Hitt sijun, Poxhenn Posad Mahasattva dirr Zulaii binrjingg qongw jitt xee Poxhenn qongxdai dua guan cingjing ee jimgensix liauxau, Kumara Sudhana hnuahiw qaxx tiaur .kiw .laii. Itcer posad iarr longxx dua hnuahiw. Zulaii ylyw qongxx, “Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw.”
Hitt sijun, Sewjunx ham’ jiongww singwjiaw posad mahasattva enxsuad jitt hy vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad qingxqair busiong ee huatmngg ee sii, Manjusri Posad jyr tauu :ee u jiongww dua posad, qapp ixx singsik ee lak-cingx bikiu; Bilik Posad jyr tauu :ee u hxenn-qiab itcer jiongww dua posad; byy uwuer Poxhenn Posad jyr tauu :ee u jit sxer vow xui, diamr quanwdingw ee jiongww dua posad, ixqip qitax sibhongx jiongxjiongw sewqair poxpenr laii jibhue, itcer cincniu haiw ee vudqog qapp cincniu qik biser din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee jiongww posad mahasattva. Dua diwhui Sariputra qapp Mahamaugalyayana dringw jyr tauu :ee u jerje dua sniabunn, ixqip jerje langg, tenzinn, itcer sewqanx ee dewongg, tnix, lringg, iarcex, gandharva, asura, garuda, kimnara, mahoraga, sriok langg qapp byy sriok langg :ee dringw itcer dairjiongr tniax diyc vut soxx enxsuad longxx dua hnuahiw, siongsinr, jiapsiu, qapp hongrhingg.
(The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra --15)
When the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Samantabhadra had concluded his great oration on the Great King of Vows, and had recited the pure gathas before the Tathagata, the Kumara Sudhana was overwhelmed with joy, and all the Bodhisattvas enraptured with ecstasy. The Tathagata applauded: “Excellent! Excellent!”. At the assembly where this inconceivable state of emancipation and exalted Dharma was proclaimed, there were present the World Honoured One and a great company of the saints, Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas, with the Bodhisattva Manjusri at the head of the assembly. The great Bodhisattvas with their fully trained six thousand Bhikkus, were led by the Bodhisattvas Maitreya. All the great Bodhisattvas of the Bhadrakalpa were led by the Bodhisattva Vimala-Samantabhadra. The Ekajati-Pratyeka-Buddhas, who are in the stage of Murdhadhichikata, and the great Bodhisattvas and others of the ten quarters of the various worlds, all were present in this congregation. Great and exalted beings of the ocean of worlds equal in number to the smallest dust-motes of all the worlds, all these were led by the Great Wise One Sariputra, and by the Mahamaugalyayana. There were present also the great Sravakas, Devas, Rulers of the worlds, the Nagas, the Yakas, Gandharvas, Asuras, Garudas, Kinaras, and Mahoragas, Human and sub-human. And the whole multitude on hearing the discourse of the Buddha, were inspired with great joy to faithful observance (of the Vows).
(普賢菩薩十大行願 --15)