
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-4-23)

23. Godhika
Hitt sii, Sewjunx druar dirr Rajagaha Sniaa cri pongwcuw ee diknaa lairdew. Hitt sii, junjiaw Godhika druar dirr Isigili Snualing ee Ox Jiyhgamm.

Hitt sii, junjiaw Godhika byy hongwdong, kensingg, qycc jingjinr druar lehh, simx jiamrsii did diyc qaixtuad. Au .laii, junjiaw Godhika an' simx jiamrsii did diyc qaixtuad trer .cud .laii.

Qycjaiww jit vaiw,  junjiaw Godhika byy hongwdong, kensingg, qycc jingjinr druar lehh, simx jiamrsii did diyc qaixtuad. Au .laii, junjiaw Godhika an' simx jiamrsii did diyc qaixtuad trer .cud .laii.

Derr snax vaiw… [simrjiww] … derr sir vaiw… [simrjiww]… derr go vaiw… [simrjiww] … derr lak vaiw, junjiaw Godhika byy hongwdong, kensingg, qycc jingjinr druar lehh,  junjiaw Godhika byy hongwdong, kensingg, qycc jingjinr druar lehh, simx jiamrsii did diyc qaixtuad. Au .laii, junjiaw Godhika an' simx jiamrsii did diyc qaixtuad trer .cud .laii.

Junjiaw derr cid vaiw byy hongwdong, kensingg, qycc jingjinr druar lehh, simx jiamrsii did diyc qaixtuad.

Hitt jun, junjiaw Godhika anxnex decc sukyw, “Guaw qaur lak vaiw qycc an' simx jiamrsii did diyc qaixtuad trer .cud .laii, guaw lingwkyw laii giaa qiamr.”

Hitt jun, okmoo Mara jaix junjiaw Godhika simx soxx sniu :ee, dyrr kir Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhue quer, iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw:
“Qngiau u sintongx hyw miasniax,
Si dua inghiongg u dua diwhui,
Lirkuix soxu tangx kiongxhongg :ee,
Guaw dirr liw ee kax-xe lexqingr.
Dua inghiongg jenr ngiaa sixbongg,
Liw ee derjuw sniu beh siw,
Ix qiubang siw.
Qongbingg ee jruw rair qra joxjiw.
Sewjunx hnuahiw qangxqar.
Liw ee derjuw,
Jnuaxngiu u hagsip .quer,
Iauxx bue jingwgno dyrr laii siw?”

Hitt sii, junjiaw Godhika giaa qiamr.

Hitt jun, Sewjunx jaix si okmoo Mara, dyrr iong jimgensix duiww okmoo Marar qongw:
“Byy tamqiuu jitt xee sniwmia,
Dua inghiongg dyrr si jitt kuanw.
Vuec driau tam'air ee qinx,
Godhika drat qaur liappuann.”

Hitt jun, Sewjunx huacqiyr jiongww bikiu, “Jiongww bikiu! Lanw dnaxx jenongw Isigili Snualing ee Ox Jiyhgamm. Senrlamm Godhika dirr hiax beh giaa qiamr.”

"Hyw, Sewjunx,” hiaxee jiongww bikiu anxnex rinr dac’ingr Sewjunx.

Hitt jun, Sewjunx qapp jiongww bikiu longxx kir qaur Isigili Snualiong ee Ox Jiyhgamm hiax. Sewjunx dirr hng hng knuar diyc junjiaw Godhika dirr cngg-dingw dngxqingx dyw tanxciyr.

Hitt jun, qycc u knuar qnir bongg bongg ee enbu qniaa ongw danghngx, qniaa ongw sehngx, qniaa ongw lamhngx, qniaa ongw vakhngx, qniaa duiww dingxbin, qniaa hiongr ervingg, qniaa ongw suwuii.

Hitt jun, Sewjunx huacqiyr jiongww bikiu qongxx, “Jiongww bikiu! Linw u knuar diyc bongg bongg naxx enx qniaa ongw danghngx, qniaa ongw sehngx, qniaa ongw lamhngx, qniaa ongw vakhngx, qniaa duiww dingxbin, qniaa hiongr ervingg, qniaa ongw suwuii bor?”

“Sewjunx! U, cincniu liw soxx qongw :ee.”

“Jiongww bikiu! Jitt xee okmoo Mara decc cue senrlamm Godhika ee sinsig. Senrlamm Godhika ee sinsig kir dirr dyc’ui lehh? Si anxnex, jiongww bikiu! Senrlamm Godhika ee sinsig ixx qaur liappuann benw u soxjai dilehh.”

Hitt jun, okmoo Mara tec vilvaciu juer ee ngsig givee laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhue quer, iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw,
“Guaw dingxe cue,
Sirmjiww suwuii iarr cue,
Siwhngx qapp vathng, 
Longxx byy knuar diyc Godhika.
Ix si kir dyc’ui?”

