qra Ananda qongw, "Hitt sii, Huatjong Bikiu qra jiaxee guan qongw liauw, iong erdew ee jimgensix qycc qongw:
'Guaw lip ciauuat sewqanx ee guan
Vitdnia beh drat qaur busiong ee dy
Jitt xee guan narr byy jiokguan
Libser m cruw jniawsiong qakgo
dirr buliong qiab
Narr byy jyr dua sijuw
Poxpenr qiuwjer sanwciah qapp
siurkow :ee
Libser m cruw jniawsiong qakgo
singjiu vuddy
Miasniax ciauuat sibhongx
Qiuwzenn suacc u byy tniax .diyc .ee
Libser m cruw jniawsiong qakgo
Lirkuix iogbong qycc jniawliam cimx
Cingjing ee diwhui siulen senrhingg
Jiwbong jniaa jyr busiong jiwjunx
Jyr jiongww tenzinn qapp langg ee sensnix
cud dua qngx
Poxpenr jiyr dirr buvenx ee toxde
Siauduu snax hxang
Qiuwjer jiongwsingx ee koxeh
Qra inx
kuix diwhui-ganw
Siaubet budix, cnimii, qapp oamr
Qra soxu og dy trad .kiw .laii
Tangx tongdat qaur sxen ee mngg
Qongdig singjiu uanbuanw
Uigii ee qngx huatsia qaur sibhongx
Kamr quer zidguat
ee qonghuix
Tnix ee qngx unxbii be binghen
jiongwsingx kuix Hxuad ee vyxkor
Qongxkuah si'uw qongdig ee dinvyw
Suwsiongg dirr
dairjiongr lairdew
Iong sraix qiyr ee sniax suathuad
itcer vut
Jiongxjiongw dikhing ee qinvunw longxx jiauvi
Guan diwhui longxx singjiu uanbuanw
Tangx jyr samqair ee juxjnaiw
Kyxviw vut buliong ee diwhui
Tongdat siwqer byy jit xui byy jiyr .diyc
Guan guaw
qongdig ee ligliong
Tangx ham' jueww iusiur ee jiwjunx qang dringw
guanrbang narr sidhen
Daircenx sewqair ingdongx e qamxdong
Hukongx jiongww
E lyc dinquir ee huex-ho'"
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 14)
The Buddha said to Ananda, "The Bhiksu
Dharmakara, having thus proclaimed those vows, spoke the following verses:
I have made vows, unrivaled in all the world; I will certainly reach the
unsurpassed Way. If these vows should not be fulfilled, May I not attain
perfect Enlightenment.
If I should not become a great benefactor In lives to come for immeasurable kalpas to save the poor and the afflicted everywhere, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.
When I attain Buddhahood, my Name shall be heard throughout the ten quarters; should there be any place where it is not heard, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.
Free of greed and with deep, perfect mindfulness And pure wisdom, I will perform the sacred practices; I will seek to attain the unsurpassed Way and become the teacher of devas and humans.
With my divine power I will display great light, Illuminating the worlds without limit, and dispel the darkness of the three defilements; thus I will deliver all beings from misery.
Having obtained the eye of wisdom, I will remove the darkness of ignorance; I will block all the evil paths And open the gate to the good realms.
When merits and virtues are perfected, my majestic light shall radiate in the ten quarters, outshining the sun and the moon and surpassing the brilliance of the heavens.
I will open the Dharma-store for the multitudes And endow them all with treasures of merit. Being always among the multitudes, I will proclaim the Dharma with the lion's roar.
I will make offerings to all the Buddhas, thereby acquiring roots of virtue. When my vows are fulfilled and my wisdom perfected, I shall be the sovereign of the three worlds.
Like your unhindered wisdom, O Buddha, mine shall reach everywhere, illuminating all; may my supreme wisdom be like yours, Most Excellent Honored One.
If these vows are to be fulfilled, let this universe of a thousand million worlds shake in response and let all the devas in heaven rain down rare and marvelous flowers."
(佛說無量壽經 - 14)
If I should not become a great benefactor In lives to come for immeasurable kalpas to save the poor and the afflicted everywhere, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.
When I attain Buddhahood, my Name shall be heard throughout the ten quarters; should there be any place where it is not heard, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.
Free of greed and with deep, perfect mindfulness And pure wisdom, I will perform the sacred practices; I will seek to attain the unsurpassed Way and become the teacher of devas and humans.
With my divine power I will display great light, Illuminating the worlds without limit, and dispel the darkness of the three defilements; thus I will deliver all beings from misery.
Having obtained the eye of wisdom, I will remove the darkness of ignorance; I will block all the evil paths And open the gate to the good realms.
When merits and virtues are perfected, my majestic light shall radiate in the ten quarters, outshining the sun and the moon and surpassing the brilliance of the heavens.
I will open the Dharma-store for the multitudes And endow them all with treasures of merit. Being always among the multitudes, I will proclaim the Dharma with the lion's roar.
I will make offerings to all the Buddhas, thereby acquiring roots of virtue. When my vows are fulfilled and my wisdom perfected, I shall be the sovereign of the three worlds.
Like your unhindered wisdom, O Buddha, mine shall reach everywhere, illuminating all; may my supreme wisdom be like yours, Most Excellent Honored One.
If these vows are to be fulfilled, let this universe of a thousand million worlds shake in response and let all the devas in heaven rain down rare and marvelous flowers."
(佛說無量壽經 - 14)