Siong'ingr Vxo (1-6-3)
3. Brahmadeva
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt jun, Sewjunx dirr Savatti Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw.
Hitt sii, u jit xee Brahmin hurzinlangg ee qniaw Brahmadeva dirr Sewjunx hiax cutqex venr byy cur :ee. Hitt sii, junjiaw Brahmadeva dandok hiuqux, byy hongwdong, kensingg qycc jingjinr diamr lehh. Byy zuarr quw, jitt xee liongqax ji’ jxuw juer qaix juer :ee an’ u cur laii cutqex, dirr henrjniaa ee hxuad singjiu busiong huanhingg, jurdix, u sit sit ee henrjingr diamr lehh. “Snesiw lunhuee ixx bedjin, cingjing ee hing'uii ixx qenwlip, soxx qaix juer :ee ixx juer, qaqi jin' jaix jit'aursinx be qycc siursingx laii junjai.” Junjiaw Brahmadeva jniaa juer arahant.
Hitt sii, junjiaw Brahmadeva tauwjaw cing snxax tec vxuah, dirr Savatthi Sniaa qiukid jiahsit, dirr Savatti Sniaa dagg hxo longxx kir qiukid jiahsit, qinruaw laurbuw ee cur. Hitt sii, junjiaw Brahmadeva ee laurbuw Brahmin ee hurzinlangg, dniardnia qiongqib Brahmadeva.
Hitt sii, huantenx Sahampati anxnex decc sniu, “Jitt xee junjiaw Brahmadeva ee laurbuw, Brahmin ee hurzinlangg, dniardnia qiongqib Brahmadeva. Guaw qaidongx jenongw hro ix u qingxqag.”
Hitt sii, huantenx Sahampati uanxzenn jit xee u lat :ee decc qra ciuxqud kud zip kud cud hiacc qinw, jit xe aw dyrr dirr Huantenqair byy .kir cuthen dirr junjiaw Brahmadeva inx laurbuw ee cur nirr.
Hitt sii, huantenx Sahampati dirr kongdiongx kia lehh, duiww junjiaw Brahmadeva ee laurbuw cniur jimgensix qongxx:
“Brahmin ee hurluw,
Liw siongsiongg qiongqib jiahsit,
Jiax qapp huantenx li jiokk hng.
Brahmin ee hurluw,
Jex m si huantenx ee jiahsit.
M jaix huantenx ee dy,
Liw nacc decc lysyx.
Brahmin ee hurluw,
Hitt xui huantenx ee bikiu,
Ixx qaur benw knikib,
Ixx dadqaur singwtenx ee qingxde,
Ixx byy uwuer ee soxjai.
Byy langg an'iongw ee bikiu,
Dnaxx zip linw daux qiukid.
Ingdongx sriu qiongsen :ee,
Siuhing liabjig drat qaur singwdy,
Tangx virr langg qapp tnisinn qiongqib.
Druu og byy uewuer.
Qiukid jiahsit uigii dongdongg,
Ix byy hunx jing’au.
Jigjing juat uanwhun,
Byy iubun iarr byy iogbong.
Duiww ziok :ee iacc duiww qiongg :ee,
Longxx byy iong voglik.
Hro ix tangx did diyc liw
Derr id hyw ee qiongsen.
Byy virr huanlyw ee xmoo qongqig,
Ix ee simx jing byy iogbong jiaxee uwuer,
Kyxviw diausun ee cnxiu decc qniaa.
Ciqair hingsen uanbuanw,
Simx ixx qaixtuad ee bikiu,
Hro ix tangx did diyc liw
Derr id hyw ee qiongsen.
Brahmin ee hurluw,
Dnaxx liw qniaa quer pogvor,
Laii qnir diyc Moni vut.
Duiww ix ee sinr byy dongriauu,
Duiww ingdongx sriu qiongsen :ee,
Liw u juer jitt xee qongdig,
Birlaii tangx did diyc anlok.
