
Vimalakirti Qingx (jap-snax-1)


Derr Jap-snax Pinw: Hxuad ee Qiong’iongw

Hitt sii, Sakra dirr dairjiongr lairdew duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Guaw suizenn an’ Vuddyy qapp Mamjusri tniax diyc vaccingx vxo qingx, m bad tniax quer jitt hy vutkyw-sugi jurjai sintongx quatding sidsiongr ee qingdenw. Jiauww guaw soxx liauxqaiw Vuddyy soxx enxsuad ee iwsur, narr u jiongwsingx tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx, siongsinr, liauxqaiw, siurcii, qapp togsiong :ee, vitdnia e did diyc jitt xee Hxuad be u gihik, hyhongr jiauww enxsuad :ee siuhing. Jitt xee langg dyrr si qra soxu og dy ee mng qnuaix .kiw .laii, qra soxu hiongr sxen ee mngg kuix .kuix, sisiongg virr jiongww vut soxx horlim, hanghok guardy, pachuai xmoo qapp quruanr, siulen potee, an’unw diamr dirr dyrdniuu, jiauww Zulaii ee kaziah qniaa. Sewjunx! Narr u siurcii, togsiong, qapp jiauww enxsuad kir siuhing :ee, guaw qapp soxu quanwsiok e qra qiong’iongw qapp jorjan. Bylun dirr cuanlok, snia’ib, snuanaa iacc kongwiaw, u jitt vxo qingx ee soxjai, guaw iarr e ham' soxu quanwsiok dauwdin kir hitt xee soxjai tniax Hxuad. Iauxx bue sinr :ee, guaw e hro inx siongsinr; ixqingx siongsinr :ee, guaw e qra inx vyxho.”

Vuddyy qongw, “Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw! Tender! Jiauww liw soxx qongw :ee, guaw qyckacc ter liw hnuahiw. Jitt vxo qingx poxpenr enxsuad quewkir, birlaii, qapp henrjai jiongww vut vutkyw-sugi ee anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Soxiw qongxx, tender! Narr senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn siurcii, togsiong, qapp qiong’iongw jitt vxo qingx :ee, dyrr si qiong’iongw quewkir, birlaii, qapp henrjai ee vut. Tender! Qaxsuw Zulaii ciongmuaw samcenx daircenx sewqair, kyxviw qamjiar, louiw, diu, qapp muaa ee jangg hiacc je, narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn, bylun jit qiab iacc ciauquer jit qiab ee siqanx qra inx qiongqingr, jundiong, janwtanr, qapp qiong’iongw, hro soxu :ee an'unw diamr lehh, qaur jiongww vut beddo liauxau, it’id ixx inx juann srinx ee sarina kiw cid vyw ee tah, quann qapp kuah vauhamm jit xee sir tenha, quann qaur Brahma Tnix, vudtah jonggiamm, iong itcer jueww derr id bibiau ee huex, hniux, judui, donghuanx, qapp imgak qiong'iongw jit qiab iacc ciauquer jit qiab. Tender, liw sniu sniaw kuanw? Jitt xee langg soxx jingr ee hog u je bor?”

Sakra qongw, “Sewjunw, jiokk je! Ix ee hokdig narr iong vaccing’ig qiab iarr qongw be jin.”

Vuddyy qra tender qongw, “Diyhh jaix jitt xee senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn tniax diyc jitt xee vutkyw-sugi ee qaixtuad qingdenw, u siongsinr, liauxqaiw, siurcii, tongsiong, qapp sidjenr, ix hokkir kacc je quer hitt xee. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Soxu vut ee potee longxx si an’ jex snix kiw. Potee ee siongr vutkyw hanrliong, in'ui jitt xee enqor, hokkir iarr vutkyw hanrliong.”

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter XIII Antecedents of the Holy Dharma 1)

Then Sakra, the prince of the gods, said to the Buddha, "Lord, formerly I have heard from the Tathagata and from Manjusri, the crown prince of wisdom, many hundreds of thousands of teachings of the Dharma, but I have never before heard a teaching of the Dharma as remarkable as this instruction in the entrance into the method of inconceivable transformations. Lord, those living beings who, having heard this teaching of the Dharma, accept it, remember it, read it, and understand it deeply will be, without a doubt, true vessels of the Dharma; there is no need to mention those who apply themselves to the yoga of meditation upon it. They will cut off all possibility of unhappy lives, will open their way to all fortunate lives, will always be looked after by all Buddhas, will always overcome all adversaries, and will always conquer all devils. They will practice the path of the bodhisattvas, will take their places upon the seat of Enlightenment, and will have truly entered the domain of the Tathagatas. Lord, the noble sons and daughters who will teach and practice this exposition of the Dharma will be honored and served by me and my followers. To the villages, towns, cities, states, kingdoms, and capitals wherein this teaching of the Dharma will be applied, taught, and demonstrated, I and my followers will come to hear the Dharma. I will inspire the unbelieving with faith, and I will guarantee my help and protection to those who believe and uphold the Dharma."

At these words, the Buddha said to Sakra, the prince of the gods, "Excellent! Excellent, prince of gods! The Tathagata rejoices in your good words. Prince of gods, the enlightenment of the Buddhas of the past, present, and future is expressed in this discourse of Dharma. Therefore, prince of gods, when noble sons and daughters accept it, repeat it, understand it deeply, write it completely, and, making it into a book, honor it, those sons and daughters thereby pay homage to the Buddhas of the past, present and future.

"Let us suppose, prince of gods, that this billion-world-galactic universe were as full of Tathagatas as it is covered with groves of sugarcane, with rosebushes, with bamboo thickets, with herbs, and with flowers, and that a noble son or daughter were to honor them, revere them, respect and adore them, offering them all sorts of comforts and offerings for an aeon or more than an aeon. And let us suppose that, these Tathagatas having entered ultimate liberation, he or she honored each of them by enshrining their preserved bodies in a memorial stupa made of precious stones, each as large as a world with four great continents, rising as high as the world of Brahma, adorned with parasols, banners, standards, and lamps. And let us suppose finally that, having erected all these stupas for the Tathagatas, he or she were to devote an aeon or more to offering them flowers, perfumes, banners, and standards, while playing drums and music.

That being done, what do you think, prince of gods? Would that noble son or daughter receive much merit as a consequence of such activities?"

Sakra, the prince of gods, replied, "Many merits, Lord! Many merits, O Sugata! Were one to spend hundreds of thousands of millions of aeons, it would be impossible to measure the limit of the mass of merits that that noble son or daughter would thereby gather!"

The Buddha said, "Have faith, prince of gods, and understand this: Whoever accepts this exposition of the Dharma called 'Instruction in the Inconceivable Liberation,' recites it, and understands it deeply, he or she will gather merits even greater than those who perform the above acts. Why so? Because, prince of gods, the enlightenment of the Buddhas arises from the Dharma, and one honors them by the Dharma worship, and not by material worship. Thus it is taught, prince of gods, and thus you must understand it."

(維摩詰所說經第十三品 法供養之1)


