Derr Jap-sir Pinw: Jiokhur
Dyrr anxnex, Vuddyy qra Bilik Posad qongw, “Bilik! Guaw dnaxx jiong' jitt hy buliong ig asamkhya qiab soxx jip ee anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee Hxuad qautog hro liw. Jiaxee qingx dirr Vuddyy beddo liauxau ee buadser, linw diyhh ixx sintongx-lat dirr Jambudvipa siwqer suanqangw qapp liutuann, byy hro dngrjuat. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Birlaii sxer lairdew e u senrlamjuw, senrluxzinn, tenzinn, lringg, quixsinn, gandhava, qapp raksa dringw huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, hnuahiw sriu Darising Hxuad. Narr si byy tniax diyc jitt hy qingx dyrr e srid kir sxen ee lirig. Jiaxee langg tniax diyc jitt hy qingx, vitdnia e hnuahiw siongsinr, huad hanxiuw ee simx. Diyhh qra inx syx tauu jyr qiwzin, jiauww inx soxx ingqaix did .diyc ee lirig uirr inx siongser enxsuad.
Bilik, liw diyhh jaix, posad u nng jiongw. Dycc nng jiongw? Derr id jiongw, hnor jngsing buqur decc qongw dangx qongw saix . Derr zi jiongw, m qniax girliw cim'yr, jiauww jinsit ee siongr jinwzip. Narr hnor jngsig bunqur decc qongw dangx qongw saix :ee, tangx jaix inx si co' yc ee posad. Narr duiww cim'yr ee qingdenw be jipdiok, byy qnia'uir laii jinwzip hitt lairdew, tniax liauw simx cingjing, u siurcii, togsiong, jiauww enxsuad :ee siuhing, tangx jaix inx si quxnii sriu dyrhing :ee.
Bilik! Qycc co' yc :ee iarr u nng jiongw, berdangr jiapsiu jiokk cim'yr ee Hxuad. Dycc nng jiongw? Derr id jiongw, ixjaw m bad tniax .quer ee cim'yr qingdenw, tniax .diyc liauxau, inx e qniahniaa, sanxsingx gihik, berdangr suisun, e huixvongr, byy siongsinr, e anxnex qongw, ‘Jex guaw ixjaw m bad tniax .quer. Si an’ dyhh laii :ee?’ Derr zi jiongw, narr duw diyc horcii qapp qaixsuad zucuw cim'yr qingdenw :ee, inx m kingw cinqin, qiong’iongw, qiongqingr, higjiaw e cagkangx qongw pnaiw ue. U jitt nng jiongw henrsiong, tangx jaix inx si co' yc ee posad. Inx sunxhuai qaqi ee qongdig, berdangr dirr cim'yr ee Hxuad lairdew diaux inx ee simx.
Bilik! Qycc u nng jiongw. Posad suizenn cimx cimx siongsinr qapp liauxqaiw, iaxx si e sunxhuai qaqi ee qongdig, diwsuw berdangr did diyc byy snex-siw ee diwhui. Si dycc nng jiongw? Derr id jiongw, knuawkinx co' yc ee posad, m qra qauwhuew. Derr zi jiongw, suizenn liauxqaiw cim'yr ee Hxuad, mrqycc cruw siongr hunved. Dyrr si jitt nng jiongw.”
(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter XIV Transmission of the Holy Dharma 1)
Then the Lord Sakyamuni said to the bodhisattva Maitreya, the great spiritual hero, "I transmit to you, Maitreya, this unexcelled, perfect enlightenment which I attained only after innumerable millions of billions of aeons, in order that, at a later time, during a later life, a similar teaching of the Dharma, protected by your supernatural power, will spread in the world and will not disappear. Why? Maitreya, in the future there will be noble sons and daughters, devas, nagas, yaksas, gandharvas, and asuras, who, having planted the roots of virtue, will produce the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment. If they do not hear this teaching of the Dharma, they will certainly lose boundless advantages and even perish. But if they hear such a teaching, they will rejoice, will believe, and will accept it upon the crowns of their heads. Hence, in order to protect those future noble sons and daughters, you must spread a teaching such as this!
"Maitreya, there are two gestures of the bodhisattvas. What are they? The first gesture is to believe in all sorts of phrases and words, and the second gesture is to penetrate exactly the profound principle of the Dharma without being afraid. Such are the two gestures of the bodhisattvas. Maitreya, it must be known that the bodhisattvas who believe in all sorts of words and phrases, and apply themselves accordingly, are beginners and not experienced in religious practice. But the bodhisattvas who read, hear, believe, and teach this profound teaching with its impeccable expressions reconciling dichotomies and its analyses of stages of development these are veterans in the religious practice.
"Maitreya, there are two reasons the beginner bodhisattvas hurt themselves and do not concentrate on the profound Dharma. What are they? Hearing this profound teaching never before heard, they are terrified and doubtful, do not rejoice, and reject it, thinking, 'Whence comes this teaching never before heard?' They then behold other noble sons accepting, becoming vessels for, and teaching this profound teaching, and they do not attend upon them, do not befriend them, do not respect them, and do not honor them, and eventually they go so far as to criticize them. These are the two reasons the beginner bodhisattvas hurt themselves and do not penetrate the profound Dharma.
"There are two reasons the bodhisattvas who do aspire to the profound Dharma hurt themselves and do not attain the tolerance of the ultimate birthlessness of things. What are these two? These bodhisattvas despise and reproach the beginner bodhisattvas, who have not been practicing for a long time, and they do not initiate them or instruct them in the profound teaching. Having no great respect for this profound teaching, they are not careful about its rules. They help living beings by means of material gifts and do not help them by means of the gift of the Dharma. Such, Maitreya, are the two reasons the bodhisattvas who aspire to the profound Dharma hurt themselves and will not quickly attain the tolerance of the ultimate birthlessness of all things."
(維摩詰所說經第第十四 囑累之1)