Hitt sii, Poxhenn Posad Mahasattva beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, quanknuar sibhongx siwqer liauxau dyrr qongw jimgensix:
Soxu sibhongx sewqair lairdew
Samser itcer langg lairdew ee sraix
Guaw ixx cingjing ee srinx-giw-ir
Itcer venww lexqingr longxx byy cunx
Poxhenn ee hinggii qapp sewguan ee uisinn-lat
Poxpenr henrcud dirr itcer Zulaii binrjingg
Jit srinx qycc henrcud din'aix sowliong ee srinx
Muixx jit xee venww lexqingr din'aix sowliong ee vut
Dirr muixx jit xee din’aix lairdew u din’aix sowliong ee vut
Qokqog diamr dirr posad jibhue ee dyrdniuu lairdew
Bujin huatqair qapp din’aix iarr qangrkuanw
Cimsinr longxx u jerje vut ciongmuaw
Qokqog ixx cincniu haiw ee itcer imsniax
Poxpenr cud bujin bibiau ee gensuu
Qaur birlaii itcer qiab ee jinrtauu
Janwtanr vut qik cimx cincniu haiw ee qongdig
Iong jerje siongrr hyw siongrr bibiau ee huekox
Qycc u imgak, buah-hniux, qapp iamxsnuar
Zucuw siongrr hyw siongrr jonggiamm ee kiwqu
Guaw laii qiong’iongw jiongww Zulaii
Siongrr hyw ee ihok siongrr hyw ee hniux
Hniubuac, siyx hniux, qapp dingjiog
It’id qra tac .kiw .laii cincniu Sumeru Snuax hiacc quann
Guaw longxx qiong’iongw jiongww Zulaii
Guaw ixx qongxdai cimx cimx liauxqaiw ee simx
Cimsinr itcer samser vut
Longxx ixx Poxhenn ee hinggii qapp sewguan ee lat
Poxpenr qiong’iongw jiongww Zulaii
Guaw ingxzit soxx jy jerje og giap
Longxx in'ui busiw ee tamsimx, uanwhun, qapp cigaii
An’ srinx-giw-ir soxx snix :ee
Itcer guaw dnaxx longxx camwhuew
Sibhongx itcer jiongwsingx
Zirsingg decc yc qapp benw qycc yc :ee
Itcer Zulaii qapp posad
Soxu qongdig guaw longxx suihiw
Sibhongx soxu sewqanx ee dinghuew
Qapp dnaxx jiacc singjiu potee :ee
Guaw henrjai longxx kunxqiuu inx
Dngw busiong bibiau ee huatlenw
Jiongww vut narr beh zip liappuann
Guaw longxx jiokk singsimx laii kunxqiuu
Dna’ brang inx quxdngg diamr lehh
Cincniu vudqog ee din’aix sowliong hiacc quw ee qiab
Tangx lirig itcer jiongwsingx hro inx kuaiwlok
Soxu ee lexqingr qapp janwtanr qiong’iongw hog
Cniaw vut diamr sewqanx dngw huatlenw
Suihiw, camwhuew, qapp soxu senrqinx
Huehiongr jiongwsingx qapp vuddy
Guaw duer itcer Zulaii decc yc
Siuhak Poxhenn uanbuanw ee hinggii
Qiong’iongw quekir jerje Zulaii
Qapp henrjai sibhongx ee vut
Birlaii itcer tenzinn qapp langg ee sensnix
Itcer sim'ir longxx uanbuanw
Guaw guanrir poxpenr duer samser ee vut hagsip
Soksog tangx singjiu dua potee
Soxu sibhongx itcer ee vudqog
Qongxdai cingjing bibiau jonggiamm
Dirr jerje huerdniuu qra jiongww Zulaii uii lehh
Longxx dirr poteciu ongg erdew
Sibhongx soxu ee jiongwsingx
Guanrir lirkuix iuciuu qapp huanlyw tangx sisiongg anlok
Did diyc qik cim'yrx Jniar Hxuad ee lirig
Bedduu huanlyw longxx byy cunx
Guaw uirr potee siuhing ee sii
Kir dycc jit dy longxx si siokbing
Sisiongg tangx cutqex siulen cingjing ee qaiwlut
Byy uwuer byy pywqair qycc byy lrau
Tenzinn, lringg, iarcex, kumbhanda
Simrjiww langg qapp byy sriok langg :ee
Soxu itcer jiongwsingx ee gixgenn
Guaw longxx iong jerje imx laii uirr inx suathuad
Qutlat siulen cingjing ee paramita
Ingxuanw be sitsiuw potesimx
