
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-11-5)

5. Senrgiw ee Singwli
Savathhi Sniaa ee inenn.
“Jiongww bikiu! Ingxzit tnisinn qapp asura kiw qaujenr. Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii, asura Vepacitti iong jiaxee ue duiww tender Sakka qongw, ‘Jiongww tnisinn ee ongg, qongw senrgiw :ee did singwli.’ 
‘Vepacitti, qongw senrgiw :ee did singwli!’

Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii tnisinn qapp asura sed jit xee hue beh cniaw langg' quatding si’angw qongw senrgiw, si’angw qongw okgiw.

Jiongww bikiuHitt sii, Vepacitti, asura ee ongg, iong jiaxee ue duiww tender Sakka qongw, ‘Tender Sakka, cniur jimgensix.’

Jiongww bikiu! Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, tender Sakka iong jiaxee ue duiww Vepacitti, asura ee ongg, qongw, ‘Vepacitti! Liw ingxzit dirr jiax si tnisinn. Vepacitti, cniaw qongw jimgensix.’

Jiongww bikiu! Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, Vepacitti, asura ee ongg, qongw jitt siuw jimgensix:
‘Narr m qra jewjiw,
Gucix :ee qyckacc byy jamrjad.
Soxiw diyhh qra hinghuat,
U diwhui :ee diyhh joxjiw gong langg.’

Jiongww bikiu! Vepacitti, asura ee ongg, qongw jitt siuw jimgensix ee sii, asura hnuahiw qaxx hihua qiyr, jiongww tnisinn diam diam.

Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii, Vepacitti, asura ee ongg, iongx jiaxee ue duiww tender Sakka qongw, ‘Tender Sakka, cniur jimgensix.’

Jiongww bikiu! Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, tender Sakka cniur jitt siuw jimgensix:
‘Guaw ee sniurhuad si,
Beh jewjiw gong langg,
Ixx jaix ix u hunwno,
Rair jing jing u jniar liam.’

Jiongww bikiu! Tender Sakka cniur jitt siuw jimgensix ee sii, jiongww tnisinn hnuahiw qaxx hihua qiyr, asura diam diam.

Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii, tender Sakka iong jiaxee ue duiww Vepacitti qongw, ‘Vepacitti, cniur jimgensix!’

‘Vassava zimxnai,
Guaw decc knuar si quewsid.
Gong langg sniu qongxx zimxnai ix,
Liahjunw si decc qniax ix.
Kyxviw dyjauw :ee,
Guu vitdnia uadzuxx beh kir ziog ix,
Gong langg iarr zuxx byy jamrjad.’

Jiongww bikiu! Vepacitti, asura ee ongg, qongw jitt siuw jimgensix ee sii, asura hnuahiw qaxx hihua qiyr, jiongww tnisinn diam diam.

Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii, Vepacitti, asura ee ongg, iongx jiaxee ue duiww tender Sakka qongw, ‘Tender Sakka, cniur jimgensix.’

Jiongww bikiu! Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, tender Sakka cniur jitt siuw jimgensix:
Qra zimxnai knuar juer qnia'uir,
Beh anxnix sniu jueww ix anxnix sniu.
Duiww qaqi iuxli ee singwli,
Byy kacc ngiaa quer zimxnai kutziok jitt hxang.
U ligliong :ee zimxnai byy ligliong :ee,
Jex qiyr juer siongrr quann ee zimxnai.
Byy lat ee langg dniardnia zimxnai,
Jitt jiongw lat byy ligliong,
Ix ee lat si gong langg ee lat.
Virr hxuad siuxho hiaxee u lat :ee,
Byy su’iaur kir huanxvok.
Iong hunwno hingg decc hunwno :ee,
E venr qyckacc hai.
Duiww hunwno :ee byy iong hunwno hingg :inx,
Sngr derr zi vaiw ee qigjer,
Jex si siongrr dua ee singwli.
Jaix tazinn ee hunwno,
Iong jniar liam vingjing qaqi,
Si qaqi qapp tazinn,
Sianghongx ee isux.
Dna’ m jaix hxuad :ee,
Jiacc qra hitt xee langg dongwjuer gong langg.’

