
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-4-18)

18. Jiahsit
Hitt sii, Sewjunx druar dirr Magadha Qog jit xee miaa qiyr juer Pancasala ee brahmin jngsia. Hitt dangsii, Pancasala brahmin jngsia ee cinglenn lamluw quxhingg qaungua lexbut ee gisig. Hitt jun, Sewjunx tauwjaw vxuah tec lehh, snxax cing hyxser zip kir Pancasala ee brahmin jngsia beh qiukid jiahsit. Hitt jun, Pancasala brahmin ee qajuw virr okmoaa Mara soxx kongwjer, virr qiyr qongxx, “M tangx qra sidbut hro sabunn Gotama.”

Hitt jun, Sewjunx zip kir qiukid jiahsit, dngw .laii ee sii, vxuah cingkir damdamx. Hitt jun, okmoo Mara laii Sewjunx jiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhue quer, qra Sewjunx qongw, “Sabunn! U qiukid diyc sidbut bor?”
“Guaw narr byy qiukid diyc sidbut, qamxx m si liw Mara soxx drir?”
“Byy m driyc! Sewjunx! Liw qycc zip kir Pancasala ee brahmin jngsia, guaw e hro liw kid diyc jiahsit!”

“Cimhuan Zulaii,
Okmoo byy dikhing.
Mara kyxngor byy sidjai.
Liw anwjnuaw sniu?
Dyrr junw byy kid diyc jiahsit,
Guanw iarr anlok kiarkiw.
Kyxviw qng'iam ee tnix,
Guanw ixx hixlok juer jiahsit.”

Hitt sii, okmoo Mara… simrjiww… dirr hiax byy .kir.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-4-18)  
18. Alms 
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Magadhans at the brahmin village of Pancasala. Now on that occasion the gift-festival of the young boys was being held at the brahmin village of Pancasala. Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, entered Pancasala for alms. Now on that occasion Mara the Evil One had taken possession of the brahmin householders of Pancasala, (inciting in them the thought), “Don’t let the recluse Gotama get alms.” 

Then the Blessed One left Pancasala with his bowl just as cleanly washed as it was when he entered it for alms. Then Mara the Evil One approached the Blessed One and said to him: “Maybe you got alms, recluse?” 
“Was it you, Evil One, who saw to it that I didn’t get alms?” 
“Then, venerable sir, let the Blessed One enter Pancasala a second time for alms. I will see to it that the Bless ed One gets alms.”

“You have produced demerit, Mara, 

Having assailed the Tathagata. 
Do you really think, O Evil One, 
‘My evil does not ripen’? 
Happily indeed we live, 
We who own nothing at all. 
We shall dwell feeding on rapture 
Like the devas of Streaming Radiance.”

Then Mara the Evil One ... disappeared right there. 

(相應部 1-4-18)
侵犯於如來     惡魔生不德
波旬惡不實     汝如何思惟
即無有所得     我等亦樂住
猶如光音天     我等喜為食

