"Sniaxmih si cohuatsimx nng xee qenquad ee ywgi? Ananda, derr id xee ywgi si, linw jiaxx narr kiwsag sniabunn laii siulen potee kaninw zip Vut ee qakdix qenwbunn, ingdongx jimjiog quancad knikib de ee cohuatsimx qapp dirr qongqyw ee de soxx did ee qakdix si qangg iacc byy qangg. Ananda, narr knikib de ixx snix-bet ee simx juer qinvunw siulen ee inenn beh laii qiucuw Vut ee kaninw qaur byy snix byy bet, hex si byy hau :ee. Uirdiyhh jitt xee enqor, liw qaidongx quancad bingvik sewqanx soxu kiwku tangx joksingg ee huatdo, longxx e venwcenx huixbet. Ananda, liw quanknuar sewqanx tangx joksingg ee huatdo lairdew dycc jit xee be huixhuai? Jongw .si quibuew m bad tniax quer hukangx e nua .kir iacc pnaiw .kir. Sniaxmih enqor? Kangx m si erdangr joksingg :ee. Soxiw an' tauu jiww buew be hai .kir iacc bet .kir. Anxnex liw sinkux lairdew, qenqor ee siongwtew si de, damlun :ee si juiw, bongkab siylyx :ee si huew, e iydang :ee si hongx. In'ui hro jitt sir hxang dnii diauu lehh, suacc qra liw bingcingx uanbuanw bixbiau u qakdix bingqngx ee simx hunx juer knuar, tniax, qamxqag, qapp qakcad. An' kaisiw qaur lorbuew, liw longxx dirr jitt go janr lyy dakdag ee qingxgu lairdew."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --18)
"What are the two absolutes regarding initial resolve for enlightenment? Ánanda, the first absolute is that if you wish to renounce the position of Hearer and cultivate the Bodhisattva Vehicle, and to enter the knowledge and vision of the Buddhas, you must carefully consider whether the resolve on the cause-ground and the enlightenment on the ground of fruition are the same or different. Ánanda, it is impossible while on the cause-ground to base one’s cultivation on the mind that is subject to arising and ceasing when in quest of the Buddha Vehicle, which neither arises nor ceases to be. For this reason, you should realize that all composite dharmas belonging to the material world will decay and disappear. Ánanda, contemplate the world: what composite dharmas will not wear out? But I have never heard of empty space wearing out. Has anyone every heard of the disintegration of the void? Why not? Empty space is not a composite and it can never wear out. While you are in your body, what is solid is of earth, what is moist is of water, what is warm is of fire, and what moves is of wind. Because of these four bonds, your tranquil and perfect, wonderfully enlightened bright mind divides into seeing, hearing, sensation, and cognition. From it’s beginning to its end you are immersed in the five layers of turbidity."
云何初心二義決定。阿難。第一義者。汝等若欲捐捨聲聞。修菩薩乘入佛知見。應當審觀因地發心。與果地覺為同為異。 阿難。若於因地以生滅心為本修因。而求佛乘不生不滅。無有是處。以是義故。汝當照明諸器世間可作之法。皆從變滅。阿難。汝觀世間可作之法。誰為不壞。然終不聞爛壞虛空。何以故。空非可作。由是始終無壞滅故。則汝身中。堅相為地。潤濕為水。煖觸為火。動搖為風。由此四纏。分汝湛圓妙覺明心。為視為聽為覺為察。從始入終。五疊渾濁。