
Vimalakirti Qingx (jap-sir-2)


Bilik Posad tniax liauw, duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Ixjaw m bad u :ee. Cincniu Vuddyy soxx qongw, guaw diyhh lirkuix jitt hy og diwsig, hongrhingg qapp cisiuw Zulaii busor asamkhya qiab soxx jip ee anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee Hxuad. Narr birlaii sxer u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn qriuu Dairsing :ee, guaw e hro inx ee ciuw did diyc jitt hy qingx, hro inx u liamrlik tangx siurcii, togsiong, qapp siwqer uirr vadd langg enxsuad. Sewjunx! Narr ixau ee buadser u siurcii, togsiong, qapp uirr vadd langg enxsuad :ee, tangx jaix longxx si Bilik ee sintongx-lat soxx qenwlip.”

Vuddyy qongw, “Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw! Bilik! Narr tangx jiauww liw soxx qongw :ee, vut e qyckacc hnuahiw.”

Dyrr anxnex, itcer posad habjiongw duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Guanw iarr e dirr Zulaii beddo liauxau, dirr sibhongx qoktow siwqer suanqangw qapp liutuann anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee Hxuad, qycc e inxdy soxu suathuad :ee hro inx cisiuw jitt vxo qingx.”

Hitt sii, sir xee ten’ongg duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Bylun dirr snia’ib, cuanlok, samlimm, iacc kongwiaw, u jitt vxo qingceh ee soxjai, u langg decc togsiong iacc qaixsuad :ee, guaw e cuarniaw soxu quanwsiok uirr tniax Hxuad jen’ongw qra iongxho. Hong'uann jit-vah yoyana, byy hitt hy beh tranr qihue did diyc hongven :ee.”

Hitt sii, Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, “Rair siursii jitt vxo qingx, siwqer suanqangw qapp liutuann.”

Ananda qongw, “E, guaw ixqingx u siurcii iauwdiamw. Sewjunx! Jitt vxo qingx diyhh qiyr simxmih miaa?”

Vuddyy qongw, “Jitt vxo qingx qiyr jyr Vimalakirti Soxx Enxsuad, iarr qiyr jyr Vutkyw-sugi Qaixtuad ee Huatmngg. Dyrr jiauww anxnex siurcii.”

Vuddyy enxsuad jitt vxo qingx liauxau, diongxjiaw Vimalakirti, Manjusri, Sariputra, qapp Ananda dringw, ixqip jerje tenzinn, langg, qapp asura itcer dairjiongr, tniax diyc Vuddyy soxx enxsuad longxx dua hnuahiw.

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter XIV Transmission of the Holy Dharma 2)

Thus having been taught, the bodhisattva Maitreya said to the Buddha, "Lord, the beautiful teachings of the Tathagata are wonderful and truly excellent. Lord, from this time forth, I will avoid all such errors and will defend and uphold this attainment of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment by the Tathagata during innumerable hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of aeons! In the future, I will place in the hands of noble sons and noble daughters who are worthy vessels of the holy Dharma this profound teaching. I will instill in them the power of memory with which they may, having believed in this teaching, retain it, recite, it, penetrate its depths, teach it, propagate it, write it down, and proclaim it extensively to others.

"Thus I will instruct them, Lord, and thus it may be known that in that future time those who believe in this teaching and who enter deeply into it will be sustained by the supernatural blessing of the bodhisattva Maitreya."

Thereupon the Buddha gave his approval to the bodhisattva Maitreya: "Excellent! Excellent! Your word is well given! The Tathagata rejoices and commends your good promise."

Then all the bodhisattvas said together in one voice, "Lord, we also, after the ultimate liberation of the Tathagata, will come from our various buddha-fields to spread far and wide this enlightenment of the perfect Buddha, the Tathagata. May all noble sons and daughters believe in that!"

Then the four Maharajas, the great kings of the quarters, said to the Buddha, "Lord, in all the towns, villages, cities, kingdoms, and palaces, wherever this discourse of the Dharma will be practised, upheld, and correctly taught, we, the four great kings, will go there with our armies, our young warriors, and our retinues, to hear the Dharma. And we will protect the teachers of this Dharma for a radius of one league so that no one who plots injury or disruption against these teachers will have any opportunity to do them harm."

Then the Buddha said to the venerable Ananda, "Receive then, Ananda, this expression of the teaching of the Dharma. Remember it, and teach it widely and correctly to others!"

Ananda replied, "I have memorized, Lord, this expression of the teaching of the Dharma. But what is the name of this teaching, and how should I remember it?"

The Buddha said, "Ananda, this exposition of the Dharma is called 'The Teaching of Vimalakirti,' or 'The Reconciliation of Dichotomies,' or even 'Section of the Inconceivable Liberation.' Remember it thus!"

Thus spoke the Buddha. And the Licchavi Vimalakirti, the crown prince Manjusri, the venerable Ananda, the bodhisattvas, the great disciples, the entire multitude, and the whole universe with its gods, men, asuras and gandharvas, rejoiced exceedingly. All heartily praised these declarations by the Lord.

(維摩詰所說經第第十四 囑累之2)


