
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-10-9)

9. Sukka (I)
Hitt jun, Sewjunx druar dirr Rajagaha Sniaa ee Diknaa cri huexcuw ee soxjai. Hitt sii, Sukka Bikkuni virr jingwlangg uii lehh decc qangxhuad.

Hitt sijun, jit xee duiww Sukka Bikkuni  u sinr ee iarcex, dirr Rajagaha Sniaa an’ jitt diauu qrex qaur hitt diauu qrex, an’ jitt diauu lo qaur hitt diauu lo, longxx decc qongw jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Rajagaha Sniaa ee jingwlangg,
Uirr sniaw uac lehh?
Kyxviw limx diyc qamdnix ee jiuw,
Juir qaxx dyw lecc kunr.
Laii hongrtai Sukka.
Bikuni soxx qongw :ee,
Si qaur u qamlo ee dy,
Qamdnix ee juiw be lyy lyy.
Dirr jiax itjair limx,
Limx qaxx m jaix vaw.
U diwhui ee langg decc limx,
Kyxviw luxhingg :ee cuir dax duw diyc horjuiw.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-10-9)  
9. Sukka (1) 
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rajagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary. Now on that occasion the bhikkhuni Sukka, surrounded by a large assembly, was teaching the Dhamma. 

Then a yakkha who had full confidence in the bhikkhuni Sukka, going from street to street and from square to square in Rajagaha, on that occasion recited these verses: 
“What has happened to these people in Rajagaha? 
They sleep as if they’ve drunk honey-wine. 
Why don’t they attend on Sukka 
As she teaches the deathless state?
But the wise, as it were, drink it up— 
That (Dhamma) irresistible, 
Ambrosial, nutritious— 
As travellers do a cloud.”

(相應部 1-10-9)
王舍城人眾   為何而居耶
猶如於甘酒   或醉於臥倒
以侍叔迦羅   比丘尼所說
甘露之道足   無混濁甘液
於此飲至再   飲之不為飽
思智慧人飲   如渴旅人雨

