Mahakashyapa qapp Jxiw-Qimx-Qngx bikiuni an' jyrui vreh kiw, hiongr Vuddyy ee kax qnialew, suar qra Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw dirr ixongw ee qiab, dirr jitt xee seqair ee sii u vut cutsir, miaa qiyr juer Zidguaddingx. Guaw tangx cinqin ix tniabunn dharma laii siulen qapp hagsip. Vut beddo liauxau, guaw qiongqib sharira, diamw dingx tangx hro qongbingg jiapsuar, qycc iong jxiw-qngx-qimx buah vut ee sxiong. An' hitt sii ixlaii, singsingx-sewser sinkux ciangjai uanbuanw, jxiw-qimx-qngx jurjiap. Jitt xee Jxiw-Qimx-qngx bikiuni dyrr si guaw ee qasiok. Guanw qang sijun huatsimx. Guaw quanknuar sewqanx liogdinn venwcenx, vairhuai, dogdok diyhh ixx kongjig laii siulen bet, jin, dnia, srinx qapp simx jiacc erdangr dirr bersux dag jingxtauu-aw hiacc dew ee siqanx-lai dro quer cingvah qiab Guaw jiauww kanghux ee dharma jniaa juer Arhat. Sewjunx qongw guaw si dhuta vaii derr id :ee.Bibiau ee hxuad kaiqaiw bingqngx, tangx siaubet soxu ee huanlyw. Vuddyy mng quanhe uanbuanw tongdat. Jiauww guaw soxx giamrjingr :ee, hxuad ee in'ui vaii derr id kxamw."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --17)
Mahakashyapa, Bhikkhuní Purple-golden Light and others arose from their seats, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, and said to the Buddha:"In a past eon in this region, I drew near to the Buddha named Sun, Moon, and Lamp, who was then in the world. I heard the Dharma from him and cultivated and studied with him. After that Buddha entered tranquility, I made offerings to his sharira and lit lamps to continue his light. Bhikkhuní Purple-Golden-Light gilded the Buddha’s image. From that time on, in life after life, my body has always been perfect and has shone with a purple-golden light. The Bhikkhuní Purple-Golden Light, and others make up my retinue, and we all brought forth the resolve for Bodhi at the same time. I contemplated that the world’s six sense-objects change and decay; they are but empty stillness. Based on this, I cultivated tranquility. Now my body and mind can pass through hundreds of thousands of eons as though they were a finger-snap. Based on the emptiness of dharmas, I accomplished Arhat-ship. The World Honored One says that I am foremost in dhuta ascetic practices. Wonderful Dharma brought me awakening and understanding, and I put an end to all outflows. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. As I have been certified to it, dharmas are the foremost means."
摩訶迦葉。及紫金光比丘尼等。即從座起。頂禮佛足。而白佛言。我於往劫。於此界中。有佛出世。 名日月燈。我得親近。聞法修學。佛滅度後。供養舍利。然燈續明。以紫光金塗佛形像。自爾已來。世世生生。身常圓滿紫金光聚。此紫金光比丘尼等。即我眷屬。同時發心。我觀世間六塵變壞。唯以空寂修於滅盡。身心乃能度百千劫。猶如彈指。我以空法成阿羅漢。世尊說我頭陀為最。妙法開明。銷滅諸漏。佛問圓通。如我所證。法因為上。