
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-9-4)

4. Jerje Kir Iuhongx
Hitt jun, jerje bikiu druar dirr Kosala Qog jiokk ram ee ciurnaa-lai. Hitt sii, hiaxee jiongww bikiu dro quer snax qywguec ee horquir, liauxau dyrr cutgua kir iuhongx.

Hitt sii, druar dirr hitt xee ciurnaa ee tnisinn byy knuar diyc hiaxee bikiu, simqnuax siongvix. Hitt sijun, ix cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Knuar diyc jerje kangx ee jyrui,
Guaw ee simx byy kuaiwlok.
Je qenwbunn gauu qangxsuad :ee,
Gotama ee derjuw,
Inx si jauw dyhh kir?”

Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, lingrgua jit xee tnisinn iong jimgensix duiww hitt xui tnisinn qongw:
“Inx higjiaw dirr Magadha,
Higjiaw dirr Kosala,
Higjiaw dirr Vajjia,
Kyxviw kax byy virr vak lehh ee lok.
Bikiu byy cur,
Jiacc erdangr jurjai diamr lehh.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-9-4)  
4. A Number 
On one occasion a number of bhikkhus were dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket. Then, when they had spent the rains there, after the three months had passed those bhikkhus set out on tour. 

Then the devata that inhabited that woodland thicket, not seeing those bhikkhus, lamenting, on that occasion recited this verse: 
“Today discontent appears to me 
When I see here so many deserted seats. 
Where have they gone, 
Gotama’s disciples, 
Those splendid speakers rich in learning?”

When this was said, another devata replied in verse: 
“They’ve gone to Magadha, gone to Kosala, 
And some are in the Vajjian land. 
Like deer that roam free from ties, 
The bhikkhus dwell without abode.”

(相應部 1-9-4)
多見空居座   我今心不樂
多聞美說者   瞿曇弟子等
或者磨揭陀   或者拘薩羅
或者往跋耆   如無係蹄鹿
比丘等無家   而能自在住

