(Dirr Jambudvipa ee Jiongwsingx Giabvyr ee Qamxingr)
Hitt sii, Derjong Dua Posad qra Vuddyy
qongw, “Sewjunx! Guaw u singsiu Vut Zulaii uidig qapp sinlat ee enqor, dirr vaccingbanrig ee sewqair, jitt xee sinkux hunx jyr quixlyrr hxingg kir qiuwjo itcer u giabvyr
ee jiongwsingx. Narr m si Zulaii dua juvix ee lat, dyrr berdangr jyr jitt hy
kuanw ee venwhuar. Guaw dnaxx iurqycc sriu Vut huanhur, itdit qaur Ajita jniaa vut, liogdy ee jiongwsingx longxx rair qra inx dortuad. Guaw e junbing. Sewjunx! Guan liw m hyw huanlyw."
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Karmic Retributions of Beings of Jambudvipa -1)
At that time Earth Store Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World
Honored One, because I receive the awesome spiritual strength of the Buddha,
Thus Come One, I am able to divide my body and rescue beings who are undergoing
karmic retributions everywhere in billions of worlds. If it were not for the
great compassionate strength of the Thus Come One, I would be unable to perform
such changes and transformations. Now the World Honored One has entrusted me
with rescuing and liberating beings in the Six Paths until Ajita becomes a
Buddha. I accept the entrustment, World Honored One. Please have no further
(閻浮眾生業感品 - 1)