Dubet soxu uwuer longxx byy cunx
Itcer bibiau ee hinggii longxx singjiu
Dirr soxu gihik ee giap qapp xmoo ee qingxqair
Dirr sewqanx ee dy lairdew did diyc qaixtuad
Kyxviw lenhuex byy jipdiok juiw
Iarr cincniu zidguat byy diamr dirr kongdiongx
Itcer og dy ee kow longxx dubet
Vingdingw hro itcer jiongwsingx kuaiwlok
Zucuw qingquer vudqog ee din'aix sowliong hiacc je ee qiab
Lirig sibhongx ingxuanw byy jinrtauu
Guaw sisiongg suisun jiongwsingx
Qaur birlaii itcer qiab ee jinrtauu
Ingxuanw siulen Poxhenn qongxdai ee hinggii
Uanbuanw busiong dua potee
Soxu ham’ guaw dauwdin qniaa :ee
Diamr dirr itcer qang huerdniuu
Srinx-kauw-ir ee giap longxx vingdingw
Itcer hinggii qapp sewguan vnii siuhak
Soxu lirig guaw ee senrdiwsig
Uirr guaw henxsi Poxhenn ee hinggii
Sisiongg guanrir ham’ guaw drangg jibhue
Guaw sisiongg snix cud hnuahiw simx
Hibang sisiongg qnir diyc jerje Zulaii
Qapp knuar diyc jerje vut ee qniaw qra uii lehh
Dirr hiax longxx hingx qongxdai ee qiong’iongw
Dirr birlaii qiab ee jinrtauu iarr byy iawsen
Guanrir cisiuw vut soxu bibiau ee Hxuad
Qongbingg henxhen itcer potee ee hinggii
Qiuwqingr cingjing Poxhenn ee dy
Qaur birlaii qiab ee jinrtauu iarr sisiongg siuhak
Guaw dirr itcer jiongxjiongw ee u lairdew
Soxx siulen ee hog qapp diwhui buqiongjin
Sendnia, diwhui, hongven, qapp qaixtuad
Did diyc buqiongjin qongdig ee vyxkor
Muixx jit xee din’aix lairdew u din’aix sowliong ee vudqog
Muixx jit xee vudqog u vutkyw-sugi ee vut
Muixx jit xee vut diamr jingwlangg ee huerdniuu lairdew
Guaw qnir diyc vut itdit decc enxsuad potee ee hinggii
Venww sibhongx jerje cincniu haiw ee vudqog
Muixx jit xee cincniu xmngg-buew qingquer samser
Cincniu haiw ee vudqog qapp cincniu haiw ee qoktow
Guaw venww siuhing qingquer haiw ee qiab
Itcer Zulaii cingjing ee gengiw
Muixx jit xee gengiw longxx u jiongxjiongw imsniax
Suisun jiongwsingx quanwsir ee imsniax
It’id lrauu cud vut cincniu haiw ee venrlun-jaidiau
Samser itcer ee Zulaii
Dirr inx buqiongjin cincniu haiw ee gengiw
Ingxuanw dngw u girliw ee bibiau huatlenw
Guaw iong cimx cimx diwhui poxpenr cimzip liauxqaiw
Guaw tangx cimzip kir birlaii
Dirr itliam qaur itcer qiab ee jinrtauu
Samser soxu itcer qiab
Itliam ee siqanx guaw longxx tangx jinwzip
Guaw dirr itliam qnir diyc samser
Soxu itcer langg lairdew ee sraix
Iarr sisiongg zip vut ee qingxqair lairdew
Cincniu huanwqingw ee qaixtuad qapp uilik
Dirr jit qix qik biser ee xmngg-buew lairdew
Cuthen samser jonggiamm ee vudqog
Sibhongx din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee vudqog cincniu xmngg-buew
Guaw longxx cimzip zicniaw jonggiamm qycc cingjing
Soxu birlaii jiyr sewqanx ee dingx
Singjiu dy dngw huatlenw hro jiongwsingx gordy
Qiuwqingr vudsu henrcud liappuann
Guaw longxx jen’ongw laii cinqin
Sintongx-lat soksog venww muaw
Poxpenr ee huatmngg venww zip Dairsing ee ligliong
Diwhui qapp sidjenr poxpenr siulen qongdig ee ligliong
Uisinn poxpenr kamr dua jusimx ee ligliong
Venww cingjing, jonggiamm, qapp busiong hokdig ee ligliong
Byy soxx uaxkyr diwhui ee ligliong
Dikdnia, diwhui, qapp hongven jiongxjiongw uilik
