Ananda qapp juui dairjiongr singsiu Vuddyy kaisi, diwhui qapp qakdix uanbuanw tongdat, byy jit diamw aw gignaiw iacc behik. Jidsii habjiongw, hiongr Vuddyy ee siangx kax qnialew, suar qra Vuddyy qongw, "Guanw jiaxee qimzit srinx qapp simx longxx cingbingg, kuaiwlok byy gignaiw. Suizenn qycjaiww liauxgno qraiw lak brongg id ee ywgi, mrqycc iauxx bue drat qaur uanbuanw tongdat ee qinvunw. Sewjunx, guanw jiaxee piaulingg, jikju qiapsor naxx qozii kunr tnilo. Sniaw kuanw simsux iacc sniaw kuanw kyxlu, byy vanrpuex tangx did Vuddyy sur tenlunn. Bersux prangw .qnir ee iur qniaw hutzenn gu diyc ju'air ee buxcinx. Narr qycc jurr anxnex duw diyc tangx singjiu dyrgiap ee qihue, soxx did .diyc ee jingbit gengiw narr iauxx qapp vunxdew liauxgno :ee siysiang, anxnex dyrr qapp byy tniax .diyc byy jingcax. Brang liw sur dua juvix, sur hro guanw ywvir giamqinw ee dyrliw, tangx singjiu Zulaii juewau ee kaisi."
Jiaxee ue qongw suah, Ananda qui' sinkux pag dirr tokax (qingwvair), liauxau trer .dngw .kir, amr amr aw ngwbang Vuddyy tangx tuansiu ywvir ee vudliw.
Jiaxee ue qongw suah, Ananda qui' sinkux pag dirr tokax (qingwvair), liauxau trer .dngw .kir, amr amr aw ngwbang Vuddyy tangx tuansiu ywvir ee vudliw.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --10)
Upon receiving the Buddha’s instruction, Ánanda, and the great assembly gained wisdom and awareness that was perfectly penetrating and free of doubt and delusion. All at the same time, they placed their palms together, and bowed at the Buddha’s feet. Ánanda then said to the Buddha, "Today our bodies and minds are illumined, and we are happily free from obstruction.
"We have understood the meaning of the ending of the six and the one. Still, we have not yet progressed to fundamental, perfect penetration.
"World Honored One, we who have drifted and floundered our way through eon after eon, homeless and alone, had no idea; we never imagined that we could meet the Buddha in such a close relationship. We are like lost infants who have suddenly found their compassionate mother. If because of this encounter we realize the Way, [it will not have been in vain]. If we treat these secret instructions with our former mode of understanding, it will be the same as if we hadn’t even heard them. We only wish the Greatly Compassionate One will bestow upon us the profound secret as the Thus Come One’s final instruction."
After saying this Ánanda prostrated himself, withdrew, and silently anticipated the Buddha’s hidden transmission.
"We have understood the meaning of the ending of the six and the one. Still, we have not yet progressed to fundamental, perfect penetration.
"World Honored One, we who have drifted and floundered our way through eon after eon, homeless and alone, had no idea; we never imagined that we could meet the Buddha in such a close relationship. We are like lost infants who have suddenly found their compassionate mother. If because of this encounter we realize the Way, [it will not have been in vain]. If we treat these secret instructions with our former mode of understanding, it will be the same as if we hadn’t even heard them. We only wish the Greatly Compassionate One will bestow upon us the profound secret as the Thus Come One’s final instruction."
After saying this Ánanda prostrated himself, withdrew, and silently anticipated the Buddha’s hidden transmission.
阿難及諸大眾。蒙佛開示。慧覺圓通。得無疑惑。一時合掌。頂禮雙足。而白佛言。我等今日身心皎然。快得無礙。雖復悟知一六亡義。然猶未達圓通本根。世尊。我輩飄零。積劫孤露。何心何慮。預佛天倫。如失乳兒。忽遇慈母。若復因此際會道成。所得密言。 還同本悟。則與未聞無有差別。惟垂大悲。惠我秘嚴。成就如來最後開示。作是語已。五體投地。退藏密機。冀佛冥授。