
Vimalakirti Qingx (jap-snax-3)

Vuddyy qra tender qongw, “Guec Iamxsnuar Ongjuw an’ Iyc Ongg Vut tniax diyc jttt hy Hxuad did diy ziusun-zimxnai, dyrr qra vyxsnax qapp sinkux ee jongsig vrag .lyc .laii laii qiong’iongw Vuddyy, qycc duiww Vuddyy qongw, ‘Sewjunx! Zulaii beddo liauxau, guaw e jyr Hxuad ee qiong’iongw laii siuxho Jniar Hxuad. Hibang liw ixx uisinn-lat qra guaw qacii, hro guaw tangx hanghok xmoo ee uanr, sriux posathing.’

Vuddyy jaix ix cimced ee simx soxx sniu, dyrr qra jyr qiwzin, qongw, ‘Liw dirr guaw beddo liauxau e siuxho Hxuad ee sniaa.’

Tender! Hitt sii, Guec Iamxsnuar Ongjuw qenwjingr diyc Hxuad ee cingjing, tniax diyc virr vut jyr qiwzin dyrr u sinwsimx laii cutqex, jingjinr decc siulen senrhuad, quer byy zuarr quw, did diyc go jiongw sintongx, drat qaur posad-dy, did diyc darani qapp budik venrlun ee jaidiau. Dirr Vuddyy beddo liauxau, ix iong soxx did .diyc ee sintongx, jongw cisiuw, qapp venlun ee jaidiau, muaw jap siyw qiab, qra Iyc Ongg Zulaii soxx dngw ee huatlenw qewsiok liutuann. Guec Iamxsnuar Bikiu in'ui siuxho Hxuad, qutlat jingjinr, dyrr dirr jitt xee sinhun qauwhuar vah-bxan-ig langg, hro inx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi byy dywter, jap-sir nayuta sowliong ee langg cimx cimx huatsimx beh jyr sniabunn iacc pratyekabuddha, qycc u buliong ee jiongwsingx tangx ongxsingx kir tnidingw. 

Tender! Hitt sii Vyw Iamxsnuar Ongg qamxx si vadd langg? Dyrr si henjai ixx jniaa vut ee Ratnarcis(Vyw Iam) Zulaii. Jitt xee ongg ee jit-cing xee qniaw dyrr si henliongg qiab lairdew ee jit-cingx xee vut, an' Kakutsunda kaisiw jniaa vut, qaur juewau jit xee qiyr jyr Roca ee Zulaii. Guec Iamxsnuar Bikiu dyrr si guaw ee jensinx.  Zucuw, Tender! Iauwqinw diyhh jaix dirr soxu qiong'iongw lairdew, Hxuad ee qiong’iongw siongrr hyw, vaii derr id. Soxiw qongxx, tender! Diyhh ixx Hxuad ee qiong’iongw laii qiong’iongw vut.”

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter XIII Antecedents of the Holy Dharma 3)

"Prince of gods, when the prince Candracchattra had heard this definition of Dharma-worship from the Tathagata Bhaisajyaraja, he attained the conformative tolerance of ultimate birthlessness; and, taking his robes and ornaments, he offered them to the Buddha Bhaisajyaraja, saying, 'When the Tathagata will be in ultimate liberation, I wish to defend his holy Dharma, to protect it, and to worship it. May the Tathagata grant me his supernatural blessing, that I may be able to conquer Mara and all adversaries and to incorporate in all my lives the holy Dharma of the Buddha!'

"The Tathagata Bhaisajyaraja, knowing the high resolve of Candracchattra, prophesied to him that he would be, at a later time, in the future, the protector, guardian, and defender of the city of the holy Dharma. Then, prince of gods, the prince Candracchattra, out of his great faith in the Tathagata, left the household life in order to enter the homeless life of a monk and having done so, lived making great efforts toward the attainment of virtue. Having made great effort and being well established in virtue, he soon produced the five superknowledges, understood the incantations, and obtained the invincible eloquence. When the Tathagata Bhaisajyaraja attained ultimate liberation, Candracchattra, on the strength of his superknowledges and by the power of his incantations, made the wheel of the Dharma turn just as the Tathagata Bhaisajyaraja had done and continued to do so for ten short aeons.

"Prince of gods, while the monk Candracchattra was exerting himself thus to protect the holy Dharma, thousands of millions of living beings reached the stage of irreversibility on the path to unexcelled, perfect enlightenment, fourteen billion living beings were disciplined in the vehicles of the disciples and solitary sages, and innumerable living beings took rebirth in the human and heavenly realms.

"Perhaps, prince of gods, you are wondering or experiencing some doubt about whether or not, at that former time, the King Ratnacchattra was not some other than the actual Tathagata Ratnarcis. You must not imagine that, for the present Tathagata Ratnarcis was at that time, in that epoch, the universal monarch Ratnacchattra. As for the thousand sons of the King Ratnacchattra, they are now the thousand bodhisattvas of the present blessed aeon, during the course of which one thousand Buddhas will appear in the world. Among them, Krakucchanda and others are already born, and those remaining will still be born, from Kakutsunda up to the Tathagata Roca, who will be the last to be born.

"Perhaps, prince of gods, you are asking yourself if, in that life, in that time, the Prince Candracchattra who upheld the Holy Dharma of Lord Tathagata Bhaisajyaraja was not someone other than myself. But you must not imagine that, for I was, in that life, in that time, the Prince Candracchattra. Thus it is necessary to know, prince of gods, that among all the worships rendered to the Tathagata, the Dharma-worship is the very best. Yes, it is good, eminent, excellent, perfect, supreme, and unexcelled. And therefore, prince of gods, do not worship me with material objects but worship me with the Dharma-worship! Do not honor me with material objects but honor me by honor to the Dharma!"

(維摩詰所說經第十三品 法供養之3)


