Derr Zi-jap-zi Pinw: Jiokhur
Hitt sijun, Sakyamuni Vut an’ huatjy vreh kiw, henr cud sintongx-lat, iong jniar ciuw bongx buliong posad mahasattva ee tauu liauxau anxnex qongw, “Guaw dirr buliong vaccingbanrig asamkhya qiab siuhak jitt hy yh drat qaur ee anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Linw diyhh itsimx tuanvyr jitt vxo Hxuad, hro ix dua dua jingqax lirig.”
Zucuw snax vaiw bongx posad mahasattva liauxau, ix anxnex qongw, “Guaw dirr buliong vaccingbanrig asamkhya qiab siuhak jitt hy yh drat qaur ee anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, qimzit jiokhur linw. Linw diyhh siurcii, togsiong, siwqer suanqangw jitt vxo Hxuad, hro itcer jiongwsingx poxpenr longxx tniax .diyc qycc jai'ngiaw. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Zulaii u dua juvix, byy jit sud aw qenlin, iarr byy soxx qnia’uir, tangx s'iuw hro jiongwsingx vut ee diwhui, Zulaii ee diwhui, jurzenn ee diwhui. Zulaii si itcer jiongwsingx ee dua sijuw. Linw iarr ingqaix duer lacc hagsip Zulaii ee Hxuad, m tangx qenlin. Dirr birlaii sxer, narr u senrlamjuw senrluxzinn siongsinr Zulaii ee diwhui :ee, qaidongx uirr inx enxsuad jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, hro inx tniax .diyc, hro inx jai'ngiaw, dyrr si uirdiyhh hro inx did diyc vut ee diwhui. Narr u jiongwsingx byy siongsinr :ee, diyhh an' Zulaii qitax cim'yr ee Hxuad lairdew qra kaisi qapp qauwhuar, hro ix did diyc lirig laii hnuahiw. Linw narr tangx anxnex jyr, dyrr sngr u vyr jiongww vut ee xunx.”
Hitt sii, jiongww posad mahasattva tniax diyc Vuddyy anxnex qongw, qui’ sinkux ciongmuaw dua hnuahiw, qyckacc qiongqingr, ngar iyx, tauu lee lee, habjiongw hiongr Vuddyy dangjee cud sniax qongw, “Sewjunx soxx jixsi :ee, guanw longxx e hongrhingg. Soxiw qongxx Sewjunx, hibang liw m tangx quawlu.”
Jiongww posad mahasattva zucuw snax vaiw dangjee cud sniax qongw, “Sewjunx soxx jixsi :ee, guanw longxx e hongrhingg. Soxiw qongxx Sewjunx, hibang liw m tangx quawlu.”
Hitt sijun, Sakyamuni Vut beh qiyr sibhongx laii ee jiongww hunsinx-vut sui’ xee dngw kir vunxqog, dyrr anxnex qongw, “Jiongww vut tangx qokqog dngw kir ansinx ee qoktow. Je Vyw Vut ee tah iarr tangx dngw kir guanvunw ee soxjai.”
Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, jre dirr vyxciu-kax ee sraix-aw-jxy ee sibhongx buliong hunsinx-vut, Je Vyw Vut, Visistacaritra dringw buvenx asamkhya posad dairjiongr, Sariputra dringw sniabunn ee sir jiongw derjuw, ixqip itcer sewqanx ee tenzinn, langg, qapp asura dringw tniax diyc Vuddyy soxx qongw, longxx dua hnuahiw.
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXII Entrustment 1)
Thereupon, having arisen from the Dharma seat and manifested his great transcendent powers, Śākyamuni Buddha caressed the heads of the innumerable bodhisattva mahāsattvas with his right hand, and addressed them, saying: “For immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of incalculable kalpas, I practiced this Dharma of highest, complete enlightenment, which is hard to attain. I now entrust it to you. You should wholeheartedly spread this teaching and so extensively benefit others.”
