
Vimalakirti Qingx (jap-zi-3)

Hitt sijun, Sakyamuni Vut qra jingwlangg qongw, “Linw cniaw quanknuar Bibiau Hiw Sewqair ee Byy Drang Zulaii. Ix ee qog jngsig qaxx jiokk jonggiamm, posad soxx jyr cingjing, derjuw cingvik.”

Inx longxx qongw, “U lar, u knuar .diyc.”

Vuddyy qongw, “Narr posad beh did diyc jitt hy cingjing vudtow, diyhh yc Byy Drang Zulaii soxx siuhing ee dy.”

Henrcud jitt xee Bibiau Hiw Qog ee sii, Syvyy Sewqair jap-sir nayuta sowliong ee langg huadsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, longxx hibang ongxsingx kir Bibiau Hiw jitt xee vudtow.

Sakyamuni Vut qra inx jyr qiwzin, qongw, “Linw e ongxsingx kir hitt qog.”

Hitt sii, Bibiau Hiw Sewqair dirr jitt xee qoktow soxx ingqaix lirig ee su jyr liauw, dyrr dngw kir qaur vunxui, jingwlangg longxx knuar .diyc.

Vuddyy qra Sariputra qongw, “Liw u knuar diyc jitt xee Bibiau Hiw Sewqair qapp Byy Drang Vut bor?”

“U, u knuar .diyc. Sewjunx! Hibang itcer jiongwsingx tangx did diyc cincniu Byy Drang Vut ee cingjing qoktow, did diyc cincniu Vimalakirti ee sintongx-latSewjunx! Guanw jiacc qinw tangx did diyc sxen-lirig, tangx qnir diyc jiaxee singwzinn, tangx cinqin qapp qiong’iongw inx. Bylun henrjai iacc Vuddyy beddo liauxau ee jiongwsingx, tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx :ee iarr tangx did diyc sxen-lirig, hyhongr tniax .diyc, u siongsinr, u liauxqaiw, u siurcii, u togsiong, u qaixsueh, qapp u jiauww Hxuad siuhing :ee. Narr u langg ciuw did diyc jitt vxo qingdenw :ee, dyrr si did diyc huatvyw ee vyxkor. Narr u togsiong, qaixsueh iwsur, qapp jiauww enxsuad :ee siuhing, ix dyrr virr jiongww vut horliam. U qiong’iongw jitt hy langg :ee, diyhh jaix jex dyrr si qiong’iongw vut. U causiaw qapp cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee, diyhh jaix ix ee cur-lai dyrr u Zulaii. Narr tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx dyrr qamxqag hnuahiw :ee, jitt xee langg dyrr cruw diyc itcer diwhui. Narr tangx siongsinr qapp liauxqaiw jitt vxo qingx :ee, simrjiww qra sir qxur jimgensix ee jit qxur uirr vadd langg enxsuad, tangx jaix jitt xee langg dyrr si ixx sriu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee qiwzin.”

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter XII Vision of the Universe Abhirati and the Tathagata Aksobhya 3)

Thereupon, the Buddha Sakyamuni asked all the multitudes, "Friends, behold the splendors of the universe Abhirati, the Tathagata Aksobhya, the array of his buddha-field, and the splendors of these disciples and bodhisattvas!"

They replied, "We see them, Lord!"

The Buddha said, "Those bodhisattvas who wish to embrace such a buddha-field should train themselves in all the bodhisattva-practices of the Tathagata Aksobhya."

While Vimalakirti, with his miraculous power, showed them thus the universe Abhirati and the Tathagata Aksobhya, one hundred and forty thousand living beings among the men and gods of the Saha universe conceived the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment, and all of them formed a prayer to be reborn in the universe Abhirati. And the Buddha prophesied that in the future all would be reborn in the universe Abhirati. And the Licchavi Vimalakirti, having thus developed all the living beings who could thereby be developed, returned the universe Abhirati exactly to its former place.

The Lord then said to the venerable Sariputra, "Sariputra, did you see that universe Abhirati, and the Tathagata Aksobhya?"

Sariputra replied, "I saw it, Lord! May all living beings come to live in a buddha-field as splendid as that! May all living beings come to have miraculous powers just like those of the noble Licchavi Vimalakirti!

"We have gained great benefit from having seen a holy man such as he. We have gained a great benefit from having heard such teaching of the Dharma, whether the Tathagata himself still actually exists or whether he has already attained ultimate liberation. Hence, there is no need to mention the great benefit for those who, having heard it, believe it, rely on it, embrace it, remember it, read it, and penetrate to its depth; and, having found faith in it, teach, recite, and show it to others and apply themselves to the yoga of meditation upon its teaching.

"Those living beings who understand correctly this teaching of the Dharma will obtain the treasury of the jewels of the Dharma.

"Those who study correctly this teaching of the Dharma will become the companions of the Tathagata. Those who honor and serve the adepts of this doctrine will be the true protectors of the Dharma. Those who write, teach, and worship this teaching of the Dharma will be visited by the Tathagata in their homes. Those who take pleasure in this teaching of the Dharma will embrace all merits. Those who teach it to others, whether it be no more than a single stanza of four lines, or a single summary phrase from this teaching of the Dharma, will be performing the great Dharma-sacrifice. And those who devote to this teaching of the Dharma their tolerance, their zeal, their intelligence, their discernment, their vision, and their aspirations, thereby become subject to the prophesy of future Buddhahood!"

(維摩詰所說經第十二品 見阿閦佛之3)


