
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-4-1)

Derr Sir Qngw: Ham' Mara Siong'ingr
(Id) Okmoo
1. Koxgiap
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt sii, Sewjunx diamr dirr Uruvela Ciurnaa ee Neranjara Hyy-vnix, knuar ngiuu :ee ee Banyan Ciu-kax,
cimxx singjiu jniawsiong qakgo.

Hitt sijun, Sewjunx jit xee langg jerjing, simlai u jitt kuanw ee sukyw: "Guaw dnaxx sidsit ixx tuatlii koxhingg. Jin' hyw ar! Guaw dnaxx sidsit ixx tuatlii byy lirig ee koxhingg. Jin' hyw ar! Ditjingr diyc qensit, jniawliam, qapp potee."

Hitt sii, okmoo Mara jaix Sewjunx simlai soxx sniu :ee, dyrr laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer, iong jimgensix qra Sewjunx qongw:
"Narr byy li koxhingg,

Jiongww cinglenn tangx did cingjing,
Diuduu laii lirkuix cing jing ee lo,
Byy cingjing suacc liahjuer qaqi cingjing."

Hitt sii, Sewjunx jaix ix si okmoo Mara, dyrr ixx jimgensix rinr okmoo Mara qongxx:
"Byy siw qniaa koxhingg,
Jaix soxx jyr itcer longxx byy lirig.
Kyxviw liogde ee jniuw qapp drua,
Byy qaxx jt sud aw loring.
Siulen qaiwlut, juansimx, qapp diwhui,
Jex jiacc si potee ee dyrlo.
Guaw dadqaur busiong ee cingjing,
Pywhuai :ee liw vai ar."

Hitt sii, okmoo Mara jin' koxnuaw, qongw, "Sewjunx ixqingx jaix si guaw, Sxen Quewongw ixqingx jaix si guaw." Dyrr iamxsinx an' hiax byy .kir.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-4-1) 
Chapter 4: Connected Discourses with Mara
I. The First Chapter (Lifespan)
1. Austere Practice 
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Uruvela on the bank of the river Neranjara at the foot of the Goatherd’s Banyan Tree soon after he had attained complete enlightenment. 

Then, while the Blessed One was alone in seclusion, a reflection arose in his mind thus: “I am indeed freed from that grueling asceticism! It is good indeed that I am freed from that useless grueling asceticism! It is good that, steady and mindful, I have attained enlightenment!”

Then Mara the Evil One, having known with his own mind the reflection in the Blessed One’s mind, approached the Blessed One and addressed him in verse:
“Having forsaken the austere practice
By which men purify themselves,
Being impure, you think you’re pure:
You have missed the path to purity.”

Then the Blessed One, having understood, “This is Mara the Evil One,” replied to hm in verses:
“Having known as useless any austerity
Aimed at the immortal state,
That all such penances are futile
Like oars and rudder on dry land,
I developed the path to enlightenment—
Virtue, concentration, and wisdom—
And thereby attained supreme purity :
You’re defeated, End-maker!”

Then Mara the Evil One, realizing, “The Blessed One knows me, the Sublime One knows me,” sad and disappointed, disappeared right there.

(相應部 1-4-1)
第四 惡魔相應
第一 惡魔品
若無離苦行   清淨青年眾
躊躇離淨道   不淨思為淨
不死等苦行   知無一切利
如陸舟艫舵   一切無護益
修戒及定慧   此乃菩提道
我達無上淨   破壞者汝敗

