Siong'ingr Vxo (1-9-14)
14. Angg Lenhuex
Hitt jun, jit xee bikiu druar dirr Kosala Qog ram ram ee ciurnaa. Hitt sii, jitt xee bikiu jiac vaw siux vxuah liauw lyc kir lenhuedii beh pnri angg lenhuex ee bi.
Hitt sijun, druar dirr hitt xee ciurnaa ee tnisinn linbinw jitt xee bikiu, beh qingxcniw jitt xee bikiu, hro inx sniu iuxig :ee, dyrr laii qaur jitt xee bikiu hiax. Qauwui, ix dyrr iong jimgensix duiww jitt xee bikiu qongw:
“Jitt xee juixdii soxx snix ee huex,
M si hro liw pnri :ee.
Jex iarr sngr tautec,
Liw si tautec huepangx ee langg.”
“Byy cruw iarr byy ad,
Li hng hng pnri lenhuex.
Jnuaxngiu liw qongw,
Guaw si tautec huepangx :ee?
Qrut ix ee qintauu,
Iacc qra lengnau junw cair :ee,
Jyr jitt hy vyrhingg :ee,
Sniaw enqor liw m qongw inx?”
“Kyxviw lovi ee lacsab snxax,
Covy ee langg byy cingkir.
Guaw be qra inx qongw jitt kuanw ue,
Si duiww liw jiacc u qongw.
Byy jue byy uwuer :ee,
E suwsiongg beh qriuu cingkir.
Uanxzenn mox-buew hylii ee og,
Inx knuar diyc kyxviw tnihunn hiacc dua.”
“Iarcex liw jaix guaw,
Qycc kyxlenn guaw.
Narr knuar diyc jitt hy kuanw,
Iarcex diyhh qycc qra guaw qongw.”
“Guaw byy kyr liw sing'uac,
Iarr m si liw cniar :ee.
Bikiu liw qaqi,
M tangx m jaix,
Zuhyy kir sxen ee soxjai”
Hitt sii, jitt xee bikiu sriu diyc tnisinn ee qingxqair laii qingxcniw.
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-9-14)
14. The Thief of Scent
On one occasion a certain bhikkhu was dwelling among the Kosalans in a certain woodland thicket. Now on that occasion, when he had returned from his alms round, after his meal that bhikkhu used to descend into a pond and sniff a red lotus.
Then the devata that inhabited that woodland thicket, having compassion for that bhikkhu, desiring his good, desiring to stir up a sense of urgency in him, approached him and addressed him in verse:
“When you sniff this lotus flower,
An item that has not been given,
This is one factor of theft:
You, dear sir, are a thief of scent.”
(The bhikkhu:)
“I do not take, I do not damage,
I sniff the lotus from afar;
So for what reason do you say
That I am a thief of scent?
One who digs up the lotus stalks,
One who damages the lotus flowers,
One of such rough behaviour:
Why is he not spoken to?”
(The devata:)
“When a person is rough and fierce,
Badly soiled like a nursing cloth,
I have nothing at all to say to him;
But it’s to you that I ought to speak.
For a person who is without blemish,
Always in quest of purity,
Even a mere hair’s tip of evil
Appears as massive as a cloud.”
(The bhikkhu:)
“Surely, spirit, you understand me,
And you have compassion for me.
Please, O spirit, speak to me again,
Whenever you see such a deed.”
(The devata:)
“We don’t live with your support,
Nor are we your hired servant.
You, bhikkhu, should know for yourself
The way to a good destination.”
Then that bhikkhu, stirred by that devata, acquired a sense of urgency.
(相應部 1-9-14)
此水所生花 不予汝嗅聞
此亦一盜者 汝盜香花人
不取又不折 離而嗅蓮香
如何汝云我 是花香盜人
以掘其根頭 或餐其蓮莖
如是行暴人 何故汝不云
如下婢污衣 不淨粗暴人
我不言此語 云汝則相應
無有罪污穢 常求清淨人
惡如毛毫端 見猶天雲大
夜叉我知汝 又以哀憐我
以如是見時 夜叉又語我
我非靠汝生 亦非指為惡
比丘汝自己 不得為不知
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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