Dyrr anxnex, Vimalakirti mng Manjusri qongxx, “Zulaii ee jingxsingr si sniaw kuanw?”
Manjusri qongw, “U siksinx si jingxsingr; bubingg u air si jingxsingr; tamsimx, siurkir, qapp cigaii si jingxsingr; sir jiongw dendyr si jingxsingr; go jiongw ziakamr si jingxsingr; lak xee zibkauw si jingxsingr; cid xee iwsig ee soxjai si jingxsingr; veh xee siaa hxuad si jingxsingr; qauw jiongw huanlyw ee soxjai si jingxsingr; jap jiongw vutsen ee dy si jingxingr. Qanxdanx qongw, lak-jap-zi jiongw qenwqaiw qapp itcer huanlyw longxx si vut ee jingxsingr.”
“Anwjnuaw qongw?”
Rinr qongxx, “Narr qenwjingr buuii zip jniar xui :ee, berdngr huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Kyxviw qyguann iacc liogde be snix lenhuex, iurr sib iurr qe ee tomuaii jiacc e snix cud jitt hy huex. Zucuw, qenwjingr diyc buuii zip jniar xui :ee, quibew berdangr qycc snix cud vudhuad. Dirr huanlyw ee too lairdew u jiogwsingx jiacc laii snix cud vudhuad. Qycc kyxviw jingr dirr kongdiongx be snix, dirr tovunr ee de jiacc e borsing. Zucuw zip buuii jniar xui :ee be snix kiw qriuu vudhuad ee simx. Gnoxqenr cincniu Sumera Snuax (hiacc dua) :ee, iaxx erdangr huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi snix kiw vudhuad. Soxiw tangx jai'ngiaw qongxx itcer huanlyw si Zulaii ee jingxsingr. Kyxviw byy zip cimx haiw berdangr did diyc buqer ee vyxjux. Zucuw, byy zip kir huanlyw ee duarhaiw dyrr berdangr did diyc itcer diwhui ee vyxbut.”
(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter VIII The Family of the Tathagatas 2)
Then, the Licchavi Vimalakirti said to the crown prince Manjusri, "Manjusri, what is the 'family of the Tathagatas'?"
Manjusri replied, "Noble sir, the family of the Tathagatas consists of all basic egoism; of ignorance and the thirst for existence; of lust, hate, and folly; of the four misapprehensions, of the five obscurations, of the six media of sense, of the seven abodes of consciousness, of the eight false paths, of the nine causes of irritation, of the paths of ten sins. Such is the family of the Tathagatas. In short, noble sir, the sixty-two kinds of convictions constitute the family of the Tathagatas!"
Vimalakirti: Manjusri, with what in mind do you say so?
Manjusri: Noble sir, one who stays in the fixed determination of the vision of the uncreated is not capable of conceiving the spirit of unexcelled perfect enlightenment. However, one who lives among created things, in the mines of passions, without seeing any truth, is indeed capable of conceiving the spirit of unexcelled perfect enlightenment.
Noble sir, flowers like the blue lotus, the red lotus, the white lotus, the water lily, and the moon lily do not grow on the dry ground in the wilderness, but do grow in the swamps and mud banks. Just so, the Buddha-qualities do not grow in living beings certainly destined for the uncreated but do grow in those living beings who are like swamps and mud banks of passions. Likewise, as seeds do not grow in the sky but do grow in the earth, so the Buddha-qualities do not grow in those determined for the absolute but do grow in those who conceive the spirit of enlightenment, after having produced a Sumeru-like mountain of egoistic views.
Noble sir, through these considerations one can understand that all passions constitute the family of the Tathagatas. For example, noble sir, without going out into the great ocean, it is impossible to find precious, priceless pearls. Likewise, without going into the ocean of passions, it is impossible to obtain the mind of omniscience.
(維摩詰所說經第八品 佛道之2)