
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (zi-jap-veh-1)


Derr Zi-jap-veh Pinw: Poxhenn Posad Krngr Huatsimx

Hitt sijun, ixx jurjai sintongx-lat qapp uidig cutmiaa ee Samantabhadra (Poxhenn) Posad ham’ buliong buven berdangr sngr ee dua posad  an’ danghngx laii, soxx qingqur ee soxu qoktow poxpenr jiauu dinxdang, lyc vyw-lenhuex ee huex-ho, jraur buliong vaccingbanrig jiongxjiongw imgak. Ix qycc virr busor jerje ee tenzinn, lringg, iarcex, gandharva, asura, garuda, kimnara, mahoraga, sriok langg qapp byy sriok langg :ee uii lehh, qokqog henr uidig ee sintongx-lat. Qaur syvyy sewqair Grdhrakuta Snuax lairdew, tauu qapp bin kap de qingwvair Sakyamuni Vut, an' jniar vingg sec cid linr, Poxhenn Posad duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Guaw dirr Ratnatejo’bhyudgataraja (Vyw Uidig Siongrdingw Ongg) Vut ee qog, hng hng tniax diyc syvyy sewqair decc enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, dyrr ham’ buliong buvenx vaccingbanrig jiongww posad dauwdin laii tniax laii siurqaur. Hibang Sewjunx uirr guanw suecbingg. Narr senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn dirr Zulaii beddo liauxau, diyhh anxjnuaw tangx did diyc jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx?”

Vuddyy qra Poxhenn Posad qongw, “Narr senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn u sir jiongw singjiu, dirr Zulaii beddo liauxau, tangx did diyc jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Id jiarr, virr jiongww vut soxx vyxho qapp quanhuaii; zi jiarr, jingr dikhing ee qinx; snax jiarr, zip vitdnia jniar jingwgno ee dinrngiaa; sir jiarr, huatsimx qiur itcer jiongwsingx. Senrlamjur qapp senrluxzinn u jitt sir jiongw singjiu, dirr Zulaii beddo liauxau vitdnia did diyc jitt vxo qingx.”

Hitt sijun, Poxhenn Posad qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Dirr juewau go-vah nii lyy qycc og ee sewqair lairdew, u siurcii jitt vxo qingdenw :ee, guaw e qra siuxho, druu kir inx ee sueter qapp huanrlan, hro inx did diyc an’unw; be hro beh qra ziauxluan :ee did diyc lirven. Bylun si xmoo, xmoo ee qniaw, xmoo ee jaboxqniaw, xmoo ee juxbinn, virr xmoo soxx dnii :ee, iarcex, raksasa, kumbhanda, pisaca, krtya, putana, iacc vetala dringw jiongxjiongw qiauxziauw langg :ee, inx longxx be did diyc liven. Jitt hy langg bylun qnialo iacc kia lehh, narr togsiong jitt vxo qingx, guaw hitt sii e jre lak qix cniurgee ee vec cnxiu ongg, ham’ dua posad dairjiongr dauwdin jen’ongw ix ee soxjai, henr srinx, qra qiong’iongw, siuxho, qycc an’uir ix ee simx, jex iarr si uirr beh qiong’iongw Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Jitt xee langg narr jre lecc decc sukyw jitt vxo qingx, hitt sii, guaw e jre vec cnxiu ongg cuthen dirr hitt xee langg binrjingg. Hitt xee langg narr be qir did  Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx lairdew ee jit qxur iacc jit siuw jimgensix, guaw e qra qar, ham' ix dauwdin togsiong, hro ix tongdat. Hitt sii, siurcii qapp togsiong Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx :ee knuar diyc guaw e jiokk hnuahiw, e qyckacc jingjinr. In’ui knuar diyc guaw, jiksii diyc diyc samadhi qapp dharani, qiyr jyr avarta (dngxsec) dharanikotisatasahasravarta (vaccingbanrig dngxsec) dharanisarvarutakausalyavarta  (huat'imx hongven) dharani. Ix tangx did diyc jiaxee dharaniSewjunx! Narr dirr au sxer juewau go-vah nii ee lyy qycc og ee sewqair lairdew, bikiu, bikuni, upasak, qapp upasika u beh qriuu, beh siurcii, beh togsiong, beh causiaw, qapp beh siuhak jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx :ee, dirr sxamx cid zip-jap-id zit lairdew ingqaix itsimx jingjinr. Muaw sxamx cid zi-jap-id qangx liauxau, guaw e jre lak qix cniurgee vec cnxiu, ham’ buliong posad laii qra uii lehh, iong itcer jiongwsingx soxx hnuahiw knuar .diyc ee srinx cuthen dirr hitt langg binrjingg, laii uirr ix enxsuad qapp kaisi, laii qra qauwhuar, hro ix did diyc lirig laii hnuahiw. Guaw iarr e hro ix dharani ee jiuwgi. In’ui did diyc jitt hy dharani, ix be qycc virr byy sriok langg :ee sionghai, iarr be virr luxzinn behik qapp ziauxluan. Guaw vunxsinx iarr siongsiongg vyxho jitt xee langg. Hibang Sewjunx tniax guaw liam jitt xee dharani ee jiuwgiw.”