Brahmin ee hurluw,
Dnaxx ixx qniaa quer vogvor,
Tangx laii qnir diyc singwjiaw,
Vyxcii byy iydang ee sinr,
Duiww ingdong sriu qiongsen :ee,
Liw u juer jitt xee qongdig,
Birlaii tangx did diyc anlok.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-6-3)
3. Brahmadeva
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Savatthi in Jeta’ s Grove, Anathapindika’s Park.
Now on that occasion a certain brahmin lady had a son named Brahmadeva who had gone forth from the household life into homelessness under the Blessed One. Then, dwelling alone, withdrawn, diligent, ardent, and resolute, the Venerable Brahmadeva, by realizing it for himself with direct knowledge, in this very life entered and dwelt in that unsurpassed goal of the holy life for the sake of which clansmen rightly go forth from the household life into homelessness. He directly knew: “Destroyed is birth, the holy life has been lived, what had to be done has been done, there is no more coming back to this world.” And the Venerable Brahmadeva became one of the arahants.
Then, in the morning, the Venerable Brahmadeva dressed and, taking bowl and robe, entered Savatthi for alms. Walking on continuous alms round in Savatthi, he came to his own mother’s residence. Now on that occasion the brahmin lady, the Venerable Brahmadeva’s mother, had been offering a constant oblation to Brahma.
Then it occurred to Brahma Sahampati: “This brahmin lady, the Venerable Brahmadeva’s mother , has been offering a constant oblation to Brahma. Let me approach her and stir up a sense of urgency in her.”
Then, just as quickly as a strong man might extend his drawn-in arm or draw in his extended arm, Brahma Sahampati disappeared from the Brahma-world and reappeared in the residence of the Venerable Brahmadeva’s mother.
Then, standing in the air, Brahma Sahampati addressed the brahmin lady in verse:
“Far from here, madam, is the Brahma-world
To which you offer a constant oblation.
Brahma does not eat such food, lady:
So why mumble, not knowing the path to Brahma?
This Brahmadeva, madam,
Without acquisitions, has surpassed the devas.
Owning nothing, nourishing no other,
The bhikkhu has entered your house for alms.
Gift-worthy, knowledge-master, inwardly developed,
He deserves offerings from humans and devas.
Having expelled all evil, unsullied,
Cooled at heart, he comes seeking alms.
For him there is nothing behind or in front—
Peaceful, smokeless, untroubled, wishless;
He has laid down the rod towards frail and firm:
Let him eat your oblation, the choicest alms.
A loof from the crowd, with peaceful mind,
Like a naga he fares, tamed, unstirred.
A bhikkhu of pure virtue, in mind well released:
Let him eat your oblation, the choicest alms.
With confidence in him, free from wavering,
Present your offering to one who deserves it.
Having seen a sage who has crossed the flood,
O madam, make merit leading to future bliss.
With confidence in him, free from wavering,
She presented her offering to one who deserved it.
Having seen a sage who has crossed the flood,
The lady made merit leading to future bliss."
(相應部 1-6-3)
婆羅門女者 汝常為供食
因此離梵天 婆羅門女者
此非梵天食 不知梵天道
而汝何牢騷 婆羅門女者
汝梵天比丘 已至無依著
以達勝天境 已無所有處
無養之比丘 今乞入汝家
相應於供養 積修達聖道
堪為人天供 除惡無穢污
乞食清威儀 彼亦無前後
寂靜絕瞋煙 無悶亦無欲
於弱於強者 無用於暴力
令彼以得汝 第一之供養
無煩惱魔襲 心靜無欲污
如調順象行 戒行善圓滿
心解脫比丘 令彼以得汝
第一之供養 婆羅門女者
今汝超瀑流 以見牟尼佛
對彼信不動 相應於供養
以行是功德 未來得安樂
婆羅門女今 已超越瀑流
以見於聖者 以持不動信
相應於供養 以行是功德
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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