Ananda qra Vuddyy qongw, "Sewjunx, Zulaii suizenn suatbingg derr zi ywgi ee huatmngg, dnaxx quancad sewqanx beh qra qad tauw .kuix ee langg, narr m jaix qad ee guantauu, guaw siongsinr jitt xee langg jiongqibuew berdangr tauw .kuix. Sewjunx, guaw qapp huathue lairdew co' yc ee sniabunn iarr si anxnex. An' byy kaixsiw ixlaii qapp soxu bubingg jywhuew bet .kir jywhuew snix cud. Suizenn did diyc je qenwbunn qapp senrqinx, qongxx qiyr juer cutqex, iuguann bersux qecdngw zit ee malaria. Dogdok hibang liw huad dua juvix, kyxlenn gunw jiaxee dimlunn :ee, jixsi gunw qinaxzit srinx qapp simx ee qad dirr dyhh, an' dyhh laii tauw .kuix. Iarr hro birlaii koxlan jiongwsingx e tangx benw hamrzip lunhuee, be lag zip samqair."
Jiaxee ue qongw suah, ix dyrr qapp soxu dairjiongr pag dirr tokax (qingwvair), bagsaiw naxx horjuiw, singsimx qitai Vuddyy Zulaii busiong ee kaisi.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --1)
Ananda said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, the Thus Come One has explained the two meanings, yet, as I now contemplate people in the world, I believe that if they try to untie a knot and cannot find its center, they will never get the knot undone. World Honored One, I and all the other Sound-hearers in the great assembly who are not beyond study are the same way. From time without beginning we have been accompanied in birth and death by ignorance. We have obtained these good roots of erudition and are said to have left the home-life, yet in fact we act like someone with a recurrent fever. I only hope that you, the greatly compassionate one, will take pity on us. We are sinking and drowning so that to this very day we do not know how our bodies and minds are in knots or how to go about untying them. Your explanation will also enable future living beings who are in suffering and difficulty to avoid the turning wheel and not fall into the three realms of existence."
After saying this, he and the entire great assembly made full prostrations. He wept profusely, and with sincere anticipation awaited the unsurpassed instruction of the Buddha, the Thus Come One.
After saying this, he and the entire great assembly made full prostrations. He wept profusely, and with sincere anticipation awaited the unsurpassed instruction of the Buddha, the Thus Come One.
阿難白佛言。世尊。如來雖說第二義門。今觀世間解結之人。若不知其所結之元。我信是人終不能解。世尊。我及會中有學聲聞。亦復如是。從無始際與諸無明。俱滅俱生。雖得如是多聞善根。名為出家。猶隔日瘧。惟願大慈。哀愍淪溺。今日身心。云何是結。 從何名解。亦令未來苦難眾生。得免輪迴。不落三有。作是語已。普及大眾五體投地。雨淚翹誠。佇佛如來無上開示。