"Iwjir qending ee inghiongg,
Siongsiongg an' sensux did diyc hixlok.
Zid’ia dirr jitt xee dy,
Byy tamqiuu jitt xee sniwmia.
Pacpuar sixbongg ee moqunx,
Byy beh qycc dingg cutsir.
Vuec driau tam'air ee qinx,
Godhika drat qaur liappuann."

Virr pacpai laii visiongx,
Givee an' hiap-xe lag .lyc.
Sitbong ee iarcex,
Dirr hitt dah byy .kir.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-4-23)  
23. Godhika 
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rajagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary. Now on that occasion the Venerable Godhika was dwelling on the Black Rock on the Isigili Slope. Then, while the Venerable Godhika was dwelling diligent, ardent, and resolute, he reached temporary liberation of mind, but he fell away from that temporary liberation of mind. A second time, while the Venerable Godhika was dwelling diligent, ardent, and resolute, he reached temporary liberation of mind, but he fell away from that temporary liberation of mind. A third time … A fourth time … A fifth time … A sixth time, while the Venerable Godhika was dwelling diligent, ardent, and resolute, he reached temporary liberation of mind, but he fell away from that temporary liberation of mind. A seventh time, while the Venerable Godhika was dwelling diligent, ardent, and resolute, he reached temporary liberation of mind. Then it occurred to the Venerable Godhika: “Six times already I have fallen away from temporary liberation of mind. Let me use the knife.”

Then Mara the Evil One, having known with his own mind the reflection in the Venerable Godhika’s mind, approach ed the Blessed One and addressed him with these verses: 
“O great hero, great in wisdom, 
Blazing forth with power and glory!
I worship your feet, One with Vision, 
Who has overcome all enmity and fear. 
O great hero who has vanquished death, 
Your disciple is longing for death.
He intends (to take his own life): 
Restrain him from this, O luminous one! 
How, O Blessed One, can your disciple— 
One delighting in the Teaching,
A trainee seeking his mind’s ideal— 
Take his own life, O widely famed?”

Now on that occasion the Venerable Godhika had just used the knife. Then the Blessed One, having understood, “This is Mara the Evil One,” addressed him in verse:
“Such indeed is how the steadfast act: 
They are not in love with life. 
Having drawn out craving with its root, 
Godhika has attained final Nibbana.”

Then the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Come, bhikkhus, let us go to the Black Rock on the Isigili Slope, where the clansman Godhika has used the knife.” “Yes, venerable sir,” those bhikkhus replied. Then the Blessed One, together with an umber of bhikkhus, went to the Black Rock on the Isigili Slope. The Blessed One saw in the distance the Venerable Godhika lying on the bed with his shoulder turned.

Now on that occasion a cloud of smoke, a swirl of darkness, was moving to the east, then to the west, to the north, to the south, upwards, downwards, and to the intermediate quarters. The Blessed One then addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Do you see, bhikkhus, that cloud of smoke, that swirl of darkness, moving to the east … and to the intermediate quarters?”

“Yes, venerable sir.” 
“That, bhikkhus, is Mara the Evil One searching for the consciousness of the clansman Godhika, wondering: ‘Where now has the consciousness of the clansman Godhika been established?’ However, bhikkhus, with consciousness unestablished, the clansman Godhika has attained final Nibbana.”

Then Mara the Evil One, taking a lute of yellow vilva-wood, approached the Blessed One and addressed him in verse: 
“Above, below, and across, 
In the four quarters and in between,
I have been searching but do not find 
Where Godhika has gone.” 

“That steadfast man was resolute, 
A meditator always rejoicing in jhana,
Applying himself day and night 
Unattached even to life. 
Having conquered the army of Death,
Not returning to re-becoming, 
Having drawn out craving with its root,
Godhika has attained final Nibbana.”

So much was he stricken with sorrow 
That his lute dropped from his armpit. 
Thereupon that disappointed spirit
Disappeared right on the spot.

(相應部 1-4-23)
輝耀神通譽   大雄大智慧
離諸怖畏者   禮奉卿足下
大雄之勝死   卿弟子想死
以死是期望   光明主止此
世尊喜於教   卿之弟子者
如何未達證   有學而為死
不欲於此生     大雄乃如是
拔除渴愛根     瞿低迦涅槃
我求於上下   乃至於四維
四方及八方   不見瞿低迦
志堅英雄者   常樂於禪思
日夜從於道   無願於此生
打破死魔軍   不行於再生
拔除渴愛根   瞿低迦涅槃
破敗於彼悲   小脇落箜篌
悲愴之夜叉   以沒於此處