Poxpenr tangx jikju potee ee lat
Cingjing itcer senrgiap ee ligliong
Dubet itcer huanlyw ee ligliong
Hanghok itcer xmoo ee ligliong
Uanbuanw Poxhenn soxu hinggii ee ligliong
Poxpenr tangx jonggiamm qapp cingjing cincniu haiw ee vudqog
Qaixtuad itcer cincniu haiw ee jiongwsingx
Gauu hunved soxu cincniu haiw ee Hxuad
Tangx cimzip cincniu haiw ee diwhui
Poxpenr tangx cingjing jiongxjiongw cincniu haiw ee hinggii
Uanbuanw itcer cincniu haiw ee guan
Cinqin qapp qiong’iongw cincniu haiw ee jiongww vut
Siuhing byy iawsen qingquer cincniu haiw ee qiap
Samser itcer jiongww Zulaii
Busiong potee soxu hinggii qapp sewguan
Guaw longxx qiong’iongw uanbuanw siulen
Ixx Poxhenn ee hinggii jingwgo potee
Itcer Zualii longxx u diongxjuw
Ix ee miaa qiyr jyr Poxhenn Jrunx
Guaw dnaxx huehiongr soxu senrqinx
Guan soxu diwhui qapp hinggii longxx ham’ hex qangrkuanw
Guan srinx-kauw-ir ingxuanw cingjing
Soxu hinggii qapp vudqog iarr qangrkuanw
Zucuw ee diwhui qiyr jyr Poxhenn
Guan guaw ham’ ix vingdingw
Guaw uirr beh cingjing Poxhenn ee hinggii
Qapp Manjusri soxu dua guan
Uanbuanw inx ee surgiap longxx byy cunx
Itdit qaur birlaii ee qiab ingxuanw be iawsen
Guaw soxx siuhing :ee byy hanrliong
Did diyc buliong soxu qongdig
An'unw diamr dirr buliong soxu hinggii lairdew
Tongdat itcer sintongx ee lat
Manjusri iongxbingw ee diwhui
Poxhenn diwhui ee hinggii iarr qangrkuanw
Guaw dnaxx huehiongr soxu senrqinx
Duer inx itcer sisiongg siuhak
Samser jiongww vut soxx janwtanr
Zucuw busiong soxu dua guan
Guaw dnaxx huehiongr soxu senrqinx
Uirr did diyc Poxhenn busiong ee hinggii
Guan guaw beh limjiongx ee sii
Dubet itcer soxu jiongwgai
Tangx qnir diyc hitt xui Amitabha Vut
Jiksii did diyc ongxsingx kir anlok ee vudqog
Guaw qacc ongxsingx kir hitt qog liauxau
Henrjingg singjiu jitt xee dua guan
Itcer uanbuanw longxx byy cunx
Lirig itcer jiongwsingx hro inx hixlok
Hitt xui vut soxu huathue longxx cingjing
Guaw hitt sii dirr lenhuex huawsingx
Cinbak qnir diyc Zulaii buliong ee qngx
Henrjingg qra guaw jyr potee ee qiwzin
Sriu hitt xui Zulaii jyr qiwzin liauxau
Huawsinx busor vah koti
Diwhui ee ligliong qongxdai venww sibhongx
Poxpenr lirig itcer jiongwsingx
Simrjiww qaur hukongx sewqair ee jinrtauu
Jiongwsingx, giap, qapp hunlyw bedjin
Zucuw itcer byy qiongjin ee sii
Guaw ee guan qiuwqingr ingxuanw buqiongjin
Sibhongx soxu buvenx ee vudqog
Iong soxu jonggiamm ee vyxbut qiong’iongw Zulaii
Siongrr hyw ee anlok sisiar hro tenzinn qapp langg
Qingquer itcer vudqog qik biser din'aix sowliong ee qiab
Narr u langg dirr jiaxee dua guan
Jid’err qingquer hni dyrr tangx snix cud sinwsimx
Giongxbong beh qriuu siongrr hyw potesimx
Ix did diyc ee qongdig kacc ngiaa quer jinwjingg hitt xee
Dyrr sisiongg ham' og diwsig li hng hng
Ingxuanw lirkuix itcer og dy
Soksog qnir diyc Zulaii buliong ee qngx
U Poxhenn siongrr hyw ee guan
Jitt xee langg e did diyc hyw siurbing
Jitt xee langg cutsir jyr langg u hyw vyr
Jitt xee langg byy zuarr quw e singjiu
Cincniu hitt xui Poxhenn Posad ee hinggii
Ingxzit in'ui byy diwhui
Soxx jy qik og go jiongw byy qnaiwdng ee jue
