"Ix diamr dirr kangx, byy siongwtew, qapp byy ngwbang, byy soxx jyr iarr byy soxx
kiw, quancad henrsiong cincniu huanwingw. Ix ham' okgenn li hng hng, jiacc be hai
qaqi qycc hai vadd langg, horsiongx longxx laii siurhai. Ix siuhak senrgenn, lirig qaqi qycc lirig vadd langg, liw guaw longxx u lirig. Ix kiwsag qokqax qapp ong'ui, dngrjuat jaivyw qapp sik'iok, qaqi siuhing lak xee paramita, qycc qar langg' siuhing. Ix dirr busor qiab lairdew luixjig qongdig, bylun dirr dyhh cutsir, suijai ix beh dic :ee, buliong vyxbut jurzenn cuthen laii hueingr. Ix qauwhuar busor jiongwsingx hro inx ansinx-libbing, diamr dirr busiong jinsit ee dy. Ix ursii cutsir jyr diongxjiaw, qusu, dirr junquir qadingg cutsir; ursii jyr Kshatriya qnongg iacc dngw lenw singwder; ursii jyr Lak Iok Tnix ee tnijuw simrjiww Brahma Ongg. Ix suwsiongg ixx sir hxang mic qiongqingr qiongriongw itcer vut, jitt kuanw ee qongdig qongw be liauw. Ix ee cuir cud cingpangx cingkir ee bi kyxviw cnisig lenhuex, sintew soxu ee mngkangx cud dnuahniux ee pangbi, hitt xee pangbi snruar qaur buliong sewqair. Ix ee binriongg duanjniar, siongwtew digvet bixbiau. Ix ee
ciuw suwsiongg cud byy qiongjin ee dinvyw, ihok, imxsit, dinquir bixbiau ee pangx huex, diuduan ee iamxsnuar, donghuanx, qapp jonggiamm ee kiwqu. Cincniu jiaxee su, ciauuat soxu langg qapp tenzinn, dirr itcer henrsiong tangx did jurjai."
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 16)
"He dwelt in the realization that all dharmas are empty, devoid of distinctive features, and not to be sought after, and that they neither act nor arise; he thus realized that all dharmas are like magical creations. He avoided all wrong speech that would bring harm upon himself or others or both; he engaged in right speech that would bring benefit to himself or others or both. He abandoned his kingdom and renounced the throne, leaving behind wealth and sensuous pleasures. Practicing the Six Paramitas himself, he taught others to do the same. During innumerable kalpas, he accumulated merits and amassed virtues. Wherever he was born, an immeasurable stock of treasure spontaneously appeared as he wished. He taught countless sentient beings and guided them on the path of the highest, true Enlightenment. He was reborn as a rich man, a lay devotee, a member of the highest caste or of a noble family, a ksatriya king, a wheel-turning monarch, a king of one of the six heavens in the world of desire, or even higher, as a Brahma-king. He revered and worshipped all Buddhas by making the four kinds of offering to them. The merit he thus acquired was indescribably great. Fragrance issued from his mouth as from a blue lotus-flower, and every pore of his body emitted the scent of sandalwood, which permeated innumerable worlds. His appearance was majestic, and his physical characteristics and marks were truly wonderful. From his hands, inexhaustible treasures, clothes, food and drink, rare and exquisite flowers and incense, silken canopies, banners, and other ornaments were produced. In such manifestations he was unrivaled among all heavenly and human beings. He thus attained the command of all dharmas."
"He dwelt in the realization that all dharmas are empty, devoid of distinctive features, and not to be sought after, and that they neither act nor arise; he thus realized that all dharmas are like magical creations. He avoided all wrong speech that would bring harm upon himself or others or both; he engaged in right speech that would bring benefit to himself or others or both. He abandoned his kingdom and renounced the throne, leaving behind wealth and sensuous pleasures. Practicing the Six Paramitas himself, he taught others to do the same. During innumerable kalpas, he accumulated merits and amassed virtues. Wherever he was born, an immeasurable stock of treasure spontaneously appeared as he wished. He taught countless sentient beings and guided them on the path of the highest, true Enlightenment. He was reborn as a rich man, a lay devotee, a member of the highest caste or of a noble family, a ksatriya king, a wheel-turning monarch, a king of one of the six heavens in the world of desire, or even higher, as a Brahma-king. He revered and worshipped all Buddhas by making the four kinds of offering to them. The merit he thus acquired was indescribably great. Fragrance issued from his mouth as from a blue lotus-flower, and every pore of his body emitted the scent of sandalwood, which permeated innumerable worlds. His appearance was majestic, and his physical characteristics and marks were truly wonderful. From his hands, inexhaustible treasures, clothes, food and drink, rare and exquisite flowers and incense, silken canopies, banners, and other ornaments were produced. In such manifestations he was unrivaled among all heavenly and human beings. He thus attained the command of all dharmas."
(佛說無量壽經 - 16)