Siong'ingr Vxo (1-8-12)
12. Vangisa
Hitt jun, Sewjunx dirr Shravasti Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw.
Hitt sii, junjiaw Vangisa did diyc arahant ee qongqyw byy zuarr quw, qamxsiu diyc qaixtog ee kuaiwlok. Hitt sijun, ix cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Guaw sikzit dimbee dirr joksix,
Dirr hniujngx qapp cirdinr jit siwqer iuu.
Hitt sii qnir did u jniawsiong qakdix :ee,
Guaw u snix cud jniar sinr.
Vuddyy uirr guaw,
qangxsuad dxir, xui qapp jxid ee Hxuad.
Guaw tniax diyc jiaxee Hxuad,
Cutqex venr byy cur :ee.
Singwjiaw soxx qnir si sit :ee,
Zip dy did dy.
Bikiu qapp bikiuni,
Tangx did diyc jniawsiong diqag.
Guaw dirr vut binrjingg,
Sidjai hnuahiw ix laii.
Drat qaur snax bingg,
Vut soxx qar longxx jyr qaxx qaur.
Guaw did cingbingg ee tenganw,
Jaix jingg sxer ee dairjir.
Did diyc snax bingg sintongx,
Jaix tazinn ee simx.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-8-12)
12. Vangisa
On one occasion the Venerable Vangisa was dwelling at Shravasti in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapindika’s Park.
Now on that occasion the Venerable Vangisa had only recently attained arahantship and, while experiencing the happiness of liberation, on that occasion he recited these verses:
“Drunk on poetry,
I used to wander
From village to village, from town to town.
Then I saw the Enlightened One
And faith arose within me.
He then taught me the Dhamma:
Aggregates, sense bases, and elements.
Having heard the Dhamma from him,
I went forth into homelessness.
Indeed, for the good of many,
The sage attained enlightenment,
For the bhikkhus and bhikkhunis
Who have reached and seen the fixed course.
Welcome indeed has it been for me,
My coming into the Buddha’s presence.
The three knowledges have been obtained,
The Buddha’s Teaching has been done.
I know now my past abodes,
The divine eye is purified.
A triple knowledge man, attained to spiritual powers,
I am skilled in the course of others’ minds.”
(相應部 1-8-12)
我昔耽作詩 村莊市里遊
時見正覺者 我於生正信
佛陀為我說 蘊處界等法
我聞如是法 無家而出家
實於聖者見 入其道之道
比丘比丘尼 利益成正覺
我來於佛前 實是善來者
到達於三明 遂行如佛教
我得清天眼 以知於宿命
得三明神通 巧知於他心
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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