Togsiong jitt xee Poxhenn ee dua guan
Itliam soksog longxx siaubet
Jingxjok, jingxlui, qapp guariongg
Siongwtew qapp diwhui longxx uanbuanw
Soxu xmoo qapp guardy berdangr qra huixbet
E kamx did hro samqair soxx qiong’iongw
Soksog vaiwhongw potee dua ciu ongg
Jre .lyc liauxau hanghok jiongww xmoo
Singjiu jniawsiong qakdix dngw huatlenw
Poxpenr lirig itcer jiongwsingx(hamm-iwsig)
Narr u langg duiww jiaxee Poxhenn ee guan
Togsiong, siurcii, qapp enxsuad
Qyxvyr dna’ vut tangx giamrjingr qapp bingvik
Quatding did diyc hyw ee potedy
Narr u langg togsiong jiaxee Poxhenn ee guan
Guaw dna' qongw jiyw vorhun ee senrqinx
Itliam itcer longxx uanbuanw
Singjiu jiongwsingx cingjing guan
Guaw jiaxee Poxhenn digvet ee hinggii
Buvenx ee dua hokdig longxx huehiongr
Poxpenr hibang dimlik ee jiongwsingx
Soksog jen'ongw u buliong qngx ee vudqog
(The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra --14)
Thereupon, the Bodhisattvas Mahasattva Samantabhadra in confirmation of this truth, turning around to the ten quarters, uttered the following stanzas:
I worship all the “Lions among men” of the worlds of the ten quarters and three yugas. With my pure body, speech, and mind, I do homage to them all, without exception.
By the divine power of the merits and vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, I manifest myself before all Tathagatas. From my original body emanate innumerable bodies, and with each of my bodies I do homage to the innumerable bodies, and with each of my bodies I do homage to the innumerable Buddhas (simultaneously).
I deeply believe that in a grain of dust there exist countless Buddhas and assemblies of Bodhisattvas. Likewise, that the dust in boundless circles of the Dharma are filled with Buddhas.
Emitting from the ocean-like infinity all voices, with the wondrous speeches I praise the profound merits and virtues of Buddhas. And (continue to do so) through all aeons in the future.
I present Tathagatas with the best gifts of flowery canopies, banners, garlands, fragrant ointments, and music.
Again, I offer to Tathagatas the best garments, incenses, lamps, and candles, in an assemblage as high as Mount Sumeru.
Through my wise understanding and high inspiration, I have profound faith in all Buddhas of the three yugas. By the power of the merits and vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, I adore and serve all Tathagatas without omission.
The various wickednesses I committed in the past are derived from time without beginning, and through avarice, hatred, and from infatuation of bodily actions, speech, and thoughts, I now repent and abstain from them all.
Any merit or virtue of all Tathagatas or the Bodhisattvas, the thoroughly learned ones, and the partly learned one of the two Vehicles (Both are the Hinayana School); even of the ordinary beings of the ten quarters, I approve all and am pleased with.
Those pioneers of Bodhi, and the brilliant ones who are to be likened unto a lamp illuminating the worlds of the ten quarters and three yugas, I request them to turn the wondrous wheel of the Dharma.
