death are rolling in. In this royal court, venerable sir, there exists abundant bullion and gold stored in vauts and depositories, and with such wealth we are capable of mollifying the enemies when they come; but there is no place for those battles of wealth, no scope for them, when aging and death are rolling in. As aging and death are rolling in on me, venerable sir, what else should be done but to live by the Dhamma, to live righteously, and to do wholesome and meritorious deeds?”
“So it is, great king! So it is, great king! As aging and death are rolling in on you, what else should be done but to live by the Dhamma, to live righteously, and to do wholesome and meritorious deeds?”
This is what the Blessed One said. Having said this, the Sublime One, the Teacher, further said this:
“Just as mountains of solid stone,
Massive, reaching to the sky,
Might draw together from all sides,
Crushing all in the four quarters—
So aging and death come rolling in,
In and over living beings—
Khattiyas, brahmins, and vessas,
Suddas, candalas, and other outcasts:
They spare none along the way
But come crushing everything.
There’s no ground there for elephant troops,
For chariot troops and infantry.
One cannot defeat them by subterfuge,
Nor buy them off by means of wealth.
Therefore a person of wisdom here,
Out of regard for his own good,
Steadfast, should settle faith
In the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.
When one conducts oneself by Dhamma
With body, speech, and mind,
They praise one here in the present life,
And after death one rejoices in heaven.”
(相應部 1-3-25)
穿空大岩山 猶四方迫來
老死之強迫 臨眾人頭上
剎帝婆羅門 毘舍首陀羅
乃至旃陀羅 下水清掃人
任何人難免 一切皆被迫
象軍無餘地 車軍及步軍
亦為無餘地 咒術亦無濟
富亦無術勝 故賢為己思
佛法及僧伽 以植於信仰
身口以至心 如法之行人
此世承讚譽 未來生天界
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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