cingjing, li iok, jigbet, qapp jinsit ee ywgi, sunrtanr snax vyw ee lat, byy soxx
qniax, byy qiongrtongx ee Hxuad, sunrtanr diwhui tongdat ee posad qapp sniabunn soxx
qniaa ee dy. Byy junjai snax og dy koxlan ee miaa, dna' u jurzenn kuaiwlok ee
imsniax. Mrjiacc qongxx hitt xee qog ee miaa qiyr jyr qiglok.
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 28)
Accords with the principles of purity, absence
of desires, extinction, and reality. One is in harmony with the Three
Treasures, the Buddha's powers, fearlessness and special qualities, and also
with supernatural powers and other methods of practice for bodhisattvas and
shravakas. Not even the names of the three realms of suffering are heard there,
but only Nirvanic sounds of bliss. For this reason, that land is called 'Peace
and Bliss'.
(佛說無量壽經 - 28)