
Shurangama Qingx (go-34)

Maitreya Posad an' jyrui vreh kiw, hiongr Vuddyy ee kax qnialew, suar qra Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw sniu kiw ingxsii qingquer bersux biser din'aix hiacc je sowliong ee qiab, u hy juer Zit Guec Bingg Dingx ee vut cursir. Guaw duer hitt xee vut cutqex, simx iauxx diwdiong sewqanx ee miasniax, hingr qapp bongrjok qauvuee. Hitt sii sewjunx qar guaw siulen hagsiap dna' simx ee iwsig zibdnia laii zip samadhi. Qinglik busor qiab ixlaii, ixx jitt xee samadhi hogsai naxx Ganges Hyy ee suax hiacc je sowliong ee vut, duiqiuu sewqanx miasniax ee simliamrtinghiyh siaubet byy .kir. Qaur qaxx Diamw Dingx Vut dirr sewqanx cuthen, guaw jiacc singjiu busiong bibiau uanbuanw, simx u iwsig ee samadhi. Simrjiww qaur liauxjin kongbuu Zulaii qoktow, cingkir, lacsab, u, iacc byy, jiaxee longxx si guaw venwhuar soxx henxhen. Sewjunx, guaw liauxgno cincniu jitt kuanw si dna' simx iwsig ee enqor. Iwsig ee vunxsingr u bubanrsor ee Zulaii lrauu .cud .laii. Jitmaw did diyc juer inwqir, tangx jiapsuar vow vut ee xui. Vuddyy mng quanhe uanbuanw tongdat. Jimjiog quancad sibhongx dna' iwsig. Simx ee iwsig uanbuanw bingqngx, zip uanbuanw vniwjniaa jinsit. Qapp inai tazinn ixqip qewsngr jipdiok li hng hng, singjiu byy snix-siw qapp hamzimw ee qongqyw. Guaw zinruii jitt hxang vaii derr id."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --34)
Maitreya Bodhisattva arose from his seat, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, and said to the Buddha, "I remember when, as many eons ago as there are fine motes of dust, a Buddha named Light of Sun, Moon and Lamp appeared in the world. Under that Buddha I left the home life; yet I was deeply committed to worldly fame and liked to associate with people of good families. Then the World Honored One taught me to cultivate Consciousness-only Concentration, and I entered that samádhi. For many eons I have made use of that samádhi as I served as many Buddhas as there are sand grains in the Ganges. My seeking for worldly name and fame ceased completely and never recurred. When Burning Lamp Buddha appeared in the world, I finally accomplished the unsurpassed, wonderfully perfect Samádhi of Consciousness. I went on until, to the ends of empty space, all the lands of the Thus Come One, whether pure or defiled, existent or non-existent, were transformations appearing from my own mind. World Honored One, because I understand Consciousness Only, limitless Thus Come Ones flow forth from this nature of consciousness. Now I have received the prediction that I will be the next to take the Buddha’s place. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. I intensely contemplated the ten directions as originating only from consciousness. When the consciousness is perfect and bright, one perfects wisdom that perceives ultimate reality. One leaves behind reliance on others and attachment to incessant calculating and attains the patience with the non-existence of beings and dharmas. That is the foremost means."

彌勒菩薩。即從座起。頂禮佛足。而白佛言。我憶往昔經微塵劫。有佛出世。名日月燈明。我從彼佛 而得出家。心重世名。好遊族姓。爾時世尊。教我修習唯心識定。入三摩地。歷劫已來。以此三昧事恒沙佛。求世名心歇滅無有。至然燈佛出現於世。我乃得成無上妙圓識心三昧。乃至盡空如來國土淨穢有無。皆是我心變化所現。世尊。我了如是唯心識故。識性流出無量如來。今得授記。次補佛處。佛問圓通。我以諦觀十方唯 識。識心圓明。入圓成實。遠離依他及遍計執。得無生忍。斯為第一。

