Hitt sijun, Hunn Luii Imx Siokser Ongg Huex Diwhui Vut qra Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg qongw, ‘Byy cyr, byy cyr! Dyrr cincniu liw soxx qongw :ee, narr senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn in’ui jingr senrqinx, singsingx-sewser tangx duw diyc senrdiwsig. Hiaxee senrdiwdig tangx jyr vudsu laii kaisi qapp qauwhuar, hro langg’ did diyc lirig laii hnuahiw, hro langg’ zip anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Dairongg diyhh jaix. Senrdiwsig si dua in’enn. Ix tangx qa'ngg qauwhuar qapp jixdy, hro langg’ tangx qnir diyc vut, huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Dairongg! Liw u knuar diyc liw jitt nng xee qniaw bor? Liw jitt nng xee qniaw bad qiong’iongw lak-jap-go vaccingbanrig nayuta Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee vut, kir cinqin qapp qiongqingr inx. Inx nng xee dirr jiongww vut ee soxjai siurcii Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, linbinw qapp quanhuaii siaa qenwsig ee jiongwsingx, hro inx diamr dirr jniar qenwsig.’
Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg dyrr an’ kongdiongx lyc .laii duiww Vuddyy qongw, ‘Sewjunx! Zulaii jiokk hihanw. In’ui u qongdig qapp diwhui, taukag-dingw ee bacqer qongbingg venww jiyr; dngg qycc kuah ee bagjiux si cimx nasig; bagbaii diongx:a ee xmngg vec qaxx cincniu bingguec; cuiwkiw vec, jingxjee, bat, qycc dniardnia u qongbingg; ju'angg ee cuiwdunn suiw qaxx cincniu bimba(pongrqyw).’
Hitt sijun, Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg janwtanr Vuddyy jitt hy buliong vaccingbanrig ee qongdig liauxau, dirr Zulaii taujingg itsimx habjiongw qra Vuddyy qongw, ‘Sewjunx! Ixjaw m bad duw .quer .ee. Zulaii ee Hxuad uanbuanw, tangx singjiu vutkyw-sugi bibiau ee qongdig. Jiauww soxx qawsi :ee qapp qaiwlut kir jyr, tangx an’unw qycc kuaiwlok. Guaw an’ qimzit be qycc jiauww simx soxx beh :ee kir jyr, be snix cud siaa qenwsig, be snix cud qyban, siurkir, qapp uanwhun jiaxee og ee simx.’
Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, ix lexqingr Vuddyy liauxau cud .kir."
Vuddyy qra dairjiongr qongw, "Linw sniu sniaw kuanw? Jitt xee Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg qamxx si vadd langg? Dyrr si jitmaw ee Padmasri (Huex Dikhing) Posad. Hitt xee Cingjing Dikhing Huzinn dyrr si dirr Vuddyy binrjingg ee Vairocanarasmipratimanditadhvajaraja(Qngx Jiyr Jonggiamm Siongr) Posad. Ix in’ui linbinw Jonggiamm Ongg qapp jerje quanwsiok, jiacc e dirr hitt lairdew cuthen. Inx nng xee qniaw dyrr si jitmaw ee Bhaisajyaraja (Iyc Ongg) Posad qapp Bhaisajyasamudgata (Iyc Siong) Posad. Iyc Ongg Posad qap Iyc Siong Posad singjiu jiacnirr dua qongdig, ixqingx dirr buliong vaccingbanrig jiongww vut ee soxjai jingr dikhing ee qinx, singjiu vutkyw-sugi jerje sxen ee qongdig. Narr u langg bad jitt nng xui posad ee miaa, itcer sewqanx jiongww tenzinn qapp zinbingg iarr ingqair qra qingwvair.”
Vuddyy qangxsuad jitt xee Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg Qiwsu Pinw ee sii, u veh-bxan sir-cingx langg druu kir din'aix qapp uwuer, dirr jiongxjiongw vudhuad lairdew did diyc cingjing ee huatganw.
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXVI Dhāraṇī 5)
“Then the Buddha Jaladharagarjitaghoṣasusvaranakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña addressed King Śubhavyūha, saying: Exactly! Exactly! It is exactly as you have said. If the sons and daughters of a virtuous family make good friends throughout many lives, after having planted roots of good merit, those good friends will perform the Buddha’s work, illuminating, teaching, benefiting, and gladdening them, and will cause them to enter highest, complete enlightenment. O great king! You should know that a good friend is indeed the great spur that brings inspiration to others, causing them to meet a buddha and the thought of highest, complete enlightenment to awaken in them. O great king! Do you see these two sons? These two sons have already paid homage to buddhas equal in number to the sands of sixty-five hundred thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of Ganges Rivers, closely attended the buddhas with respect, accepted the Lotus Sutra in their presence, and, in their compassion, caused sentient beings with false views to dwell in right views.
“Immediately after that, King Śubhavyūha descended from the air and addressed the Buddha, saying: O Bhagavat! The Tathāgata is extraordinary. Because he is endowed with merits and wisdom, his topknot is brilliantly illuminated, his deep blue eyes are long and wide, the tuft of hair between his eyebrows is white like the bright moon, his white teeth are even and always shining, and his scarlet lips are like the bimba fruit in their beauty.
“At that time King Śubhavyūha praised immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of qualities of the Buddha like these and, again, wholeheartedly addressed the Buddha with his palms pressed together, in the presence of the Tathāgata, saying: O Bhagavat! This is unprecedented. The Tathāgata’s Dharma is endowed and perfected with inconceivable subtle qualities. His teaching, integrity, and deeds are serene and comfortable. From today on we shall never act selfishly and the wrongful thoughts of false views, pride and anger shall never awaken in us.
“Having spoken these words he bowed to the Buddha and went away.”
The Buddha addressed the great assembly, saying: “What do you think about this? Is King Śubhavyūha someone unknown? He is none other than this Bodhisattva Padmaśrī. His Queen Vimaladatta is none other than this Vairocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitādhvajarāja now in the presence of the Buddha. Because she had compassion for King Śubhavyūha and his retinue, she was born here. These two sons are none other than Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja and Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyasamudgata. These bodhisattvas Bhaiṣajyarāja and Bhaiṣajyasamudgata perfected great qualities such as these and, having planted many roots of good merit under the guidance of innumerable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of buddhas, perfected inconceivable good merit. If anyone holds the names of these two bodhisattvas in memory, the devas and humans in this entire world will certainly pay homage to those bodhisattvas.”
When the Buddha taught this chapter, “Ancient Accounts of King Śubhavyūha,” eighty-four thousand people removed themselves from impurity, rid themselves of defilement, and attained pure Dharma-eyes with which to see the teachings.
(妙法蓮華經第二十七品 陀妙莊嚴王本事之5)