When the Buddhas set their minds on the attainment of Nirvana, I earnestly entreat them to remain (in the worlds) for the duration of boundless kalpas, in order to benefit and delight all beings.
All the treasures of merit and roots of goodness, produced from the Ten-fold Aspiration of Samantabhadra, I shall turn over to all beings in their favour, and in Buddhahood.
I follow the ways of the Tathagatas, and elaborate the merits of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra in completion. Making offerings out of veneration for the Tathagatas in the ten quarters and of the three generations.
I desire to carry out the principles of the “Teachers of Devas and Men” to their satisfaction; and I train myself by studying their teachings and quickly reach the goal of great Bodhi.
The Buddha-countries of the ten quarters are vast, pure and magnificent. There the Tathagatas are surrounded by various assemblies; respectively under each Bodhi-tree, the king of trees.
I wish that the beings in the ten quarters may be free from passions and afflictions and be always happy; may they acquire the deep profit of the right Dharma; may they tear out the passions even to the very root.
When I strove for the attainment of Bodhi, I was able to gain the Purvanivasanu Smritidjnana (supernormal power of remembering previous lives and karmas), in all worlds wheresoever I was born; and during each of my pre-existences I attained the same knowledge. Always I joined the order, observed the pure precepts strictly, without stain or leakage (Anasravah).
There are Devas, Nagas, yakas, kumbhandas, men and subhumans etc., to whom I preach the law, by using various voices befitted to their native languages.
Diligently cultivating the pure paramitas, I forget not the Bodhi-heart. Annihilating hindrances and defilements without exception, I achieved all the marvelous merits.
I am able to free myself from worldly life and the environment of maras, just as the lotus flower shoots up from the water, but is not wetted thereby; and as the sun and moon appear in the void, but abide not in it.
I relieve the distress of the beings of all evil realms, and equally bestow happiness on them. I continue to do so throughout the lapse of boundless kalpas, and in the extent of the ten quarters of the Universe. The benefits for all are eternal, and omnipresent.
I will always be harmonious to the beings and render them aid, and will continue such doings throughout all coming kalpas. And I will cherish the great merits of Samantabhadra, and perfect the supreme great Bodhi thereby.
All my fellow devotees shall be gathered together from all parts. Our bodily, speech, mental deeds are equivalent to one another. We study the same doctrine and vows together.
Any well-learned man, who shows me the practice of the vows of Samantabhadra, thus benefits me. I wish always to be in his company. May he be pleased with me.
I desire to see the Tathagatas often, and also their retinue, the sons of Jina. I will make vast offerings of veneration to them in all coming Kalpas without cessation or indolence.
I desire to magnify and expand all the activities of Bodhi, by applying the wondrous Dharma of Buddhas. Perfecting the pure doctrine of Samantabhadra by studying and practicing it throughout all the coming kalpas.
Among all the beings (or Sarvastivadah), I will cultivate merits and wisdom boundlessly. Thereby I will gain a never-exhausting store of Samadhi, Prajna , Upaya, and multi-moksa.
A single grain of dust contains therein the incalculable countries. In each country dwell incalculable Buddhas; each Buddha is surrounded by many assemblies. I see them constantly performing the practice of Bodhi.
Throughout the ocean-like system of worlds, and the ocean-like gathering of the Buddhas of the ten quarters, whereof each hair-point appears an ocean-like system of the three yugas. I will cultivate my merit by passing through all these oceans, and (continue to do so) for the period of an ocean of kalpas.
The speeches of all Tathagatas are pure and clear. Each word comprises the ocean of all voices, and respectively swelling the ocean of the orations of Buddhas. In order to preach the Dharma for the beings according to their understanding and pleasure, (the various forms of speech are applied).
All the Tathagatas of the three ages possess the ocean of everlasting speech, and constantly rotate the wheel of the wonderful meaning of truth. Such I thoroughly fathomed by my profound wisdom.
I can clearly behold the state of the future, and combine all coming kalpas into a single thought. I penetrate all the kalpas of the three ages thoroughly in a mental flash of vision.
I can foresee the three ages by one thought. Those who are called “Lion among Men” also can enter the Buddha-state, as it were in a phantasm or vision, and that power enables them to reach the stage of emancipation.
