u, Poxpenr Qongxdai! Dirr birlaii sxer, jit guehzit ee ceid, ceveh,
jap-sir, jap-go, jap-veh, zxic-snax, zxic-sir, zxic-veh, zxic-qauw, qapp
snax-jap, dirr jitt quiw zit, soxu ee jue jurjip beh virr dring kindang. Jambudvipa jiongwsingx ee qixjiw qapp liamrtauu, byy jit xee m si giap, byy jit xee
m si jue, hyhongr lamrsamw satsingx, tautec, qniaa sia'imm, ovec qongxue, qapp qitax vaccingx
hxang juerjong. Narr erdangr dirr jitt jap xee jaizit, dirr vut, posad iacc jiongww singwhenn ee
sxiong taujingg tak jitt py qingx jit vaiw, dangx-saix-lamm-vag jit-vah yojana ixlai longxx byy jiaxee jailan.
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(The Thus Come One's Praises -18)
Moreover, Universally Expansive, on the first, eighth, fourteenth, fifteenth, eighteenth, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and thirtieth days of the lunar month, the offenses of beings are tabulated and their gravity assessed. Every single movement or stirring of thought on the part of beings of Jambudvipa creates karma and offenses. How much more is that the case when they blatantly indulge in killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech and hundreds of thousands of other kinds of overt offenses. If they are able to recite this Sutra once on those ten vegetarian days, before the images of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or worthy one and sages, then there will be no disasters for within a radius of one hundred yojanas.
(如來讚歎品 -18)
(The Thus Come One's Praises -18)
Moreover, Universally Expansive, on the first, eighth, fourteenth, fifteenth, eighteenth, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and thirtieth days of the lunar month, the offenses of beings are tabulated and their gravity assessed. Every single movement or stirring of thought on the part of beings of Jambudvipa creates karma and offenses. How much more is that the case when they blatantly indulge in killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech and hundreds of thousands of other kinds of overt offenses. If they are able to recite this Sutra once on those ten vegetarian days, before the images of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or worthy one and sages, then there will be no disasters for within a radius of one hundred yojanas.
(如來讚歎品 -18)