
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-10-1)

Derr Jap Qngw: Iarcex Siong'ingr
1. Indaka
Hitt jun, Sewjunx druar dirr Rajagaha Sniaa Inda Snuax ee snuadingw, Indaka Iarcex soxx druar ee soxjai.

Hitt sii, Indaka Iarcex laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhue quer, ix iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw:
“Jiongww vut qongw jitt xee siksinx m si mia.
Mrqycc mia jnuaxngiu e dirr sinkux?
Jitt xee qud qapp bah an’ dyhh laii?
Zuhyy druar dirr buxtaix laii cutsir?”

“Cocox u kalala,
Iu’ jitt xee kalala,
Jiacc u abbuda.
Iu’ abbuda,
Snix bah.
Bah snix qenwjixbah,
U snix cud suwjix,
Snix taujangx qapp jingxqah.
Anxnex buw jiac sniaw,
Imxliau qapp sidbut,
Druar dirr buxtaix :ee,
Uaxkyr jiaxee laii singdiongw.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-10-1)  
Chapter 10 Connected Discourses with Yakkhas
1. Indaka 
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rajagaha on the mountain Inda’s Peak, the haunt of the yakkha Indaka.

Then the yakkha Indaka approached the Blessed One and addressed him in verse: 
“The Buddhas say that form is not the soul. 
How then does one obtain this body? 
From where do one’s bones and liver come? 
How is one begotten in the womb?”

“First there is the kalala
From the kalala comes the abbuda
From the abbuda the pesi is produced; 
From the pesi the ghana arises; 
From the ghana emerge the limbs, 
The head-hair, body-hair, and nails. 
And whatever food the mother eats— 
The meals and drink that she consumes— 
By this the being there is maintained, 
The person inside the mother’s womb.”

(相應部 1-10-1)
第十 夜叉相應
諸佛說此色非命   然則如何命在身
此骨與肉何處來   如何此生住母胎
初有迦羅邏   由此迦羅邏
而有阿部曇   由此阿部曇
由生宍肉生   宍肉生堅肉
由堅肢節生   生髮及毛爪
如是母以取   飲料及食物
住於母胎者   依此而生長