From the smallest breadth as that of the point of a hair, come forth the magnificent and holy countries of the three yugas. I penetrate deeply all the innumerable, magnificent, and pure countries of the hairpoints of the ten quarters.
I come into contact with those who shall be the light of the world in the future; who will be enlightened, and will turn the wheel of Dharma to awaken all beings. They will enter into Nirvana after having perfected their Buddha-works; with all of these I will be friendly.
(May I possess the following powers): the power of Abhidjna which goes over every part (of the world) with supernormal speed; the power of Mahayana which penetrates the universal gate of all directions; the power of merits and virtues which is wisely and widely cultivated; and power of great compassion which shelters all who come for that refuge through the Divinity and Grace (of the Buddhas).
(Again), the power of blessing dignifies and purifies every part (of the world). The power of wisdom is independent, is attached to nothing, and abides nowhere. The power of concentrated immobility of meditation (Samadhi), wisdom (Prajna), and expedient means (Upaya), are endowed with supernormal might. The power of Bodhi is in the positive and accumulative nature, throughout every part.
(Also), the power of purity refines all meritorious deeds. The power of destruction destroys all passions (klesas). The power of conquest subdues all maras. The power of fulfillment perfects the merits of Samantabhadra.
(I wish to extend my power in the following directions): may I be able to purify and embellish the ocean of all the worlds. May I emancipate all beings from the ocean (of life and death). May I be able to discern the ocean of various Dharmas. May I be able to enter deeply into the ocean of wisdom.
(Also), may I be able to purify the ocean of all conduct. May I fulfill the ocean of all wishes in perfection. May I be in close touch with, and serve, the ocean of Buddhas. Shall I cultivate and cherish the principle without weariness, through the duration of an ocean of kalpas.
All the Tathagatas of the three yugas have their exalted activities and vows of Bodhi, which I fully practice in their adoration as my offerings. I shall be enlightened by the conduct of Samantabhadra.
All the Tathagatas have their eldest son (of the Dharma), whose name is Samantabhadra. I now turn all my good roots towards the attainment of wisdom and behavior, may I be tantamount to the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra in all his qualities.
I wish that my body, speech, and thoughts always be pure, and that the behavior of others of the various worlds may be the same. Whosoever possesses such wisdom is entitled “Samantabhadra”. I wish that I shall be equivalent to him in every quality.
For the purpose of purifying all my virtues of Samantabhadra; and the great vows of Manjusri, may I fulfill all those duties to the uttermost without any omission. May I continue my task through the coming kalpas without weariness.
My cultivation of merit is boundless, therefore have I acquired boundless good deeds. I aside myself in the boundless virtues; and attained the high understanding of all supernormal powers.
I now turn over my accumulated virtues towards the attainment of the brave (or sharp) advance of Manjusri, and the wise conduct of Samantabhadra. May I follow the ways of them and study ceaselessly.
I now devote my merits on the expectation of gaining the most excellent conduct of Samantabhadra. Such great vows will be praised by the Buddhas of the three generations.
I wish that at the approach of death I may annihilate all hindrances, thus I may be able to see the Buddha Amitabha face to face; so that with His aid, I may go and be reborn in (His) Peaceful and Happy World.
Upon my rebirth in that world, I shall actually fulfill my great aim, realize my every wish without any omission, and offer the benefits and happiness to all beings.
The members of the assembly of that Buddha are pure and holy. Even so am I, springing into existence by (apparitional) birth from the pure and holy flower of the lotus, and seeing face to face the Tathagata of Infinite Splendour. In His presence, I shall receive assurance of my destiny to attain Bodhi, namely Vyakarana (i.e. the Buddha announces that so and so will become a Buddha at such and such a time).
When I have been favoured by that Tathagata with the Prediction, then I reveal myself by transformation into incalculable bodies of myriad of koties in number, being possessed of great power and wisdom extending over the ten quarters, in order to benefit the various beings in all worlds.
When the infinitude of the universe comes to an end; beings and their karmas and passions all are ended; nevertheless, my vows of aspiration are ultimately and solely endless.
