
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-8-5)

5. Senrgiw
Hitt jun, Sewjunx druar dirr Savatthi Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg. Dirr hiax, Sewjunx huah jiongww bikiu qongxx, “Jiongww bikiu!”
“Si, Sewjunx!” hiaxee jiongww bikiu rinr Sewjunx.

Sewjunx suansuad qongxx, “Jiongww bikiu! Sir hxang longxx jevi ee ue dyrr si senrgiw, m si og giw, byy juerqyr, be hro srig jiarr kiwhiamm. Jitt sir hxang si sniaw? Jiongww bikiu! Qongw senrgiw, byy qongw og giw; qongw Hxuad ee ue, byy qongw m si Hxuad ee ue; qongw air ee ue, byy qongw m si air ee ue; qongw jinsit :ee, byy qongw hiqew :ee. Jiongww bikiu, jex dyrr si sir hxang jevi ee ue, dyrr si senrgiw, m si og giw, byy juerqyr, be hro srig jiarr kiwhiamm.”

Sewjunx suansuad jiaxee liauw, Sxen Quewongw qycc suansuad jiaxee ue qongxx:
“Senrzinn soxx qongw,
Derr id qongw bixsen.
Derr zi qongw Hxuad ee ue,
M tangx qongw m si Hxuad ee ue.
Derr snax qongw bixsen :ee,
M tangx cox cuir.
Derr sir qongw jinsit :ee,
M tangx qongw higui :ee.”

Hitt sii, junjiaw Vangisa an’ jyrui vreh kiw, qingqactauu ee snxax kiyh qui' vingg, habjiongw lexvair Sewjunx, iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Sewjunx, guaw u sniurhuad puu .cud .laii. Sxen Quewongw, guaw u sniurhuad puu .cud .laii.”
Sewjunx qongw, “Vangisa, liw cniaw qongw.”

Hitt sii, junjiaw Vangisa iong sikdongx ee jimgensix duiww Sewjunx janwtanr qongxx:
“Langg qongw jitt kuanw ee ue,
Be hro qaqi siurkow,
Iarr be hai diyc vadd langg,
Jex dyrr si qongw senrgiw.
Langg qongw sxen ee su,
Ix ee ue hyw tniax,
Byy qongw langg' ee og,
Jex dyrr si sxen qapp suiw.
Jinsit naxx qamlo ee ue,
Jex si jiauww qoxhuad,
Si jinsit ee girliw,
Senrzinn soxx kaksit qenwlip.
Vuddyy soxx qongw ee ue,
Uirr drat qaur liappuann ee an’unw,
Laii qaur kow ee jinrtauu,
Jex sidjai si busiong ee ue.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-8-5)  
5. Well Spoken 
Setting at Savatthi. There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus!”
“Venerable sir!” those bhikkhus replied. 

The Blessed One said this: “Bhikkhus, when speech possesses four factors, then it is well spoken, not badly spoken, and it is blameless, not blameworthy among the wise. What four? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu speaks only what is well spoken, not what is badly spoken. He speaks only on the Dhamma, not on non-Dhamma. He speaks only what is pleasant, not what is unpleasant. He speaks only what is true, not what is false. When speech possesses these four factors, it is well spoken, not badly spoken, and it is blameless, not blameworthy among the wise.”

This is what the Blessed One said. Having said this, the Sublime One, the Teacher, further said this: 
“What is well spoken, the good say, is foremost; 
Second, speak Dhamma, not non-Dhamma; 
Third, speak what is pleasant, not unpleasant; 
Fourth, speak the truth, not falsehood.” 

Then the Venerable Vangisa rose from his seat, arranged his upper robe over one shoulder, and, having saluted the Blessed One reverentially, said to him: “An inspiration has come to me, Blessed One! An inspiration has come to me, Sublime One!”
The Blessed One said: “Then express your inspiration, Vangisa.” 

Then the Venerable Vangisa extolled the Blessed One to his face with suitable verses: 
“One should utter only such speech 
By which one does not afflict oneself 
And causes no harm to others: 
Such speech is truly well spoken. 
One should utter only pleasant speech, 
Speech that is gladly welcomed. 
When it brings them nothing evil 
What one speaks is pleasant to others
Truth, indeed, is deathless speech: 
This is an ancient principle. 
The goal and the Dhamma, the good say, 
Are firmly established on truth.
The secure speech which the Buddha utters 
For the attainment of Nibbana, 
For making an end to suffering: 
That is truly the foremost speech.”

(相應部 1-8-5)
為善人所云   第一語於美
第二語如法   勿語不如法
第三語優美   勿以語粗獷
第四語真實   勿以語虛偽
人以語其語   勿令自己苦
亦無害他語   此為語善語
人語善故事   其語以快耳
不語他人惡   此則云善美
真實甘露語   此乃從古法
以謂真義法   善人悉確立
佛陀所說語   達涅槃安穩
以至盡苦邊   此實無上語