Ix dyrr dirr Vuddyy binrjingg liam jiuwgiw:

Adande dandapati dandavartani dandakusale dandasudhari sudhari sudharapati buddhapasyane sarvadharani avartani sarvabhasyavartane suavartane samghapariksani samghanirghatani asamge samgapa-gate triadhvasamgatulya arate prapte sarvasamgasamatikrante sarvadharmasupariksite sarvasattvarutakausalyanugate simhavikridite

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXVIII Encouragement of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra 1)

Thereupon Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, through his effortless transcendent power, dignity, and fame, arrived from the east together with innumerable, limitless, and incalculable numbers of great bodhisattvas. All the lands quaked universally wherever he passed. Jeweled lotus flowers rained down and immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of kinds of music were heard. He was surrounded by a great assembly of innumerable beings: humans and such nonhumans as devas, nāgas, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, and mahoragas, each manifesting dignity and transcendent powers. He then arrived at Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa in the sahā world. He prostrated himself before Śākyamuni Buddha and circled around him to the right. He then addressed him, saying: “O Bhagavat! Afar in the land of the Buddha Ratnatejo’bhyudgatarāja I heard you expound the Lotus Sutra in this sahā world. I have come here to listen to you, together with the assembly of immeasurable and limitless hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of bodhisattvas. I entreat you, O Bhagavat, to teach us how the sons and daughters of a virtuous family may attain the Lotus Sutra after the parinirvāṇa of the Tathāgata.” 

The Buddha said to Bodhisattva Samantabhadra: “After the parinirvāṇa of the Tathāgata the sons and daughters of a virtuous family will attain the Lotus Sutra if they achieve the four necessary accomplishments: the first is to be protected by the buddhas; the second is to plant roots of good merit; the third is to enter a group of those who are rightly resolute; and the fourth is to awaken the thought of saving all sentient beings. Those sons and daughters of a virtuous family will definitely attain this sutra after the parinirvāṇa of the Tathāgata if they perfect these four accomplishments.” 

Then Bodhisattva Samantabhadra addressed the Buddha,saying: “O Bhagavat! If there are those who preserve this sutra in the troubled world of five hundred years after, I will protect them and rid them of their heavy cares, cause them to attain happiness, and allow no one to strike at them through their weaknesses. I will not give Māra any chance to afflict them, nor the sons of Māra, daughters of Māra, minions of Māra, those possessed by Māra, yakṣas,rākṣasas, kumbhāṇḍas, piśācas, kṛtyas, pūtanas, or vetālas. If they recite thissutra, whether walking or standing, I will then come before them on a white elephant king with six tusks, together with the assembly of great bodhisattvas, manifest myself, pay homage and protect them, and console their mindsfor the sake of revering the Lotus Sutra. If they sit contemplating upon this sutra, I will then manifest myself before them on a white elephant king. If they forget a single line or a verse in the Lotus Sutra, I will teach and recite it with them and cause them to become proficient in it. At that time those who accept and recite the Lotus Sutra will be able to see me and, greatly rejoicing, will thus make further efforts. As a result of seeing me they will attain the samādhi and dhāraṇīs named āvartā dhāraṇī, koṭīśatasahasrāvartā dhāraṇī, and sarvarutakauśalyāvartā dhāraṇī. They will attain dhāraṇīs like these. O Bhagavat! In the troubled world of five hundred years after those monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen who seek, preserve, recite, copy, and wish to practice this Lotus Sutra should persevere singlemindedly for twenty-one days. After a full twenty-one daysI will appear on a white elephant with six tusks, accompanied by innumerable bodhisattvas who themselves will also be surrounded by their retinues, and manifest myself before sentient beings in whatever form they wish to see. Then I will expound and teach the Dharma to them and gladden them. I will also give them a dhāraṇīspell. When they attain this dhāraṇī, nonhumans will have no power to destroy them and women no power to trouble them. I myself will also protect these people. I entreat you, O Bhagavat, to allow me to teach this dhāraṇī.” 

Thus he taught the spell in the presence of the Buddha, saying: Adaṇḍe daṇḍapati daṇḍāvartani daṇḍakuśale daṇḍasudhāri sudhāri sudhārapati buddhapaśyane sarvadhāraṇī āvartani sarvabhāṣyāvartane su-āvartane saṃghaparīkṣani saṃghanirghātani asaṃge saṃgāpa-gate tṛ-adhvasaṃgatulyaprāpte sarvasaṃgasamatikrānte sarvadharmasuparīkṣite sarvasattvarutakauśalyānugate siṃhavikrīḍite

(妙法蓮華經第二十八品 普賢菩薩勸發之1)



