
Vimalakirti Qingx (id-1)


Derr Id Pinw: Vudqog

Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. U jit vaiw, Vuddyy dirr Vaisali Sniaa ee Amrapali jit xee ciurhngg, ham’ dua bikiu veh-cingx langg dauwdin, qycc u snax-bxan nng-cingx xee jingwlangg soxx jaix soxx bad ee posad. Bylun dua diwhui iacc dyrhing, inx longxx singjiu, si jiongww vut uidig ee sitongx soxx qenwlip :ee, uirr siuxho Hxuad ee sniaa siurcii Jniar Hxuad. Inx tangx huad cud cincniu sraix-aw ee qiywsniax, miasniax tuann qaur sibhongx. Jingwlnagg byy su'iaur kunxqiuu, inx e cincniu ving'iuw laii an'uir. Inx huat'iongg Samvyw jiacc benw did bedjuat, hanghok simlai ee xmoo qapp uanr, jewab soxu guardy. Inx longxx ixqingx cingjing, ingxuanw lirkuix apjer qapp dnivnuar, simx dniardnia an'unw diamr lehh, byy quawgai, did qaixtuad, cisiuw jniar liam qapp jniar dniardiyc, venrlun ee jaidiau be dng. Vowsix, cisiuw qaiwlut, zimxsiu kutziok, jingjinr, sendnia, qapp diwhui, ixqip hongvenrlat, inx byy jit hxang byy uanvi. Inx drat qaur byy soxx did, diamr dirr byy snix-bet ee qingxqair, ixx tangx suisun dngw byy dywter ee lenw. Inx jin' jai'ngiaw surbut ee vunxjid, jaix jiongwsingx ee qinx-singr, ciauuat dairjiongr, did diyc (sir jiongw) byy soxx qnia’uir. Inx iong qongdig qapp diwhui laii siulen inx ee simx, u bixhyw ee binrmau qapp jonggiamm ee srinx, guarhingg derr id. Inx kiwsag sewqanx soxu jngsig ee mic, miasniax tuann qaur qycc quann qycc hng, ciauquer Sumeru Snuax. Inx ee sinwsimx qenqor uanxzenn qimqongx, huatvyw jiyr poxpenha, cincniu lyc qamlo ee ho. Inx dirr jingwlangg lairdew qangxsuad ee imsniax jueww derr id bibiau, cimx jaix enn kiw ee henrsiong, dng soxu siaa qenwsig, byy qycc u u qapp byy nng vingg duiwlip ee sibkir. Inx enxsuad Hxuad byy qnia’uir, cincniu sraix decc qiyr, soxx qangxsuad cincniu luii dann, berdangr cikliong, ixx ciauquer tangx cikliong :ee. Jibhap jiongxjiongw huatvyw, cincniu dirr haixsiong ee dyrsux, inx tongdat itcer Hxuad cimbiau ee ywgi, cimx jaix jiongwsingx soxx kir qapp simx soxx sniu. Ixx jiapqin vut be viw .did ee jurjai diwhui, inx u jap jiongw lat, (sir jiongw) byy qnia'uir, qapp jap-veh jiongw byy siysiangg :ee. Qnuaix itcer og dy ee mngg, mrqycc qamguan ongxsingx kir go dy henr cud inx ee srinx, jyr isingx ongg laii dirliauu jiongwsingx ee vni, jiauww vnirjingr kuix iyc hro jiongwsingx hok. Inx longxx singjiu buliong qongdig, soxdid tangx jonggiamm qapp cingjing buliong vudtow. Qnir .diyc iacc tniax diyc inx :ee, byy jit xee byy sriu lirig. Soxu soxx jyr iarr byy vec liauw. Zucuw itcer qongdig longxx uanbuanw.

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter I Purification of the Buddha-Field 1)

Thus have I heard at one time. The Lord Buddha was in residence in the garden of Amrapali, in the city of Vaisali, attended by a great gathering. Of bhikshus there were eight thousand, all saints. They were free from impurities and afflictions, and all had attained self-mastery. Their minds were entirely liberated by perfect knowledge. They were calm and dignified, like royal elephants. They had accomplished their work, done what they had to do, cast off their burdens, attained their goals, and totally destroyed the bonds of existence. They all had attained the utmost perfection of every form of mind control.

Of bodhisattvas there were thirty-two thousand, great spiritual heroes who were universally acclaimed. They were dedicated through the penetrating activity of their great superknowledges and were sustained by the grace of the Buddha. Guardians of the city of Dharma, they upheld the true doctrine, and their great teachings resounded like the lion's roar throughout the ten directions.

Without having to be asked, they were the natural spiritual benefactors of all living beings. They maintained unbroken the succession of the Three Jewels, conquering devils and foes and overwhelming all critics.

Their mindfulness, intelligence, realization, meditation, incantation, and eloquence all were perfected. They had attained the intuitive tolerance of the ultimate incomprehensibility of all things. They turned the irreversible wheel of the Dharma. They were stamped with the insignia of signlessness.

They were expert in knowing the spiritual faculties of all living beings. They were brave with the confidence that overawes all assemblies. They had gathered the great stores of merit and of wisdom, and their bodies, beautiful without ornaments, were adorned with all the auspicious signs and marks. They were exalted in fame and glory, like the lofty summit of Mount Sumeru. Their high resolve as hard as diamond, unbreakable in their faith in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, they showered forth the rain of ambrosia that is released by the light rays of the jewel of the Dharma, which shines everywhere.

Their voices were perfect in diction and resonance, and versatile in speaking all languages. They had penetrated the profound principle of relativity and had destroyed the persistence of the instinctual mental habits underlying all convictions concerning finitude and infinitude. They spoke fearlessly, like lions, sounding the thunder of the magnificent teaching. Unequaled, they surpassed all measure. They were the best captains for the voyage of discovery of the treasures of the Dharma, the stores of merit and wisdom.

They were expert in the way of the Dharma, which is straight, peaceful, subtle, gentle, hard to see, and difficult to realize.

They were endowed with the wisdom that is able to understand the thoughts of living beings, as well as their comings and goings. They had been consecrated with the anointment of the peerless gnosis of the Buddha. With their high resolve, they approached the ten powers, the four fearlessnesses, and the eighteen special qualities of the Buddha.

They had crossed the terrifying abyss of the bad migrations, and yet they assumed reincarnation voluntarily in all migrations for the sake of disciplining living beings. Great Kings of medicine, understanding all the sicknesses of passions, they could apply the medicine of the Dharma appropriately.

They were inexhaustible mines of limitless virtues, and they glorified innumerable buddha-fields with the splendor of these virtues. They conferred great benefit when seen, heard, or even approached. Were one to extol them for innumerable hundreds of thousands of myriads of aeons, one still could not exhaust their mighty flood of virtues.

(維摩詰所說經第一品 佛國之1)


