
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Lak-17)

Qycc u, Poxpenr Qongxdai! Narr birlaii sxer dirr Jambudvipa, bylun Kshatriya, Brahman, diongxjiaw, qapp qusu dringw itcer jiaxee langg, higjiaw ngirsingr jingxjok, inx ee bow u duxx singsanw :ee, bylun snix javox iacc jabow, cid zit lairdew, diyhh tanwjaw uirr ngix-aw siongrtog jitt py vutsugi ee qingdenw, qycc uirr inx liam posad ee miaa muaw jit-bxan vxenr. Jitt xee sinx cutsir ee ngix-aw, bylun javox iacc jabow, siokser narr u jaiiongx ee vywingr, dyrr tangx did diyc qaixtuad, anlok hyw iyci, siurmia jingtiamx. Narr si singsiu hokvyr laii cutsir :ee, anlok qapp siurmia qajingx qyckacc je.    

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)          
(The Thus Come One's Praises -17) 
Moreover, Universally Expansive, in the future in Jambudvipa when the wives of Kshatriyas, Brahmans, Elders, Upasakas, and those of other names and clans are about to give birth to sons or daughters, the family members should recite this inconceivable Sutra and recite the Bodhisattva's name a full ten thousand times during the seven days before the birth of their children. If those infants, whether male or female, were destined to undergone a terrible retribution for things done in past lives, they will be liberated from those retributions. They will be peaceful, happy, easily raised, and will have long lives. If those children were due to receive blessings, then their peace and happiness will increase, as will their lifespans. 

(如來讚歎品 -17) 

