Qycc u jit-bxan xee Brahma ee ongg qapp Sikhin dringw an’ sir xee tnix lyc .laii jen’ongw Vuddyy ee soxjai beh tniax Hxuad. Qycc u jit-bxan nng-cingx xee tender iarr an’ sir xee tnix lyc .laii diamr huathue jre lehh. Qycc u dua uilik ee jiongww tenzinn, lringg, iarcex, gandharva, asura, garuda, kimnara, qapp mahoraga dringw longxx laii dirr huathue jre lehh. Jerje bikiu, bikuni, upasaka, qapp upasika longxx laii dirr huathue jre lehh.
Hitt sii, Vuddyy uirr buliong vaccing xee qiongqingr qra uii lehh ee jingwlangg enxsuad Hxuad, kyxviw Sumeru Snuax Ongg kia diamr dirr duarhaiw. Ix anzenn jre dirr jerje vyxbut soxx jongsig ee sraix-jyrui, jiyr qngx itcer laii jiax ee dairjiongr.
(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter I Purification of the Buddha-Field 3)
There were also gathered there ten thousand Brahmas, at their head Brahma Sikhin, who had come from the Asoka universe with its four sectors to see, venerate, and serve the Buddha and to hear the Dharma from his own mouth. There were twelve thousand Sakras, from various four-sector universes. And there were other powerful gods: Brahmas, Sakras, Lokapalas, devas, nagas, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, and mahoragas. Finally, there was the fourfold community, consisting of bhikshus, bhikshunis, laymen, and laywomen.
The Lord Buddha, thus surrounded and venerated by these multitudes of many hundreds of thousands of living beings, sat upon a majestic lion-throne and began to teach the Dharma. Dominating all the multitudes, just as Sumeru, the king of mountains, looms high over the oceans, the Lord Buddha shone, radiated, and glittered as he sat upon his magnificent lion-throne.
(維摩詰所說經第一品 佛國之3)