Jiongww bikiu! Tender Sakka cniur jitt siuw jimgensix ee sii, jiongww tnisinn hnuahiw qaxx hihua qiyr, asura diam diam.

Jiongww bikiu! Jiongww tnisinn qapp asura soxx sed ee hue dirr jiax qongw, “Vepacitti, asura ee ongg, soxx qongw ee jimgensix sriok buxlik, dyqiamr, jingdor, vuthyy qapp qikjenr. Tender Sakka ee jimgensix m si sriok buxlik, dyqiamr, jingdor, vuthyy qapp qikjenr. Sakka ee senrgiw did diyc singwli.’

Jiongww bikiu! Tender Sakka ee senrgiw did diyc singwli.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-11-5)  
5. Victory by What Is Well Spoken 
Setting at Savatthi. “Bhikkhus, once in the past the devas and the asuras were arrayed for battle. Then Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, said to Sakka, lord of the devas: ‘Lord of the devas, let there be victory by what is well spoken.’
(And Sakka replied:) ‘Vepacitti, let there be victory by what is well spoken.’ 

“Then, bhikkhus, the devas and the asuras appointed a panel of judges, saying: ‘These will ascertain what has been well spoken and badly spoken by us.’ 

“Then Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, said to Sakka, lord of the devas: ‘Speak a verse, lord of the devas.’ 

When this was said, Sakka said to Vepacitti: ‘You, Vepacitti, being the senior deva here, speak a verse.’

When this was said, Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, recited this verse:
‘Fools would vent their anger even more 
If no one would keep them in check. 
Hence with drastic punishment 
The wise man should restrain the fool.’ 

“When, bhikkhus, Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, spoke this verse, the asuras applauded but the devas were silent. 

Then Vepacitti said to Sakka: ‘Speak a verse, lord of the devas.’ 

When this was said, Sakka, lord of the devas, recited this verse: 
‘I myself think this alone 
Is the way to check the fool: 
When one knows one’s foe is angry 
One mindfully maintains one’s peace.’ 

“When, bhikkhus, Sakka, lord of the devas, spoke this verse, the devas applauded but the asuras were silent. 

Then Sakka said to Vepacitti: ‘Speak a verse, Vepacitti.’ 

When this was said, Vepacitti, lord of the devas, recited this verse: 
‘I see this fault, O Vasava, 
In practising patient endurance: 
When the fool thinks of you thus, 
“He endures me out of fear,” 
The dolt will chase you even more 
As a bull does one who flees.’ 

“When, bhikkhus, Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, spoke this verse, the asuras applauded but the devas were silent. 

Then Vepacitti said to Sakka: ‘Speak a verse, lord of the devas.’ 

When this was said, Sakka, lord of the devas, recited these verses: 
‘Let it be whether or not he thinks, 
“He endures me out of fear,” … 
The people who consider him a fool 
Are those unskilled in the Dhamma.’ 

“When, bhikkhus, these verses were spoken by Sakka, lord of the devas, the devas applauded but the asuras were silent. 

Then the panel of judges appointed by the devas and t he asuras said this: ‘The verses spoken by Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, advocate punishment and violence; hence they conduce to conflict, contention, and strife. But the verses spoken by Sakka, lord of the devas, advocate non-punishment and non-violence; hence they conduce to freedom from conflict, freedom from contention, and freedom from strife. Sakka, lord of the devas, has won the victory by what is well spoken.’ 

“In this way, bhikkhus, Sakka, lord of the devas, won the victory by what is well spoken.” 

(相應部 1-11-5)
若不止禁者   愚人益招猛
是故重刑罰   智者止愚人
於我之思惟   以止禁愚者
以知其他怒   寂靜於正念
婆娑婆此忍   我見為過失
愚人恐怖我   以為是忍他
如使牛逃者   必增益猛追
以忍為怖畏   欲思則令思
己利勝者中   無有勝忍辱
有力忍無力   此云最勝忍
無力人常忍   謂無力之力
其力愚人力   有力護於法
無須要反駁   忿者還與忿
更是為惡事   忿者不還忿
激戰得二度   最大之勝利
知他之忿怒   正念靜己人
自己以及他   雙方之醫師
唯無知法者   其人為愚者

