Bhadrapala qapp ix jap-lak xee posad dangpnua an' jyrui vreh kiw, hiongr Vuddyy ee kax qnialew, suar qra Vuddyy qongw, "Guanw jiaxee taukixsingx dirr Uigiamm Imsniax Vud'ongg hiax tniax diyc dharma laii cutqex. Dirr jingdoo sexik ee sii jiauww quanwle zip kir igqingx. Hutzenqanx liauxgno diyc juiw ee en'iuu. Ix be qra din'aix sew cringx, iarr be qra siongwtew sew cringx. Dirr hitt diongqanx, byy soxx indnuax laii did diyc anzenn. Quewkir sxer ee sibkir byy be qir tihh, simrjiww qaur jitmaw duer Vuddyy cutqex, siuhing did diyc mrbenw qycc hagsip ee qongqyw. Vuddyy qra guaw hy miaa juer Bhadrapala. Bibiau ee bongkab henxbingg, cuttuad qaur jniaa juer Vuddyy derjiw. Vuddyy mng quanhe uanbuanw tongdat. Jiauww guaw soxx giamrjingr :ee, bogkab ee in'iuu vaii derr id kxamw."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --16)
Bhadrapala and sixteen awakened lords who were his companions, arose from their seats, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, and said to the Buddha:"We first heard the Dharma and left the home life under King of Awesome Sound Buddha. Once, when it was time for the Sangha to bathe, I followed the custom and entered the bathhouse. Suddenly I awakened to the fact that water does not wash away the dust, nor does it cleanse the body. And in that moment I became peaceful and attained the state of there being nothing at all. To this day, I have never forgotten that experience. Having left home with the Buddha, I have advanced beyond study. The Buddha named me Bhadrapala. Wonderful touch was revealed, and I reached the level of being a disciple of the Buddha. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. As I have been certified to it, touch is the foremost means."