He who offers the precious gifts, produced from the boundless countries of the ten quarters, in honour of Tathagatas; and offers the best enjoyments to the devas and human beings, for a duration of kalpas equal in number to the finest atoms of dust composing all the worlds, make merits beyond computation.
(On the other hand) he who upon hearing of this King of unique Vows, and thus being awakened to faith with the intention of seeking the wonderful Bodhi in fervent aspiration, will acquires merits in consequence thereof which are still greater, (than the former one).
Thus he will keep afar from wicked advisers, and never sink into any of the evil realms. Moreover, he will soon see the Tathagata of Infinite Light. These are all the results of the wonderful Vows of Samantabhadra.
Such a person will easily be born in the human world, and enjoy an excellent life of longevity. He will soon attain the Bodhisattvahood of Samantabhadra.
In past times, owing to the lack of wisdom, (I) have committed the most wicked five deadly sins (Pantchanantarya). These will be expiated in a moment of thought, by reciting this great king of Vows of Samantabhadra.
(If he wishes to be born in the human or deva worlds), he is certain to be a member of the highest race, perfecting with noble lineaments, and wisdom. No enemies of other religions or maras, can subdue him. Moreover he is worthy to be adored by the triple worlds.
Hasten to the king of great trees, the tree of Bodhi. Sitting there, subdue the maras. Attain enlightenment and turn the wheel of Dharma, in order to benefit all sentient beings.
If there be anyone who observes, recites, and preaches the vows of Samantabhadra, the result thereof none is able to estimate, except the Buddhas. He infallibly will attain the supremacy of Bodhi.
Whosoever recites the Vows of Samantabhadra, I affirm that, having planted good roots, at least they will bring every quality (of Dharma) into completion by a single thought, and finally will be able to deliver the beings, so as to fulfill his pure vows.
