
Shurangama Qingx (lak-9)

Dyrr anxnex, Ananda qapp jingwlangg u liauxgno, did dua kaisi. Inx quansniu Vut ee potee qapp dua liappuann, kyxviw u langg in’ui u dairjir uanxiuu iauxx bue dngw .kir, mrqycc jai’ngiaw beh dngw cur ee lo. Huathue ee dairjiongr, jiongw tenzinn qapp lringg jiaxee veh jiongw sinbingg, iauxx diyhh yc ee zirsing, ixqip  itcer sinx huatsimx ee posad, sowliong je qaxx cincniu jap diauu Ganges Hyy lairdew ee suax, inx longxx did diyc vunxsimx, uanxlii din’aix qapp uwuer, did diyc huatganw cingjing. Biksuni Vunxsingr tniax diyc jitt xee jimgensix liauw, jniaa jyr Arhat. Buliong jiongwsinx longxx huad kiw Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi busiong ee busiong simx

Ananda jingxliw sinkux-dingw ee snakor, dirr jingwlangg-diongx habjiongw dingxlew, simjig uanbingg, vrix-hiw qaujib. Uirr beh lirig birlaii jiongwsingx ee  enqor, ix duiww Vut qnialew qongw, “Dairvix ee Sewjunx! Guaw dnaxx ixx liauxgo diyc sxingg Vut ee huatmngg, dirr jiongdiongx siuhing longxx byy gihik. Suwsiongg tniax diyc Zulaii anxnex qongw, ‘Qaqi iauxx bue ditdo, singx kir dorzinn :ee, jex si posad ee huatsimx. Qaqi qakgo ixx uanbingg, tangx hro tazinn qakgo :ee, jex si Zulaii decc ingwser.’ Guaw suizenn iauxx bue ditdo, guan dro buadser itcer jiongwsingx. 

Sewjunx! Jiaxee jiongwsingx, li Vut jiamrjiam hng .kir. Siaog ee huatsux suathuad, kyxviw Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je. Beh hro inx siux simx zip Samadhi, diyhh anwjnuaw tangx hro inx dirr dyrdniuu anqux uanlii iaumoo ee dairjir, tangx hro inx huad potesimx be trer dywdngw?”

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 6 -- 9)

Thereupon, Ananda and all in the great assembly experienced a clarity of body and mind upon receiving such profound instruction. They contemplated the Buddha's Bodhi and Parinirvana like someone who, having travelled far on business, knows that he is on the road home, although he has not yet returned completely. Throughout the entire assembly, the gods, dragons, and all the eightfold division, those of the two vehicles who were not yet beyond study, as well as all the Bodhisattvas of initial resolve, as numerous as the sands in ten Ganges Rivers, found their fundamental mind and, far removed from dust and defilement, attained the purity of the Dharma eye. The Bhikshuni Nature attained Arhatship after hearing this verse, and limitless beings aroused the matchless, unequaled heart of Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi.

Ananda straightened his robes and then, in the midst of the assembly, placed his palms together and bowed. His mind was perfectly clear, and he felt a mixture of joy and sorrow. His intent was to benefit beings of the future as he made obeisance and said to the Buddha, "Greatly Compassionate Bhagavan. I have already awakened and attained this Dharma-door for becoming a Buddha, and I can cultivate it without the slightest doubt. I have often heard the Tathagata say, 'Save others first; then save yourself. That is the aspiration of a Bodhisattva. Once your own enlightenment is perfected, then you can enlighten others. That is the way the Tathagatas respond to the world.' Although I am not yet saved, I vow to save all beings of the Dharma-ending Age.

"Bhagavan, those beings are from the Buddha's time, and there will be as many deviant teachers propounding their teachings as there are sand grains in the Ganges. I want to enable those beings to collect their thoughts and enter Samadhi. How can I cause them to reside peacefully in a Way-place, far away from exploits of demons, and be irreversible in their resolve for Bodhi?"



