
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-6-11)

(Zi) Huantenx
11. Sanankumara
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt jun, Sewjunx diamr dirr Rajagaha Sniaa ee Sappini Hyy-vnix. Hitt sii, huantenx Sanankumara dirr tnix beh qngx jinwjingg kir Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw ee sii, qonghuix jiyr Sappini Hyy-vnix. Vaiwhue quer, ix lexqingr Sewjunx liauxau dirr vnix:a kia. Kia dirr vnix:a ee huantenx Sanankumara dirr Sewjunx hiax cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Jiongxsner lairdew junquir :ee,
Kattiia siongrr huihuanncutvan.
Diwsig qapp hing'uii qeww u singjiu,
Dirr langg qapp tnisinn lairdew jueww cutvan.”

Huantenx Sanankumara qongw liauw, Qauwsux u qra janwsingg. Hitt sii, huantenx Sanankumara jaix Qauwsux u qra janwsingg, lexqingr Sewjunx liauw, kaux duiww jniawvingg lirkuix.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-6-11)  
II. The Second Chapter (Brahma Pentad)
11. Sanankumara
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rajagaha on the bank of the river Sappini. Then, when the night had advanced, Brahma Sanankumara, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire bank of the river Sappini, approached the Blessed
One, paid homage to him, and stood to one side. Standing to one side, he recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
“The khattiya is the best among people
For those whose standard is the clan,
But one accomplished in knowledge and conduct
Is best among devas and humans.” 

This is what Brahma Sanankumara said. The Teacher approved. Then Brahma Sanankumara, thinking, “The Teacher has approved of me,” paid homage to the Blessed One and, keeping him on his right, he disappeared right there.

(相應部 1-6-11)
第二 梵天品
氏姓人中尊   殊勝剎帝利
明行具足者   人天中殊勝