My practice of the unique Vows of Samantabhadra, from which boundless and marvelous blessedness is produced, are all to be turned over to the beings who are deeply sunken (into the sea of pain and sorrows, or of birth and death). Wishing them all to be delivered, I pray that they may soon attain to the country of the Buddha of Infinite Splendour.
(普賢菩薩十大行願 --14)
所有十方世界中 三世一切人師子
我以清淨身語意 一切遍禮盡無餘
普賢行願威神力 普現一切如來前
一身復現剎塵身 一一遍禮剎塵佛
於一塵中塵數佛 各處菩薩眾會中
無盡法界塵亦然 深信諸佛皆充滿
各以一切音聲海 普出無盡妙言辭
盡於未來一切劫 讚佛甚深功德海
以諸最勝妙華鬘 伎樂塗香及傘蓋
如是最勝莊嚴具 我以供養諸如來
最勝衣服最勝香 末香燒香與燈燭
一一皆如妙高聚 我悉供養諸如來
我以廣大勝解心 深信一切三世佛
悉以普賢行願力 普遍供養諸如來
我昔所造諸惡業 皆由無始貪嗔癡
從身語意之所生 一切我今皆懺悔
十方一切諸眾生 二乘有學及無學
一切如來與菩薩 所有功德皆隨喜
十方所有世間燈 最初成就菩提者
我今一切皆勸請 轉於無上妙法輪
諸佛若欲示涅槃 我悉至誠而勸請
唯願久住剎塵劫 利樂一切諸眾生
所有禮讚供養福 請佛住世轉法輪
隨喜懺悔諸善根 迴向眾生及佛道
我隨一切如來學 修習普賢圓滿行
供養過去諸如來 及與現在十方佛
未來一切天人師 一切意樂皆圓滿
我願普隨三世學 速得成就大菩提
所有十方一切剎 廣大清淨妙莊嚴
眾會圍繞諸如來 悉在菩提樹王下
十方所有諸眾生 願離憂患常安樂
獲得甚深正法利 滅除煩惱盡無餘
我為菩提修行時 一切趣中成宿命
常得出家修淨戒 無垢無破無穿漏
天龍夜叉鳩槃茶 乃至人與非人等
所有一切眾生語 悉以諸音而說法
勤修清淨波羅密 恆不忘失菩提心
滅除障垢無有餘 一切妙行皆成就
於諸惑業及魔境 世間道中得解脫
猶如蓮華不著水 亦如日月不住空
悉除一切惡道苦 等與一切群生樂
如是經於剎塵劫 十方利益恆無盡
我常隨順諸眾生 盡於未來一切劫
恆修普賢廣大行 圓滿無上大菩提
所有與我同行者 於一切處同集會
身口意業皆同等 一切行願同修學
所有益我善知識 為我顯示普賢行
常願與我同集會 於我常生歡喜心
願常面見諸如來 及諸佛子眾圍繞
於彼皆興廣大供 盡未來劫無疲厭
願持諸佛微妙法 光顯一切菩提行
究竟清淨普賢道 盡未來劫常修習
我於一切諸有中 所修福智恆無盡
定慧方便及解脫 獲諸無盡功德藏
一塵中有塵數剎 一一剎有難思佛
一一佛處眾會中 我見恆演菩提行
普盡十方諸剎海 一一毛端三世海
佛海及與國土海 我遍修行經劫海
一切如來語清淨 一言具眾音聲海
隨諸眾生意樂音 一一流佛辯才海
三世一切諸如來 於彼無盡語言海
恆轉理趣妙法輪 我深智力普能入
我能深入於未來 盡一切劫為一念
三世所有一切劫 為一念際我皆入
我於一念見三世 所有一切人師子
亦常入佛境界中 如幻解脫及威力
於一毛端極微中 出現三世莊嚴剎
十方塵剎諸毛端 我皆深入而嚴淨
所有未來照世燈 成道轉法悟群有
究竟佛事示涅槃 我皆往詣而親近
速疾週徧神通力 普門遍入大乘力
智行普修功德力 威神普覆大慈力
遍淨莊嚴勝福力 無著無依智慧力
定慧方便威神力 普能積集菩提力
清淨一切善業力 摧滅一切煩惱力
降服一切諸魔力 圓滿普賢諸行力
普能嚴淨諸剎海 解脫一切眾生海
善能分別諸法海 能甚深入智慧海
普能清淨諸行海 圓滿一切諸願海
親近供養諸佛海 修行無倦經劫海
三世一切諸如來 最勝菩提諸行願
我皆供養圓滿修 以普賢行悟菩提
一切如來有長子 彼名號曰普賢尊
我今迴向諸善根 願諸智行悉同彼
願身口意恆清淨 諸行剎土亦復然
如是智慧號普賢 願我與彼皆同等
我為遍淨普賢行 文殊師利諸大願
滿彼事業盡無餘 未來際劫恆無倦
我所修行無有量 獲得無量諸功德
安住無量諸行中 了達一切神通力
文殊師利勇猛智 普賢慧行亦復然
我今迴向諸善根 隨彼一切常修學
三世諸佛所稱嘆 如是最勝諸大願
我今迴向諸善根 為得普賢殊勝行
願我離欲命終時 盡除一切諸障礙
面見彼佛阿彌陀 即得往生安樂剎
我既往生彼國已 現前成就此大願
一切圓滿盡無餘 利樂一切眾生界
彼佛眾會咸清淨 我時於勝蓮華生
親睹如來無量光 現前授我菩提記
蒙彼如來授記已 化身無數百俱胝
智力廣大遍十方 普利一切眾生界
乃至虛空世界盡 眾生及業煩惱盡
如是一切無盡時 我願究竟恆無盡
十方所有無邊剎 莊嚴眾寶供如來
最勝安樂施天人 經一切剎微塵劫
若人於此勝願王 一經於耳能生信
求勝菩提心渴仰 獲勝功德過於彼
即常遠離惡知識 永離一切諸惡道
速見如來無量光 具此普賢最勝願
此人善得勝壽命 此人善來人中生
此人不久當成就 如彼普賢菩薩行
往昔由無智慧力 所造極惡五無間
誦此普賢大願王 一念速疾皆消滅
族姓種類及容色 相好智慧咸圓滿
諸魔外道不能摧 堪為三界所應供
速詣菩提大樹王 坐已降服諸魔眾
成等正覺轉法輪 普利一切諸含識
若人於此普賢願 讀誦受持及演說
果報唯佛能證知 決定獲勝菩提道
若人誦此普賢願 我說少分之善根
一念一切悉皆圓 成就眾生清淨願
我此普賢殊勝行 無邊勝福皆迴向
普願沉溺諸眾生 速往無量光佛剎