Having caressed the heads of the bodhisattva mahāsattvas three times in this way, he further addressed them, saying: “For immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of incalculable kalpas, I practiced this Dharma of highest, complete enlightenment, which is hard to attain. I now entrust it to you. You should preserve and recite it. You should spread this teaching extensively. You should let all the sentient beings hear and know it. Why is this? Because with his great compassion, unstinting and unafraid, the Tathāgata gives the wisdom of the Buddha, the wisdom of the Tathāgata, and the knowledge of the self-arising one to the sentient beings. The Tathāgata is nothing but the great donor to all the sentient beings. You should accordingly practice the teaching of the Tathāgata. Never allow the thought of avarice to awaken in you! If there are sons and daughters of a virtuous family who believe in the wisdom of the Tathāgata in the future, you should expound this Lotus Sutra; and let them hear and know it so that they may attain the wisdom of the Buddha. If there are sentient beings who do not accept it, you should reveal, teach, benefit, and gladden them with the other profound teachings of the Tathāgata. If you do this, you will repay your indebtedness to the Buddha.”
Having heard the Buddha teach this, all the bodhisattva mahāsattvas were filled with joy, inclined their bodies, bowed their heads with increased respect, and, with their palms pressed together, faced the buddhas and uttered these words: “We will certainly do as the Bhagavat directs us. O Bhagavat, we entreat you to feel no anxiety.”
All the bodhisattva mahāsattvas uttered these words three times in this way, saying: “We will do as the Bhagavat directs us. O Bhagavat, we entreat you to feel no anxiety.”
At that time, in order to cause all the buddhas who were his magically created forms and who had come from the ten directions to return to their own lands, Śākyamuni Buddha said this: “All the buddhas should be at ease. The Buddha Prabhūtaratna will be restored as before.”
When he said this, all the innumerable buddhas in their magically created forms from the ten directions sitting on the lion seats under the jeweled trees, the Buddha Prabhūtaratna, the great assembly of the limitless and incalculable bodhisattvas beginning with Viśiṣṭacāritra, the fourfold assemblies of the śrāvakas beginning with Śāriputra, and the devas, humans, and asuras in all the worlds, having heard what the Buddha had taught, rejoiced greatly.
(妙法蓮華經第二十二品 囑累之1)
爾時釋迦牟尼佛。從法座起現大神力。以右手摩無量菩薩摩訶薩頂。而作是言。我於無量百千萬億阿僧祇劫。修習是難得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提法。今以付囑汝等。汝等應當一心流布此法廣令增益。如是三摩諸菩薩摩訶薩頂。而作是言。我於無量百千萬億阿僧祇劫。修習是難得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提法。今以付囑汝等。汝等當受持讀誦廣宣此法。令一切眾生普得聞知。所以者何。如來有大慈悲。無諸慳悋亦無所畏。能與眾生佛之智慧如來智慧自然智慧。如來是一切眾生之大施主。汝等亦應隨學如來之法。勿生慳悋。 於未來世。若有善男子善女人。信如來智慧者。當為演說此法華經使得聞知。為令其人得佛慧故。若有眾生不信受者。當於如來餘深法中示教利喜。汝等若能如是。則為已報諸佛之恩。時諸菩薩摩訶薩。聞佛作是說已。皆大歡喜遍滿其身。益加恭敬曲躬低頭。合掌向佛俱發聲言。如世尊勅當具奉行。唯然世尊。願不有慮。諸菩薩摩訶薩眾。如是三反俱發聲言。如世尊勅當具奉行。唯然世尊。願不有慮。爾時釋迦牟尼佛。令十方來諸分身佛各還本土。而作是言。諸佛各隨所安。多寶佛塔還可如故。說是語時。十方無量分身諸佛。坐寶樹下師子座上者。及多寶佛。并上行等無邊阿僧祇菩薩大眾。舍利弗等聲聞四眾。及一切世間天人阿修羅等。聞佛所說。皆大歡喜。